Deep Magic Is All Around
Citation: David . "Deep Magic Is All Around: An Experience with DMT (exp117294)". Jan 4, 2025.
smoked | DMT | (powder / crystals) |
BODY WEIGHT: | 80 lb |
I read that NN, DMT is a key to a doorway that opens up other dimensions. I had also heard that behind everyday reality is an unutterably strange, mental universe that DMT would show me.
When I finally attracted DMT into my life I was afraid of it. I had a little baggie in my possession. I looked at it, smelled it and feared it for several weeks. I read quite a few trip reports of DMT experiences, I talked to people who had a relationship with DMT and I listened to podcasts on the subject but in retrospect it was ALL entirely irrelevant to the experience’s that I have had.
Nightly I would contemplate the DMT baggie and try to imagine what another dimension would be like. I had read that nothing I could do could possibly prepare me for the leap that I was determined to make.
One night while in contemplation a lyric in a song spoke to me and it said “my patience is waning” I did not want to do DMT on this night, however I felt led to. I must, this very evening, take the leap.
I sat on the couch and put the tiniest fragment into the pipe, I lit her up and inhaled deeply, at first nothing happened and I doubted that the changa that I was in possession of was the real deal. Then an intense but not too strong mental feeling enveloped me. It only lasted for 30 seconds or so but I knew that this DMT was the real deal.
As I got my courage up I added a few more fragments and tried again. I had made myself a place in pitch darkness and I saw gentle visions. I was aware that these were sub-breakthrough experiences. They were not overwhelming, quite beautiful, lovely and I didn’t feel any fear.
Over successive nights I continued with my adventures. I played music in the pitch black and I enjoyed various visions, each one different and unique. One time a psychedelic spirit lady visited me.
I was quite pleased, happy and content with sub-breakthrough experiences. I did not want anything more. Then one night after about 7 consecutive nights the little pile of crystals that I put into the pipe did not work.
Then one night after about 7 consecutive nights the little pile of crystals that I put into the pipe did not work.
I started the music at the same time as the inhale. I was expecting another sub-breakthrough experience but no….woosh and wow, I was instantly transported into a different world of colour, light and magnificent design. I was overwhelmed but not afraid. The experience was so powerful, intense and brand new for me, it was a roller coaster ride and I was hanging on for dear life.
The trip was mercifully short, 4 minutes and 14 seconds to be exact. I know this because the music and the trip were inexplicably intertwined, the trip concluded in time with the track.
Afterwards I said to myself that I had “seen”
It was definitely a breakthrough experience.
At this early stage in my relationship with DMT I did not consider DMT to be a key that opened a doorway to another dimension. I labeled the experiences that I was having as visionary states.
I was so thrilled with my pitch black music DMT breakthrough trips that I did not try anything else for quite some time. Every single trip was different and unique.
Each time before I turned off the light I would contemplate, almost meditate on the size of the pile of crystals in the pipe. Almost always I was afraid to take the toke. Sometimes I would stare at the pipe for many long moments before plucking up the courage to hit the lighter.
Why was I afraid?
In all my DMT trips I have never experienced any fear during the trip but sometimes very intense power all the way up to 100% of what I can handle.
Before I hit the pipe the fear that I am familiar with is because I do not know where I am going. As I have said every single trip is different, sometimes radically different.
I don’t like weed or tobacco so I fill the pipe with a legal smoking blend and then sprinkle the DMT crystals on top. I use a jet lighter and hold the pointed, directional flame as far away from the crystals as possible so as to gently heat them until they bubble and smoke up. The DMT crystals that I know are orange, when heated they quickly turn into liquid and soak into the bedding of herbs.
One night I was in the back of the truck camping out. It has a sleeping compartment with carpet on the walls. I thought I would try something different so I got cosy with the lights on. I took my toke and guess what happened. No trip at all but rather the whole world went quiet. I felt deep peace and tranquillity and experienced silence.
I was keen for more so I put a song on repeat and hit the pipe again. New and different is an understatement….
A multitude of small angels and fairies came out of the carpet covered walls, they were actually made out of carpet. They danced and danced and danced for me.
There was no power and intensity with this trip, it was really easy and fun. Eventually it would start to fade so I’d pack another pipe and it would come back fully. Everything inside the sleeping cabin became bright, shiny and new. The mattress which is maroon in colour became brilliant, the designs on the pillows became sharper in contrast and exceedingly bright in colour. I never wanted this trip to end. Eventually it started to fade and a subsequent pipe did not bring it back. I thanked the DMT spirits and expressed my profound gratitude knowing full well that in all likelihood I would never visit this place again. They faded and faded so I said goodbye.
At this same camping spot, we were by a slow meandering river, my mate told me that if I do DMT by the river the water spirits would come out and show themselves. I had some kind of expectation but the water spirits were a thousand times more than I could ever have hoped for….
They came out, many and varied, water spirits….some quite huge, they rose up from the depths, some came really close to me and danced. I called out in ecstasy, oh God you are so beautiful, I was enraptured.
I also received a personal revelation during this trip.
Another notable trip was on the shore of a massive lake. In the heart of the DMT journey the water turned a turquoise/purple colour and astonishingly the waves behaved in an entirely alien manner. There were criss cross waves over lapping each other and coming in at 45 degree angles all the way to the shore. I couldn’t believe that this was an hallucination, it was real.
On other trips the clouds were made up of sharp angles, triangles and squares around the edges of the cloud mass. In one of these journeys, staring deep into the alien, angular clouds I gazed away to contemplate some rock formations for a moment then when I looked back the sky was entirely different. I must emphasise that these visions look absolutely 100% as real as anything I have ever seen straight. They are not like mushroom or LSD visuals they are so real.
Back to pitch black darkness music trips. On a small pile of crystals I have tripped for up to 3 hours (I kid you not) spectacular vistas, constantly changing and revealing more and more wonder, gentle, beautiful and lovely.
I have seen many things from this Earthly world. People, sheer rock cliff faces, forests, leaves, all absolutely so real that I reach out to see if I can touch them only to find that they are holograms.
I have been visited by spirit people who play around me and sometimes during powerful, intense or difficult parts of the trip someone is standing right next to me.
I have also seen thousands of other-worldly things that defy description. Beautiful, beautiful, inexplicable things. I can remember them but I cannot for the life of me explain what they look like. They move around and come close to me then float off and away.
Now….I really have been to other dimensions. During one of my very long pitch dark music trips I went somewhere else. I saw beings, some human other ones were cartoonish large physical beings. There was no fear or aggression, this was a society of peace, cooperation and harmony. I was there for a long time, they all seemed busy and engaged in what they were doing and how they were socialising.
I also went to a machine world, a stupendously, enormous, possibility infinite machine. It was alive, a living machine. I was able to observe a multitude of tiny working, living machine components. Every one had a unique function and they all worked in harmony, appreciation and indeed love for one another. They valued each other for the function that each so perfectly performed. Together they were all doing a job and it was in celebration. The notion came into my mind that perhaps this/these machines were producing consciousness!
In recent times I have been being taught something new by the DMT spirits. I have been tripping in a couple of places in the garden and in the large decked out shed.
I am learning to disconnect from normal, everyday, consensus reality. DMT shows me glimpses of a paradise world that seems to exist magically right behind the normal, everyday, boring world.
When I am distracted and not paying attention to the ordinary world I suddenly realise that the garden and the trees are really an enchanted and magical place of phenomenal beauty and intrigue. My immediate reaction is to focus my attention directly on the things in this new world and then they instantly disappear and I am back in the boring world.
DMT began to send me colourful beautifully designed orbs which I am instructed to focus my eyes on. The orbs move and I follow them to a specific point. Then the magical world reveals its self but I must not look at it directly or it will disappear.
It is like looking at a magic eye picture. The image just looks like gobbledygook until I lose focus on the surface print and lo and behold a picture is revealed. I used to love magic eye pictures.
Anyway, I have somewhat moved beyond needing the orbs. There is a way to observe the magical world without focusing on it. I see everything, all at once without a focal point. This is an otherworldly thing to attempt to do but very rewarding.
Deep magic is all around, I have seen it.
Exp Year: 2023 | ExpID: 117294 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: Not Given | |
Published: Jan 4, 2025 | Views: 15 |
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