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Nothing to Write Home About
by k
Citation:   k. "Nothing to Write Home About: An Experience with EiPLA (exp117856)". Jan 8, 2025.

150 ug oral EIPLA (blotter / tab)
-I took a single 150 ug tab, which I was told by an experienced EiPLA user should be equivalent to a 100 ug tab of LSD

-generally positive mood, a little anxious, but that is normal for me
-not concerned about quality of drug, nor the dose
-have a small amount of experience with psilocybin and LSD, and since I know this drug to be familiar I am not too worried about it

-rainy weekend night, alone in house, which is a little scary
-made sure to clean my room, shower, wear comfy clothes, etc
-I normally just spend my trips listening to music in bed, will do the same today

-slight bitter taste, held under tongue for 15 minutes then swallowed

-first signs that something might be happening, light breathing in walls and flashing around edges of vision, identical to what I am used to with LSD
first signs that something might be happening, light breathing in walls and flashing around edges of vision, identical to what I am used to with LSD

-beginning of stomach pains, not too bad

-very weak CEV, to the point where they may just be placebo, swirling patterns
-slight audio enrichment, music seeming to fill more space, individual instruments more easily separable
-looking in mirror my pupils are appearing to slightly dilate and contract randomly, I normally use this as a barometer for the beginning of an experience

-CEV are slightly stronger but still not even close to all-encompassing
-OEV are more distortive then geometric in anyway, portions of room seem blurry or breathing
-no real significant change to headspace, apart from thoughts being slightly hard to keep track of
-around this time I begin to feel some anxiety/vulnerability, tightness in chest as normal, able to come back with some deep breathing

-geometric OEV beginning to arise, identical to LSD, quite weak, have to almost "look" for them by focusing on objects
-listening to music with eyes closed elicits strong feelings of movements
-ex. Peak of Mothra by Leon Vynehall brings strong feelings of rising, and then diving, and being swallowed or something else being swallowed
-some slight emotional upregulation, scary things are scarier, funny things are funnier, but still quite weak

-OEV becoming more obvious, still classic LSD-esque geometric swirling patterns in palms of hand/wooden floor
-CEV are all associated with "objects" not just patterns, unrecognizable machines, structures, or creatures, hard to recognize as they are still not incredibly strong
-slightly enhanced feelings of guilt, more open to accepting that mistakes I have made instead of blaming others, but these feelings are not overwhelmingly strong, still a positive experience
-still feel very comfortable in this headspace, almost "sober", memory distorted, but thought patterns not straying far from normal

-OEV and CEV remaining the same, not increasing much in strength
- note that the CEV can take negative forms if my headspace becomes negative, distorted/disturbing faces or objects that seem to elicit violence arising, but these do not last long
-wrote down "I feel this is not as meaningful an experience as it should be"
-becoming slightly frustrated with this, no increased sense of significance to anything I am doing, do not feel that I am gaining any new insights into myself of my life as has happened before
-feel slightly immature, that I am "just getting stoned" as the experience has essentially been just staring at my hands and listening to music
-however, writing down my thoughts was enjoyable, and I found it easier to just sit and think without any other stimuli, something my short attention span normally doesn't allow

-visuals and mental fog beginning to weaken, OEV still geometric patterns, just harder to find, CEV still present, but almost just "hinting" at hallucinations

-infrequent distortive OEV, flashing, slight breathing of objects
-weak auditory enhancement
-no strong emotional feelings

-OEV still just weak flashing on edges of vision, and minor breathing, CEV not present
-thought feels essentially normal

-fell asleep quickly, and slept fine, woke with a slight headache even though I had been drinking lots of water

-definitely not a negative experience, and was interesting for the sake of itself, but probably the least enjoyable still positive trip I have had
-as mentioned, there was no real strong emotional/spiritual modulation that made the experience feel significant or meaningful, music and the visuals were interesting, but it didn't get much deeper than that
-the strongest feelings I had the whole night were some anxious moments, and some feelings of guilt stronger than normal around some mistakes I have made
-I found myself to be slightly more open to looking at things in new ways, and found that some of my previous negative feelings around some personal issues were softened, but it was significantly weaker than I expected
-maybe this was a result of not coming in to the night with some ideas to be addressed, but I was surprised and frustrated by how pragmatic I felt
-additionally, the experience was quite short, the come-up was very gentle, almost annoyingly slow, but that may have just been me, additionally, the peak lasted around 1.5-2 hours and I felt almost sober around 5-6 hours after dosing
-overall, I think LSD is a much more interesting compound, and don't think I will feel any strong desire to use EiPLA again, but if someone has the goal of trying each substance under the sun, I can't give any real reasons to stay away from this one either

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117856
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 8, 2025Views: 16
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EIPLA (968) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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