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Good Nights Sleep
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Citation:   LifeIsButADream. "Good Nights Sleep: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp117564)". Oct 7, 2023.

T+ 0:00
20 mg insufflated Amphetamines (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:20 10 mg insufflated Amphetamines (ground / crushed)
I have not used any type of stimulant for around 6 years but acquired some Adderall recently and was excited to get into it. Previously, I loved stimulants of all varieties and always had a great time, but on pretty high doses and on a daily basis.

I picked up a few 20mg IR tablets and split one to get me a 30mg dose. This same batch was just used the day before by a friend who gave it positive reviews. I had to crush my dose up to be able to accurately use a Fentanyl Test Strip on it, then insufflated (not the most recommended ingestion method but still has decent bioavailability and let me test the product to be sure).

For context, I had a decent-size meal a couple hours before, and had taken tums (unsure if this impacts potency when insufflated but gave it a try).

23:00 +20mg: Insufflated around 20mg, thinking to give it a while to kick in before taking the rest. As it had been a while since using any type of stim I didn't want to get unexpectedly twacked out, lol.

23:15: Not feeling many effects, a sense of calm and focus but no buzz, euphoria, rush, or any physical signs like heart rate or jitters. Being a very experienced stimulant lover previously and having dabbled with Adderall I was looking for certain signs that didn't come on.

23:20 +10mg: Insufflated the last of what I crushed up, hoping it would fold in with the first and get me where I wanted to go.

23:30: Feeling more calm, relaxed, quiet-minded. Starting to get really annoyed at the fact this Adderall seemed bunk, but had positive reviews from those who got from this same batch.

23:45: Began to feel more extreme tiredness and relaxation. For reference, I usually go to bed around 2:00 or 3:00 so this is much earlier than I usually get tired. Clear-headed and quiet in my head.

24:00: Fell asleep.

3:00: Woke up, feeling more active thoughts. Thinking this is when the full effects of the Adderall wore off, no longer clear-headed.

In review, it seems like I might have some type of undiagnosed ADHD and accidentally medicated myself. As it had been a while, and because I previously was using much much higher doses of cocaine/crack, meth, and pills, this was a surprise. My thinking is that higher doses were able to provide the high I was looking for, but because I hadn't dabbled with low doses I skipped past the accidental self-medication range. Will definitely be taking this to consideration for the future -- but hey, I ended up just being gently medicated and put to sleep, I hope now I qualify for a script :)

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117564
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Oct 7, 2023Views: 15
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