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Infinite Planes
Citation:   gravel. "Infinite Planes: An Experience with LSD (exp118570)". Jan 6, 2025.

4 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  15 mg oral Unknown (edible / food)
I consider myself experienced with psychedelics, although only with LSD and shrooms. Before this trip I had been doing a high dose trip 1-2 times a month, shrooms (varying from 3.5g to 7g) or LSD. I like to push myself and I’ve had nothing but amazing trips, so I thought I’d try a 4-tab trip.

Setting and Mindset
My apartment is very cozy and I feel comfortable there so I decided to do this one alone. There are many plants, some with huge leaves, some with spines. There are two digeridoos, one with beautiful red dots painted on it, and a large gourd with the same pattern. There are paintings, a highly textured plaster canvas, and a tapestry full of flowers and mountains and moons. There are two rugs, both with lovely designs and texture. My mindset going into this trip was simply to have an awesome trip. I have had nothing but good trips and don’t know if I ever will, so I felt confident, and excited.
My mindset going into this trip was simply to have an awesome trip. I have had nothing but good trips and don’t know if I ever will, so I felt confident, and excited.

I put 4 tabs under my tongue at 10:30 am and sat down on the couch to watch TV. I felt it come on and after about 30 minutes I was definitely high, but with only subtle visuals. I had planned to listen to The Piper at the Gates of Dawn or Magical Mystery Tour, so I went to my room, put headphones on, pulled my toque down over my eyes and played Blue Jay Way by the Beatles. After a few more songs I pulled off my toque and saw the ceiling as intense static, white but containing all the colours at once. Like a rainbow imprinted on static. The blank walls were filled with a honey comb of a specific shape I see every time I take mushrooms: Both a pentagon and a hexagon at the same time, with flowing curves going down or up to the middle, alternating. This can’t be drawn or constructed. When I closed my eyes I saw moving spiralling rings of infinite colourful fractals. A black background 3D graph with blue, green, and pink neon cures danced around, sometimes leaving fading trails. With open eyes I watched my hands be followed by trails of ether. I could fling ether with my hand, grab it.

The” white but containing all colours at once” is called the ether from now on. It can be a field or a tangible object, with 0, 1, 2, or 3 dimensions.

At this point until near the end of the trip all surfaces filled with fractals and penta-hexagons. I sat on the couch and observed to flower tapestry. The lines on the flowers darkened and lightened, became animated and the tallest flowers bloomed to the moon with such excellence. This tapestry was truly alive and beautiful. Then I put on my headphones again and listened to music for probably 40 minutes to an hour. I closed my eyes and let the music work its magic, creating all kinds of spiralling colourful fractals. With open eyes I looked at my thighs and the trails left from me moving them were so thick that it appeared just one solid, giant leg. Sometimes I walked around searching form trippy stuff to look at. Playing with the ether. Every song was so impactful to me. I was so happy. The thick trails left by my limbs, the all-colour tint in the air. When I would open my eyes I would see blue spots on the walls. Pins on a map appeared and disappeared when I looked around.

I worked up the courage to go out for a smoke, so I went out to the alley. It felt great to be outside. It was early December and we just had a warm spell so it wasn’t too cold but still snowy and pretty. I would look down at my feet and the snow crystals would extend and glimmer with ether. Within these crystals were geometric patterns, and altogether they formed large scale geometric patterns, imprinted on the snow with glimmering ether outlines. A rose tint was all around, especially on the snow.
When I got back to my apartment something was different. When I walked by a door or corner, hard lines continued on with me. Spaces were filled with a 3D grid of singular points. My room was filled by a 1-foot grid. I took 15mg edibles then it was time to look at the plants. My favourite plant, a mistletoe cactus, is beautiful. I love her. The hair-like spines on the geometrically branching cactus were extended to infinity in both directions in a 1-dimensional line of ether. An absolutely beautiful sight. Large leaves of plants created infinite slicing 2D planes of ether. Ether tinted the air.

With more music I laid down again, this time on the floor. As it built up, the music was amazing. A few songs later I was lost in close-eyed visuals. I was flying through fractal tunnels with eyes for walls. It would bend, come to an intersection, go straight etc.…) Through these tunnels I found what I can only describe as having sex with the universe. Not sexual but like full surrender, lost in her arms. I saw giant green-blue lips, it was joyful. I zoomed through more tunnels and I was greeted by the most beautiful women, giant faces made of flowing fractal eyes. I enjoyed being in their presence. But I heard people say on DMT sometimes you shouldn’t follow entities you see in a trip, so I said goodbye to them.

I decided to be brave and go to park 4 blocks away. When it gets warm in the winter there is so much slush, so the walk there wasn’t fun but sitting down on the bench at the park was worth it. Before I even sat down I saw the bench going crazy, all the scratches and fibres moving around quickly. I sit on it anyway, and light up a smoke. The clouds are jumping all around the sky for me, going in and out of different configurations. There is a fair bit of blue sky however. I look up at the blue sky. It was tinted. It contained all colours while remaining blue. As birds flew, they left bird-trails behind them, making wakes in the all-colour grid of ether. As they turned mathematical curves followed their motion. This world must contain another field.

I returned home and watched ski videos. Wasn’t super trippy but I was around 6 hours in and I was at that wide-view level, so watching YouTube was fun. After about half an hour I saw through the window that everything outside was pink, around 4:30, so I decided that this is the ultimate final smoke break. Stepped outside and immediately I was completely surrounded by pink. It faded about 5 minutes later, but once I was at the bench I was in for a treat. The clouds to the west were extremely red. It was like lava flowing down rocks. Levels of the smooth clouds would appear to flow. I couldn’t look away until the entire thing was just slightly yellow. My roommate said it was a psychedelic sunset and he saw it sober from his car.

When I returned it was dark, and I decided I would watch my favourite podcast, the William Montgomery Show. It’s in front of a green screen and it changes images so it’s fun to see the different pictures, see little trippy things in there.

My roommate got home around 7 and we hung out, talking about existential stuff. This was a good comedown, watching the podcast and hanging out with him. The topographic map behind him was actually coming out in 3 dimensions so it was hard to focus. It took a long time to truly come down, so I watched YouTube until going to sleep at around midnight.

This trip was a lot of fun. LSD makes a day more like a journey, discovering things while leaving the past and present behind. Having a familiar place like a comfy living room with good vibes is a great place to do this amount of LSD in my opinion.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118570
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jan 6, 2025Views: 16
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)

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