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A Rough Ride
by sc
Citation:   sc. "A Rough Ride: An Experience with MDA (exp117962)". Jan 13, 2025.

140 mg oral MDA
Both my husband and I experienced this medicine (MDA, sassafras) and found it to be a very difficult substance to deal with. It took 2 hours to feel effects and then the experience lasted 8 hours.

It came on as a quickening of heart beat and a rush feeling in the entire body. We drank a lot of water and throughout felt dehydrated. It was an all-consuming physical series of rushes non-stop. He weighs 170 and I 118, we both took what was described as a strong dose, 140 mg and felt no euphoria nor positive feelings, just a sense of urgency and rush that was non-stop. At end we felt exhausted and had tried a hot bath and then a sauna to help mediate the effects to no avail. We finally fell asleep and I had a headache that lasted for three days after. He reported feeling disconnected and out of balance for next two days as well.

Do not see any therapeutic benefits from this formula, it depletes the body for days. Certainly has no therapeutic benefits that we could find.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117962
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 75
Published: Jan 13, 2025Views: 15
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MDA (34) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5)

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