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Candy Flip w/ Borax Molly
LSD, 5-MAPB, 5-MeO-MiPT & 2-Fluoromethamphetamine
by mxd
Citation:   mxd. "Candy Flip w/ Borax Molly: An Experience with LSD, 5-MAPB, 5-MeO-MiPT & 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (exp118248)". Jan 10, 2025.

T+ 0:00
500 ug   LSD
  T+ 3:50 80 mg oral 5-MAPB
  T+ 3:50 20 mg oral 2-Fluoromethamphetamine
  T+ 3:50 2 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT
  T+ 9:30 80 mg oral 5-MAPB
  T+ 9:30 20 mg oral 2-Fluoromethamphetamine
  T+ 9:30 2 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT
Last (3rd) night of a festival. I came there alone. Good mood, good mental shape, but a bit tired physically.

Dropped 500mcg of LSD. Headed straight to the dancefloor.

First effects felt unusually soon. Tingling on the skin, muscles a bit dense, etc.
First effects felt unusually soon. Tingling on the skin, muscles a bit dense, etc.
Dancing always helps come up easier physically.

The music is beautiful. At the same time mildly unpleasant come-up feelings are still present. CEVs are a kaleidoscope of geometry, but somehow a bit blurred. With open eyes it's good old reality, just a bit more vivid. The headspace is this sort of confusion veil that always comes to me on LSD come up. Things are not clear, mood is uncertain. But since all I have to do is listen to music and dance, it doesn't bother me.

The set just ended. It was very beautiful, and coming away from the dancefloor I realise just how high I am. And I am SUPER high. I manage to buy water. God bless NFC payments. I decide to go to another, main dancefloor. In transition, it becomes even more apparent that I am incredibly high. OEVs are... Colourful noise overlaying reality? I don't dare check CEVs. I don't trust myself to loiter around, make sound decisions or socialise. I feel like I need to get to the next dancefloor and anchor myself there, because I am really way too high to do anything else.

I am at the next dancefloor. The come up is over, I am at the peak. I feel quite good physically. Mentally, I am largely focused on the DJ and the music. The music is even more beautiful now. I feel very sensitive. I feel a lot of love for the experience, for the community, for the DJ. I try to express it through dance.

It feels like DJ is adjusting the music to fit with how I move. I feel like the star of the night. Usually I would laugh at this thought and forget it, but I actually begin to believe it. I also believe that this is some sort of a special unscheduled surprise-show. A gift from the organisers to the community. In reality it was a regular, planned set, but in the moment I really believed it was not.

I drop a Borax Molly (5-MAPB + 2-FMA + 5-MeO-MiPT) pill.

T+05:00 (approx.)
I begin to flip (5-MAPB kicking in, I assume). But then I get very confused (I assume that's when 5-MeO-MiPT kicked in). I don't understand if I am an individual, or the crowd, or the universe. I feel like DJ is giving me clues by changing the music based on my reasoning (I think in words, mostly). I also begin to hear the thoughts of the people in crowd. This lasts for some 25 minutes, maybe. Then the music ends.

After the music stopped, I am still a bit confused. The sun is getting up, I look around, and reality doesn't feel real. I am still in this "I am the universe?" sort of mode. Everything I see is a bit wobbly and still covered in the colourful noise. I take a walk to another dancefloor, trying to process the experience. I didn't expect it to be that intense. I need a few hours to collect myself.

After pulling myself together I drop another Borax Molly pill. I don't roll much, but it definitely made me feel more social. I dance and socialise with people around me.

At this point I am too tired to continue. I chill for a bit near the dancefloor and then go home.

All in all, it was a very fun experience, but too intense, for my tastes. I think I should have done less LSD, because on the peak there I didn't feel in control. I was lucky to have met cool, fun people on the dancefloor. I didn't really have any control over my emotional state. 300-350mcg of LSD would also be intense, but leave me well-poised emotionally. It would be beautiful, but at the same time I would be able to hold a meaningful conversation, walk away, operate my phone, etc. I don't enjoy being so high that I feel delusional.
I don't enjoy being so high that I feel delusional.
I prefer my drugs to enhance reality, not overtake it.

I also think that 5-MeO-MiPT doesn't fit candy-flipping. During the flip, I want the headspace to clear, with confusion going away. I want to become more grounded in reality, to turn more outwards. And I think 5-MeO-MiPT did the opposite for me. I didn't feel scared, I can imagine people enjoying this kind of flip. But I was very very confused and a bit annoyed because of it — not something I want from my flips. Next time I'll flip with just 5-MAPB.

Nevertheless, it was an interesting and useful experience.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118248
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jan 10, 2025Views: 15
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2-Fluoromethamphetamine (668), 5-MeO-MIPT (287), 5-MAPB (624), LSD (2) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Combinations (3)

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