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An Absolute Delight
Citation:   ReachingAcrossMysteries. "An Absolute Delight: An Experience with TMA-2 (exp118168)". Jan 8, 2025.

30 mg oral TMA-2
Relevant Personal Experience: Considerable experience with LSD, MDMA, psilocybin, and various forms of DMT, plus flips and other combinations. Minimal experience with mescaline and analogues: one positive San Pedro ceremony, one okay 2C-B experience (22mg), positive nexus flip and allie flip. First experience with TMA-2. No medications or supplements.

Setting: Outdoor rave setting, chilly night, limited access to green space, enjoyable music and friendly crowd. Partner is taking 2C-B.

Set: Some nervousness about trying a new substance, especially given the mixed trip reports I’d read. Concern about dosing and body load especially. Limited sleep the previous two nights and mild hangover from drinking the night prior. Otherwise, feeling good about life with no major issues or questions I wanted to explore.
Limited sleep the previous two nights and mild hangover from drinking the night prior. Otherwise, feeling good about life with no major issues or questions I wanted to explore.

Summary: An absolute delight. The TMA-2 dosing felt just about perfect for me (perhaps because I’d eaten relatively little all day); there was a clear headedness to the experience and relatively little introspection, which felt like my mescaline and 2C-B experiences, but I still felt considerably altered. There was more visual distortion (especially color and acuity enhancement) than I’ve experienced with 2C-B or mescaline and I had a sustained energy and enthusiasm, which felt less forced than an MDMA experience often is. I experienced a few waves of nausea during the first 2 hours (helped by eating some candied ginger) but it was never overwhelming and passed after the 2:00 mark. The whole trip felt like it made me quite porous: when I was around people in the crowd who were rolling, the trip felt very much like an MDMA experience; at other times it felt more like my mescaline and 2C-B trips with a sense of general calm and for a while it felt like an LSD trip, with some interesting/reflective thoughts and visual drifting. I was worried when we returned home (about 5 hours into the trip) that I would lose some of the magic, but even the car ride was a fun and relaxed experience and conversation and lounging at home was excellent. It felt like I had just the right level of energy and enthusiasm for every situation. The whole experience gave the night a patina of joy and curiosity as well as sustained energy. I was able to fall asleep easily roughly 7 hours after the trip began and had no discomfort the next day.

Trip Report:

Morning of: took roughly 200ug as an allergy test.

00:00: Ate some candied ginger cubes and then drank the TMA-2 diluted in a ½ bottle of water. Partner dropped 2C-B at the same time. This was at 6:53PM, just before heading into the party. Had eaten breakfast, a salad for lunch, and a smoothie with coffee at 5PM, considerably lighter than my usual intake.

00:15: First signal, I think, colors seem brighter.

00:40: Definitely feeling it, at a +. I am noticing an increase in energy and my mind feels a little sharper. Light and sound feel better, in a way that’s hard to describe. I am paying a lot of attention to my stomach (since I’m worried about nausea) and it feels a little weird but minimally so.

00:40-1:00: Gradual come up into a ++, reminds me of an acid come up. Dancing and grooving to the music, which sounds great. Feels very gentle and as I approach the hour it’s clear that I’m tripping but I feel lucid and like I could easily have a normal conversation. Still have mild stomach upset.

1:30: Nausea comes in waves and is quite intense for about 20 minutes, where I wonder if I will throw-up. I feel good about it though; it’s not like I am sick, just like I wonder if I will need to vomit (and I am not thrilled about doing so in the porto). For a while moving seems to help but then I sit and dance while seated for a bit. By 1:50 I am feeling through that round of nausea (which ends up being the last)

1:50: +++ I am tripping fully at this point. The time dilation is the wildest part, I can’t believe it’s only been 2 hours. We’ve been dancing almost continuously since dropping. I was a little cold at the start of the trip but am comfortable now, due to the TMA-2 (the temperature has actually dropped as the sun went down).There is a bit of mucous in the back of my throat, similar to my experiences with 2C-B, but it’s not a concern. I feel some jaw tightness, reminiscent of MDA/MDMA, also not unpleasant. My body feels great dancing and I am feeling good and joyful, but I don’t feel my body intensely like I might with MDMA and there also is a clearness of thought and concentration; I could probably read an article or do a math problem if need be. People around me feel friendly and I like dancing around other people, but I don’t feel the need/desire to talk with them or connect like I might in a roll.

3:00 Nausea totally gone, I had a beer which may have helped with any lingering hangover effects and also tasted and felt amazing.

3:30: I feel like I’m coming off the peak, there are gentle waves of intensity. A moment where I feel like I am in an acid trip because of how the world is breathing and melting into itself. Notice brief, LSD-like introspective thoughts when thinking about my partner and our connection, but never feel like I’m unable to control/navigate them. There is a small garden with some grasses, which are beautiful and I spend a while looking at. Still at +++. Eat an empanada at 3:35 which tastes amazing; eating feels exceptionally nice.

3:45-4:45: Dance alone as my partner, who has come down considerably from the 2C-B, is getting tired and wants to sit. I am worried about going home with this much energy still and am enjoying the groove. We make a plan to meet at 4:45 and leave. Dancing still feels great and the high is extremely responsive to the environment--when the crowd and music are right, I feel I could dance forever.

4:45: Call a car, it’s starting to rain slightly, which is pleasant. I am briefly worried about entering a car while still this high (remembering some very unpleasant taxi rides on LSD in my youth). But the 45 minute drive is easy--a moment of stomach upset but it passes almost immediately. I find I have no social anxiety or difficulty sitting still or carrying on a normal conversation (but also no eagerness to talk like on MDMA).

5:45: Stop at a market on the way home, literally everything in the store looks like it will taste amazing and we walk around deciding what will taste best. We grab a bunch of snacks and easily check out. My mood, I would say, is elevated contentment.

6:00-7:00: Eat and have a pleasant conversation on the couch. Very minimal visuals now, probably on a threshold of +++ and ++. I had been worried I’d have too much energy to sit and talk at home (because dancing was feeling so pleasant) but now sitting and talking feels equally pleasant. It is as if I have just the right amount of energy and enthusiasm for the situation: no more, no less.

7:00- Tapering down, though there are waves where the trip (marked by the mescaline-like visual distortions) comes on stronger. Have a relaxing shower and get into bed at roughly 7:30; I am worried I won’t be able to sleep because of trip reports noting a 9+ hour experience, but I fall asleep almost immediately. I get a full, restful 8 hours and wake up feeling very good. I have some post-rave soreness and cloudiness from a few nights of limited sleep the days prior but there is no discernible drug after effect and the next day I feel completely normal.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118168
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Jan 8, 2025Views: 15
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TMA-2 (112) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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