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Hydrocodone Experience
by E
Citation:   E. "Hydrocodone Experience: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp1546)". Sep 11, 2000.

23 mg oral Hydrocodone (extract)
I was prescribed Vicoprofen (hydrocodone and ibuprofen) after having my wisdom teeth removed. I took only one pill (7.5 mg hydrocodone) and was _extrememly_ sick. Of course, I had not eaten for twelve hours because of the surgery. When I returned to the little bottle for recreational purposes several months later my stomach gave me no trouble so taking opiates on an empty stomach is not advisable for first timers and _will_ make a difference.

I extracted the hydrocodone using the same method as described in the codeine FAQ as ibuprofen is only slightly water soluable. My first dose was 15 mg or two pills-- theraputic doses range from 5-10 mgs--and I found 23.5 mg to be optimum. At this dose I become very relaxed and mellow. The world around me is of no real concern, everything is a-okay. A good example of this is the fact that as my peak ends (to say 'come down from peak' would be inaccurate) about two hours after ingestion I get very itchy. At the time I am aware that I am really fucking itchy and should be going crazy _but_ it really doesn't bother me. So I itch, so what! It's no big deal, everything's, as I said, a-okay! It's great. At higher doses I find it too hard to stay awake to enjoy myself.

All in all, I have found hydrocodone to be a wonderful drug, great for forgetting your troubles for an evening. But unfortunately addictive like any other opiate :(

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1546
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 11, 2000Views: 38,701
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Hydrocodone (111) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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