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First Time and Entering the Room
Citation:   Monkeygod. "First Time and Entering the Room: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp117928)". Erowid.org. Jan 11, 2025. erowid.org/exp/117928

1 hit smoked 5-MeO-DMT
  1 hit smoked Cannabis
This was my first time experiencing any type of DMT substance. It was only after that I learned that it was 5-MeO-DMT instead of N,NDMT. I have wanted to try DMT for years. I have considerable experience with both Psilocybin, LSD, and Cannabis, among other things, so this was something that I was excited to finally come to me.

I however had a lot of anxiety going into it. In order to belay any anxiety and fear, I tried to make sure that I had both ritual and security in my consumption.

To set the space, I chose to partake in front of my ancestral altar. I lit my altar and communed with my ancestors. I made offerings and asks. I lit candles incense, and started playing a Tibetan meditative music that included flute. I took off my shoes and watch (times not real), and in my pockets I placed seeds, some metal money, and silk. I always carry a knife and fire. I prepared myself as if I was going on a physical trip, and even brought things to give as gifts to "anyone" I met along the way. I also fasted beforehand for around 6 hours. I didn't eat any food containing animal fats or processed materials. Mostly water for the day and coffee. (I also do this with mushrooms because of the effect it has on my stomach.)

I layered the 5-MeO through a water pipe bowl mixed with 28% THC-A flower. I took one hit, making sure not to torch the bowl, but instead let the cherry run. I inhaled a big hit. I held the hit for approximately 20 seconds or as long as I could and then finally released. I took only 1 hit of the bowl.

I placed the bowl on the ground and exhaled. The smoke was a more blueish and bit harsher than just a THC hit. On exhale it took maybe a handful of seconds before I started experiencing effects. I had a lot of thoughts running through my head and I did my best to not do the thing, where you sit and wonder if "it's happening" and instead went with it.

I initially closed my eyes, but to be honest, the intensity of the psychedelic experience was a lot. Within a minute or less, my closed eye visuals (CEV) far exceeded anything I had experienced on Mushrooms or LSD. I find that usually my CEV is 2 dimensional, flat images, or spirals into depth. However as soon as I closed my eyes. Not only was there the classic fractaling color kaleidoscope, but there was depth - like a Magic Seeing Eye.

I was shocked and opened my eyes. The visual and psychedelic changes to the world with my eyes open included melting, glow, swirling, but I had always intended for my experience to be internal, so I was able to tell myself to close my eyes again. They remained closed for the majority of the rest of the trip.

Once closed, I was back into the Magic Eye room. The depth that I saw was visible as if a cube chamber in a room. The cube started spinning and I followed it down, as I began to lose sense of both the physical boundaries of my body, and eventually Sound also stopped being what it was. My Tibetan meditation music and the oscillation of my fan, blended into nothing, but a sort of collapsed rhythm of each other.

As I started traveling down the spiraling depth, eventually I saw a white orb light at the end. I followed it, and it came up to inspect me.
I saw a white orb light at the end. I followed it, and it came up to inspect me.
It inspected me across my face. I could feel slight heat and a pull, as it moved across my face and over to my arm shoulder. It pulled on me and I found myself in a multi-chambered psychedelic room - Still eyes closed. The colors were purple, black, blue, pinks, whites, etc. (I was sitting under my annual vegetable seed starts, and the grow light could have contributed to these colors.

The chambers reminded me sort of the original DOOM video game. The way you move and the way hallways present themselves. Across the surface of this image there was a rotating kaleidoscope of a face - I perceived this to be a Monkey God (thought when I looked up Hunaman, from Hindu tradition, I cant say that's what it was. But my only thought was "Monkey God"). The white light was still there moving around and at a distance, but it was replaced with a grayish orb that I also perceived as separate and distinct. I followed the grey light through a room, and tunnel. I followed it, and can only understand that it eventually made me feel sort of sad, like it was a focus of negative energy. I was thinking about the world, and internally getting closed/sad.

As I was following/being pulled by it we ended up falling and tumbling down space. (Still high-psychedelic kaleidoscope space though.) Like down a hole. I wasn't really thinking at this point, and I was definitely detached from physical reality as I could not feel the floor, the rug, the bag I was leaning against, or even hear the sound of the physical world. I realized I needed to not fall down this, and I moved my head to look up. Looking up at the grow lights with my eyes closed - I didn't see the purple, pinks and blues of the grow light coming through my eyelids, but a bright blue sky - the top of a dome maybe, but I thought sky, and I also realized that what was happening was my brain was filtering the different colors of the light spectrum, and putting it together into the sky. That I am just living in the perception of reality, but not reality itself.

The feeling of pulling myself from the fall, looking up into the light, and understanding that my body is just a processing machine felt really emergent and great and picked me up from the bit of sadness I felt in the gray orb. I opened my eyes and came back to the room.

At first I was still really psychedelic, unable to kind of grasp where I was or how things around me were connected. My altar glowed, especially the Bull figurine at the center of it. The walls were melting with the classic psychedelic effects - as if in an intense mushroom trip, except fear and anxiety were gone. I allowed myself to come back and the overall visual psychedelic effect to end.

I stepped out of my room, and it was definitely like stepping out of something into normalcy. I got some water, and my first words out loud were just "Holy shit" I collected myself. Smoked a cig, and within 30 mins of coming out of the trip, I was doing yard work, moving mulch to saplings because it was going to freeze that night. Also I was feeling happy. I missed my partner (who was gone for the time) a lot too, but had been experiencing depression and mental health struggles in the weeks before this (though I wasn't in the midst of these feeling when I partook).

***As an aside, I was scared about psychosis and my mental health. Which is why I set the intention with ritual and practice so intensely before hand. I have experienced prolonged psychosis/paranoia after a heavy mushroom trip (7gs dried) when I was 17, and didn't want to have that be the after result of this.
I have experienced prolonged psychosis/paranoia after a heavy mushroom trip (7gs dried) when I was 17, and didn't want to have that be the after result of this.
Which given how intense the psychedelic experience is - is something I consider a possibility***

I waited about an hour before smoking any THC-A flower. I smoked out of a different bowl. I didn't really experience the type of prolonged or effects that sometimes happens when I smoke THC after dosing psilocybin or LSD - though I didn't really feel the need to smoke more after that for the rest of the night.

Personally I think I left the experience way less anxious. I think I got a taste of it. I took a peek behind the curtain, and see that this is a real place. With depth and similarity. I'm excited for the next time, but I really think that this is a drug that should be done with intention and purpose, and that provisions should be made that allows the user to set the scene, set their intentions, create safety, and be used with a purpose instead of abuse.

I think that the next time I partake, I will be outside in nature in the day. Take more then 1 hit. Have a trip sitter nearby, and align it with a time in which the veil is thin, or we have generational experience with ritual - such as Imbolc, Solstice/Equinox, Halloween, May Day etc.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117928
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Jan 11, 2025Views: 15
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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