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A Body Positive Sexual Awakening
Citation:   AirConditioner. "A Body Positive Sexual Awakening: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp117763)". Jan 14, 2025.

6 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
This is my second experience with psilocybin mushrooms to date, again blue meanies. That morning, I brewed ~11g of them into a peppermint liquorice tea. I had a plan and wanted it to go perfectly leading up to this trip, but in all honesty, it hadn’t. I was upset, overstimulated, having an autistic meltdown and crying in the middle of a grocery store a few hours prior.

I obtained a coffee filter to be able to filter off and strain the mushroom gunk from the tea and the final product was this deep green color. I pour some into a short glass, a dose of ~6g and begin to drink it down. It had this funky sickly sweet taste and felt weird going down my throat.

Twenty or so minutes after finishing the mug, it feels like a very strong edible high on the comeup. I’m looking at the side of a shallow baking plan, seeing patterns manifesting in it, the beauty of one small imperfection repeating itself along the whole edge of the pan. I saw that the floor needed sweeping and began to do it as the house began to feel smaller. My goals for this trip were to confront some bad things like childhood trauma
My goals for this trip were to confront some bad things like childhood trauma
, so I curate my trip playlist a couple days prior to be songs from my childhood. There’s this sense of déjà vu as I’m sitting in my mom’s room and talking to her, feeling as if I’m able to talk to her from a less judgmental place and be vulnerable, as though the conversation I was having with her had been had many times over and to myself beforehand. I lay down on her floor and stare up at the white popcorn ceiling, but rather than white, it had all this added depth and color. Alongside that, I see some tracers from waving my hands in front of me. The bedroom light was very intense as I become still and begin to feel as if I’m dying, going to the light. I wasn’t scared this time though, as it was beautiful, everything around me was.

I eventually stand up again, feeling a bit wobbly at first, and begin feeling overwhelmingly nauseous, unsure where to go. The house felt so small and I didn’t want to be stuck in a small bathroom while tripping, so I make my way to the bigger one, carrying a towel with me so I can lay on the floor. Unlike last time, I was unable to throw up and relieve my intensifying stomach pain so I opted for sitting on the toilet instead, repeating 1..2 over and over again to keep myself grounded and not so focused on the stomach pain. I call out to my mom who was in a different room, asking her which number came first. In the process of trying to shit, I strip off all my clothes and lock the bathroom store, ogling my own body in the mirror when I turn around. I felt like a child all over again growing up, having a sexual awakening, and loving her body, so I take a selfie. I’m on the toilet again and looking down at my male genitalia. I didn’t want it there because it made society recognize me as a boy and a man; it would just be easier if it was gone. I’m on the floor laying on the towel now, so I take some more pics of myself, feeling this very sexual body positivity, wanting badly to share it with others and tell them to love themselves over and over. I look in the mirror and tell myself the same. I thought to myself that society didn’t want people to unlock these things, that sex and loving yourself were one of life’s many beautiful experiences, that you owe it to yourself to be kind to yourself the way you are to others. I felt I had taken what I needed to from this experience and that I could finally rest.

Overall, I would consider this quite a glowing experience that helped me to love myself a little more and to practice grounding techniques if I'm experiencing overstimulation or discomfort.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117763
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 14, 2025Views: 14
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Mushrooms (39) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Alone (16)

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