Purged From Both Sides
Syrian Rue
Citation: PsycheDelNick. "Purged From Both Sides: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp117443)". Erowid.org. Jan 16, 2025. erowid.org/exp/117443
10 g | oral | Syrian Rue | (tea) |
BODY WEIGHT: | 160 lb |
I experienced Syrian Rue alone. I wanted to experience the psychedelic effect of this MAOI inhibitor alone.
I know it is often combined with DMT in the Ayahuasca brew and some have reported combining it with other medicine as well, but this report is about 10 grams of Syrian Rue alone.
I admit it, I could have done more research to prepare things. This morning I found two other sources that will help for my next journey with this medicine alone.
I decide to use 10 grams of Syrian Rue because I compare the Syrian-rue chart with other medicine on the same website and I found that my overall tolerance to the medicines suits this range.
I heard this medicine is potent and must be treated with respect. After experiencing it, I confirm the medicine is potent and have all my respect and gratitude.
The prep
I make simmer the approx 400 ml of water for 45 minutes with the juice of half a lemon. Next time I'll follow another protocol.
I let things cool down. I took time to set my intention and then drink it. The taste was kinda strong. I've taken a small break between the sips.
Play the playlist that I planned for the occasion and then went to sit
The experience
I began by relaxing my mind and body and then felt the medicine's effect quickly. I spend most of my journey on my back.
I felt very relaxed. I heard about the sedative effects and I found it quite pleasant and the ride was very smooth and agreeable. (Sometimes plant medicines can be more of a roller coaster, but this one was very smooth and lovely.)
I talk about the taste of the tea, well I felt a bit for a while. I decided to put more attention on my journey than my discomfort. I'll spare the details of my journey, but it was a very pleasant medicine.
Then ...
Then I decided to get up and go to the bathroom...
Then I decided to get up and go to the bathroom...
First the dosage: 10 grams was maybe too much.
Second the method of extraction: since I found another protocol: I might be able to reduce the volume of liquid ingested
Third my preparation before this: Before the Ayahuasca ceremony, we have to follow the Dieta: many foods can conflict with the Brew. Since Syrian-Rue can be used in the Ayahuasca brew, maybe I should acknowledge this. I was on a vegan lifestyle when I experience Ayahuasca and for a month now I'm on a meat diet. I know that red meat interacts with Ayahuasca.
Despite the heavy purging I've found my Syrian Rue experience very positive. Purging is part of the process. I accepted this fact since the weekend that I experience Kambo and Iboga. Purging what doesn't serve me anymore, making space for what is upcoming.
I intend to work with this medicine alone again. Since I've read some reports that combine with other medicine I'm curious to do it too.
But first, I intend to do it by working with the three parameters cited above.
This is my first trip report ever share.
Thanks for your understanding.
Exp Year: 2023 | ExpID: 117443 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: 41 | |
Published: Jan 16, 2025 | Views: 15 |
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Syrian Rue (45) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), Alone (16) |
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