Wrong Time, Wrong Place, Wrong Person
DMT & Salvia divinorum
Citation: McConaug. "Wrong Time, Wrong Place, Wrong Person: An Experience with DMT & Salvia divinorum (exp118527)". Erowid.org. Jan 10, 2025. erowid.org/exp/118527
3 g | smoked | Salvia divinorum |
60 g | smoked | DMT |
BODY WEIGHT: | 170 lb |
Now, it should be needless to say that I was not in a good headspace to be trying DMT, especially sandwiched between leaves of salvia. But, I felt I needed some escape. I thought the DMT would take me to some far away, mystical realm, beautiful and complex.
I packed the bowl with the sandwich method at first, but doing that, I didn't accomplish anything, so I decided to just dust the top with 60 mg of the DMT. I knew this was a lot, but I figured that since I was not using an effective vaporization method it wouldn't hit me so hard.
I figured that since I was not using an effective vaporization method it wouldn't hit me so hard.
I take one hit, then another great big drag, spewing the smoke out of the window. Immediately I feel heavy and off. The ringing came, and then while on my feet, I was immobilized. I tried to lay down on my bed, but then I was ripped away from reality. My bed transformed into a number of other indescribable things, and a voice told me that I could not have it. I've done too many things wrong. I'd gotten caught doing bad things. I'm an outcast. I don't deserve sleep. Strange blue green and red shapes flashed in place of reality for a while, until reality started to merge with hallucination. I found it in myself to move forward and tuck myself into the bed I knew was there but could not see.
The terror was unbelievable. It was worse than anything I'd ever experienced - an unparalleled dread.
Normally comforting things offered me no respite from the feelings of failure, disappointment, and resentment. Inside me was a knot that went on, torturing me for a few minutes straight, causing me to lightly moan and groan to my chagrin.
Over the minutes though, it finally subsided. This experience has made me want to swear off all drugs. I feel incredibly grateful that the feelings were not lasting and that I got past it.
I'm not sure if this was mostly the salvia talking or the DMT, or the combo of both, but it truly was despicable.
Exp Year: 2024 | ExpID: 118527 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: 18 | |
Published: Jan 10, 2025 | Views: 15 |
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DMT (18), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Alone (16) |
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