Rectal Administration Works for Me
Pharmahuasca (Harmala Alkaloids & DMT)
Citation: MarkDavenport. "Rectal Administration Works for Me: An Experience with Pharmahuasca (Harmala Alkaloids & DMT) (exp117641)". Jan 5, 2025.
150 mg | rectal | Harmala Alkaloids | (liquid) |
80 mg | rectal | DMT | (liquid) |
BODY WEIGHT: | 280 lb |
150 mg Harmine/Harmaline freebase
80 mg DMT freebase
The harmalas and DMT are weighed and mixed with 20 mL hot water and stirred/shaken well inside of a clean, transparent pill bottle. The DMT freebase tends to gunk at the bottom, so using a 10 mL oral syringe I keep the gunk pressed into the gunk lightly, then begin slowly drawing up the liquid. I end up with a yellowish liquid with a fair amount of well-distributed particulate from the harmalas.
I make sure lower bowels are evacuated and there is no fecal matter in my lower rectum, then I lube up my anus, as well as the oral syringe containing the liquid. I slowly push it in around 1 and 1/2 inches into my rectum and slowly push the plunger down.
I do this again in 1-2 minutes with the remaining liquid. I know the amount of water used sounds excessive, but this is what works for me as it helps to ease any discomfort that can occur.
If I try to minimize the amount of water used I have no chance of ensuring the DMT freebase isn’t just sitting in my rectum without even distribution, which can lead to severe discomfort.
I then shake the liquid up again and draw the rest of it, trying to get as much of the gunk and particulate into syringe. I lay down, close my eyes and relax, being attentive in case I feel I must evacuate. I want be ready to go to the bathroom just in case, but I’ve never had an issue.
Within several minutes of administration I am feeling the beginning of a strong, bright psilocybin trip. Within 20 minutes I am functional yet on the razors’ edge of an easily navigable trip which I can steer to states of overwhelming ecstasy, profoundly meditative clarity and spiritual bliss, or swimming in the infinite possibilities and timelines of a DMT trip. I can also dance, feeling energy flowing through me and that is where the most powerful spiritual experiences I’ve had occurred.
This preparation of this combo I can only describe as like ayahuasca without the drawbacks of purging and nausea but an experience that is more grounded and less of a session where external, detached forces are teaching me - it’s more like I have access to many different states and can steer through them.
It comes on fast, is devoid of nausea and lasts about 3-4 hour. Throughout I can keep my head on my shoulders and still function. The tactile aspects and pleasure can be overwhelming, like a full body orgasm that flows across me in indescribable ways. I can close my eyes and succumb to this and flow into the waiting room of a DMT trip and stay there for an hour like it’s a lucid dream, steering through it and feeling the blessings of this material.
It is the most versatile tripping substance/combo I’ve ever experienced in 22+ years of psychonautica. Little is studied or shared on this method as it constrains stigma in terms of its RoA, so not many share stories of it. This could be because many use minimal water and experience discomfort and conclude it doesn’t work, I am not certain. What I am certain of is that it works for me. And works in a profoundly impactful and deep way.
The insights gained almost never feel detached from the self, it’s as if they are simply there for me to access.
The insights gained almost never feel detached from the self, it’s as if they are simply there for me to access.
I’m hesitant to excitedly recommend this to all, because so little info is shared out there on rectal administration of harmalas with DMT. Those experienced with plugging who are willing to try this might really enjoy it.. But it has to be harmalas freebase. Whether DMT fumarate or others work for this prep I am not sure, I just know that clean freebase works, especially if it’s crystalline white-yellow fluff. The yellower it is the gunkier it gets in water. This is why the drawing of liquid into the syringe needs to be slow and deliberate.
It doesn’t bring me the depth of aya but it does bring its own magic to me, and it is profound, navigable and amazing in my experiences. Have not had a bad one yet, not even close.
Exp Year: 2023 | ExpID: 117641 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: 40 | |
Published: Jan 5, 2025 | Views: 14 |
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Harmala Alkaloids (76), DMT (18), Pharmahuasca (822) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16) |
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