Diet LSD
Citation: Sheacifur777. "Diet LSD: An Experience with 1CP-AL-LAD (exp118560)". Jan 6, 2025.
150 ug | sublingual | 1cP-AL-LAD | (blotter / tab) |
Kratom | (daily) |
BODY WEIGHT: | 190 lb |
As a side note I ingest kratom daily but I waited till the effects of my last dose wore off (about 5-6) hrs.
Thanksgiving night this year concluded with my roommates and I chillin on the couch with not much to do. I figured lets celebrate and pulled out my goodie bag containing a wide variety of rcs and scheduled compounds. I ended up giving two roommates a hit of LSD while I decided to take 1CP-AL-LAD to kinda gauge the difference in effects compared to LSD.
The tabs are ingested. I have a relatively empty stomach. I held the tab under my tongue in a traditional sense. No taste of any sort came from the blotter tab whatsoever.
It came on very slowly. I'd say it took about an hour to feel any effects at all, whereas I can feel the initial effects of LSD after about 30 minutes.
I'd say it took about an hour to feel any effects at all, whereas I can feel the initial effects of LSD after about 30 minutes.
The visual effects started at about 1:15 minutes in. Visual acuity was enhanced. Colors started to really pop. I began to think "Hey this might actually get pretty visual".
At about the 2 hr mark I started to peak. The physical effects were amazing though. A very steady feeling of stimulation that was not overpowering. Virtually no stomach discomfort was experienced at all. Musical appreciation was heightened and I felt great. I remember thinking that this compound would work amazingly as an aid to study or focus. I sat down and watched ancient aliens which is my typical trip show when I can't find anything else to catch my interest. Very little visual effects occurred. Some interesting lava lamp like morphing when I viewed my phone to text and message people. Color enhancement was pronounced. I found it interesting that it actually increased my ability to socialize. My roommates were on a full on visual journey with the tabs I provided them. I could tell they were definitely higher than I was.
The peak lasted about 3-4 hrs and began with a very steady incline and the decline followed in a similar manner. Very smooth transition both ways. I spend the rest of the night eating surprisingly. Usually I don't eat much while on lysergamides, especially during the peak. But yeah the food tasted amazing. This compound seems to be something I could use in a social situation like a concert or with some friends. I tend to use more visual compounds alone because I view the psychedelic journey to be a very personal thing.
At about 6-7 hrs later I was back at baseline. Slight effects lingered for the rest of the night before I fell asleep. I'd say the stimulation lasted a total of 7-10 hrs.
Conclusion: Very light lysergamide that reflects similar effects of LSD. I'd say the physical effects were way lighter. Less tactile effects along with less stomach discomfort in comparison. Beautiful effects on the mind when it comes to cognitive enhancement and analytical thinking. Less of an altered headspace than LSD. I definitely was able to maintain focus. I didn't get much from it visually at all. Besides slight warping and colors being enhanced. I did notice that it was unique in its visual aspects. The best way to describe it would be that the warping was more widespread across my vision? Maybe I'm just not very sensitive to it? If I have the chance, I will definitely try this compound at a larger dose. I feel like 450ug would be an amazing experience. Because yeah other reports I had seen displayed this compound to be quite visual. I'd recommend this compound to someone that is new to lysergamides. It would also be great for a light journey with friends.
Exp Year: 2024 | ExpID: 118560 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: 34 | |
Published: Jan 6, 2025 | Views: 15 |
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1cP-AL-LAD (952) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17) |
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