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The Craziest Night of My Life
Citation:   JailBait. "The Craziest Night of My Life: An Experience with Ketamine (exp13645)". Mar 23, 2018.

60 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
My father is a Vet is I always knew that at his hospital there was Ketaset. I've read many articles about doing ketamine and the ketaset is pretty concentrated (100mg/ml). One day my dad had brought his bag home to work on a cat and I noticed that in the bag he had some Ketaset. I read the dosage and effects and decided that night I would try some.

Around 10 pm everyone in my house was asleep so I went where his bag was and took it into my room. I read the bottle carefully and thought to myself ' I've snorted many drugs, and taken many orally, but was I really going to be able to shoot myself intramuscular?' I then decided what the hell and found two 1. Cc syringes he had in his bag and filled both syringes (therefore I had taken 200mg out of the bottle but since its 100mg/ml and it was a 10ml bottle that was halfway empty it wasn't noticeable). I then returned the bag back to where I had gotten it from making sure everything in the bag was back to the way it had been originally. I then went back to my room and placed one of the syringes in a hiding spot thinking ' Well I'll do this and see if I like it and if I don't I'll sell the other syringe to someone and if I do I'll do the other one for some other time.'

I knew that the onset only takes about 1-5 minutes so I proceeded to put three cd's into my player that I felt would be good to listen to, turned on my three blacklights, my lava lamp, and my static ball, then sat down and wondered where to inject the ketaset. I decided on my right leg thigh but everytime I went to put the needle in for some reason I couldn't do it, then I eventually tightened the skin on my leg, lifted the needle and dropped it like a dart into my leg, it didn't hurt at all and the needle was in so everything was good. I then started to inject the liquid and it stung a little but not too bad. I decided to only take 60mg since I though 100 for a first time might be too much. When I reached the 60 mark I took the needle out and stood up, my muscle in my thigh was extremely sore so I hopped over to my hiding spot and placed the other syringe next to the first one thinking I'll use it again some other time. I then got back to my bed quickly and turned my cd player on ' Scramble' and then turned out my lights. The time that I injected the ketaset was around 10:30.

Within 2 minutes after lying down I began to feel somewhat numb and immobile. Two more minutes later my posters and ceiling began to spin rapidly, but not making me feel dizzy at all. 5 minutes after that the full effects were on and my sights were so delayed that my telephone rang and picked it up and was already attempting to speak, but although I had the phone to my ear I was still seeing myself picking it up. After having a very difficult time talking on the phone because I would hear myself talk and it sounded as if I was talking down a tunnel and the people on the other line sounded the same, so very shortly after they called I hung up the phone. I then began to just stare at my static ball for some reason it was extremely fascinating to me. I attempted to stand to go touch the ball but my body would not allow me to. all I could do was turn in my bed and hardly lift any part of my body, so I then just lay there staring at the ball once again. Then a Chemical Brothers song ' Star Guitar' came onto my cd player and I began to feel myself entering into the music. I felt as if I was falling past many bright lights as if I was on Space Mountain at Disney World. The rest of the time was pretty much spent going on adventures and staring at the different objects in my room.

The extreme experiance lasted for a little over an hour although it felt as if it were days. The after effects lasted for about 2 hours and they were still spent going on mild adventures and seeing little hallucinations kinda of like out of the corner of your eye things, but I was able to walk and go to the bathroom and speak some. The overal experiance of Ketamine was very nice, I had nothing horrifying like a lot of people see and I just felt very peaceful (and very numb). I will probably do it again, but not as much as I do other drugs because I still like being able to function even when I'm extremely messed up.

My final thoughts are that Ketamine is very powerful, and you shouldn't over do it or the experiance may be bad, but if you do it correctly it can be extremely good. Have fun, and be careful.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13645
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 23, 2018Views: 1,469
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Ketamine (31) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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