One Foot in and Another Foot Out
Lisdexamfetamine, Changa & DMT
Citation: Debita. "One Foot in and Another Foot Out: An Experience with Lisdexamfetamine, Changa & DMT (exp118529)". Jan 9, 2025.
DOSE: T+ 0:00 |
50 mg | oral | Lisdexamfetamine | (daily) |
T+ 11:00 | 3 hits | smoked | Changa |
BODY WEIGHT: | 164 lb |
A friend had given me the chemical DMT freebase, and Changa. Loaded up the little glass bong with equal dosage of each. Took the recommended dose to blast off. This in the past would send me into a full trip.
The noise (singing bowl sound) was unusually lower pitched, It seemed to have been cutting in and out like a radio frequency. My mind was half tripped. I saw the patterns and shapes, along with the lower pitch. On the left side the trip tipped sideways as I saw the snakes and grid patterns. I was conscious in my room and I did not feel the blast-off. Side trip lasted all of 3 to 4 minutes, then left.
I felt tethered to this realm and not able to be in the trip fully.
I felt tethered to this realm and not able to be in the trip fully.
This has happened with Elvanse similarly on a 3g dose of magic mushrooms. Where I felt the come up, but then nothing happened.
I hypothesise that Elvanse prohibits something in the brain that makes the connection in order to enjoy the full expierience
Exp Year: 2022 | ExpID: 118529 |
Gender: Female | |
Age at time of experience: Not Given | |
Published: Jan 9, 2025 | Views: 15 |
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DMT (18), Changa (816) : Alone (16), Combinations (3) |
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