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Methamphetamine, 2C-B & Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   m3th DUCK. "Nightmare: An Experience with Methamphetamine, 2C-B & Sleep Deprivation (exp117226)". Erowid.org. Jan 14, 2025. erowid.org/exp/117226

25 - 45 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
    repeated   Methamphetamine (daily)
    oral Pharms - Clonazepam  
I am a regular user of methamphetamine. I started using it in 2017 and would take breaks here and there, but in 2020, I became a daily user. After a month or so of using, I would make myself stop for a week or two before resuming to keep myself in check. I stopped in February of 2022 for 9 months because I met a girl who didn't approve of it, and her company was more important to me than the drug. She broke up with me in November, and shortly after, I found out my dad has Parkinson's. I then found myself back on meth and using harder than ever before. I use it every second that I am awake, which is quite often as I never sleep.

For context, I am 40 years old and have been using psychedelics for 20 of these years. On their own, I have taken heroic doses of every psychedelic I can think of. When describing 2C-B to people, I tell them that it does not affect the headspace of the user other than having an elevated mood. I often say it is as if you combined the positive effects of LSD and MDMA. I believed this to be true until yesterday morning.

Since becoming an everyday meth user, I have on occasion tried to combine it with other drugs I used to prefer over stimulants. Mushrooms turn on me and make me feel bad about my meth addiction, the LSD experience is almost totally diminished compared to what it used to do for me, and MDMA does next to nothing.
Mushrooms turn on me and make me feel bad about my meth addiction, the LSD experience is almost totally diminished compared to what it used to do for me, and MDMA does next to nothing.
The only psychedelic substance that I found to be effective on meth was 2C-B, which I tried about a month ago and had an intense but overall positive experience.

Yesterday morning (4/11/2022), after being awake for 2 days straight (which is quite normal for me), I decided to snort 30mg of 2C-B. My scale is sometimes off by 10mg give or take, depending on what surface I'm measuring things out on. I was in a rush and didn't take my scale to a more level surface before measuring.
I was in a rush and didn't take my scale to a more level surface before measuring.
Since I am usually measuring out meth, a 10mg difference is never that big of a deal. I scooped out a bit of 2C-B onto my scale, and it read 34mg. It held steady at this number briefly but began oscillating between 25-45mg. I was manic, ready to alter my reality and figured that I had handled snorting 30mg before and despite knowing that 2C-B is extremely dose-sensitive, disregarded what I knew about the drug and my scale. So I snorted it in front of a few of my Discord friends.

About 2 minutes after insufflation, I realized I had made a mistake. As the pain of snorting it subsided and I sat in my chair, ready to trip in front of my online friends, the environment around me immediately became overwhelming. After what I'm guessing was 5-10 minutes, all of my senses and the reality which they relay information to my brain from both began to attack me, for lack of a better word. Tactile sensations became so overstimulated that it was physically painful to place my hands anywhere, to stand up or sit still. I found it impossible to get comfortable.

My sense of taste and smell were completely overwhelmed. The strong odor of 2C-B and meth was so overpowering that I momentarily became sick. I could taste the inside of my mouth and the stale meth residue that always seemed to be coating it. The smell of my own body was acutely noticeable, and it made me aware of the fact that I was slowly deteriorating.

I am no stranger to psychedelic experiences, having taken 1200 micrograms of LSD, 7-8 grams of penis envy shrooms, 70mg of 2cb, an unknown amount of DOC, 500mg of DMT in two hits, ayahuasca, and ketamine without measuring the dose. I've combined these substances in various ways with each other or with other drugs. Despite this, what I experienced after snorting an estimated 45mg of 2C-B on top of all the meth in my system and the sleep deprivation I was experiencing was hard to describe in words. The details of everything in my field of vision seemed to be closing in on me, as the level of detail became too much for me to process. For instance, when I looked at a wall, I saw it in so much detail that it was painful to my eyes. I was no longer looking at a flat surface but a window that showed an ever-expanding landscape similar to the effect of two mirrors facing each other. This effect was present everywhere I looked. Colors that I have never seen before appeared over every surface. My keyboard no longer displayed characters that I could recognize. My living room became less and less recognizable until it was completely unrecognizable, a realm that was entirely alien to me. I remember exclaiming things like "I am perceiving things past the point of what should be perceived" and "this is too much. I'm seeing too much." As a seasoned psychonaut, I believe that what I was seeing was far beyond what the human brain is equipped to handle. The visual effect of everything expanding outward began to reverse itself and appeared as though it was closing in all around me. The barrage of unrecognizable shapes and colors that used to be my room now had a layer of symbols that seemed so close that they were inside of my eyes.

My online friends tried to comfort me, but their voices, as well as my own, seemed to come from another dimension. They were horribly distorted, with a reverberating and echoing effect that made them sound digitized and difficult to distinguish from one another. Soon, my ability to understand language was taken away from me. All voices sounded like a garbled mess of sound. I couldn't communicate anymore. When I spoke, I wasn't sure if my words could be understood, and it didn't matter because I couldn't understand any responses given to me. I felt as though I was experiencing devolution and a sense of total isolation. My environment and senses continued to punish and push me further and further, and I began to sense that something terrible was about to happen.

I do not know how to put into words what happened next, but I will try my best. The total overstimulation of all my senses became so much that my mind stopped relaying information from them. This left me in a dark and menacing version of the room I was in where I experienced the absolute pinnacle of negative human emotion. I have had real tragedy happen in my life. My little sister died when she was 19, I've gone through a horrible divorce, I've lost more friends than I can count, and things I refuse to go into detail here happened to me when I was a young child. Yesterday, my brain broke through the barriers that I thought limited what the human mind is capable of perceiving in terms of emotion and made me feel worse than any of these real-life events came close to. Fear, pain, loneliness, depression, hate, and isolation are words that can be understood. The place I found myself in was one of pure, refined negativity for which there is no way of truly describing. I did not know it was possible for a substance, combination of substances, or anything at all to cause a mental state of absolute and total despair. Even that doesn't come close to painting an accurate picture of this experience. I felt as though I was being completely violated by my own brain, the universe, and reality itself.

This feeling continued for a period of time that felt like eternity until I felt a real tear occurring between reality and myself. I know what a bad trip feels like on drugs, and I know what a psychotic break feels like. I had never experienced a psychotic break occur due to drug use, but yesterday that is exactly what happened. There was a distinct break outside of the psychedelic state I was in where I felt an electrical snap in my brain and could no longer discern at all where or who I was. The level of sensory overload had literally driven me insane. I said to whoever was listening to me online that I had firearms in my house. I was no longer in control of myself or my own thought process and was genuinely afraid if I didn't vocalize this to someone, there was a chance that I would do what was necessary to stop my brain from functioning. After saying this out loud, I realized that I could understand what people were saying back to me again, which made me remember that this was a temporary state. Very gradually, everything started to subside. At some point, during all of this, someone had convinced me to take my prescribed Klonopin to stop this experience from being prolonged, which I only remember taking because I just noticed the open medicine bottle on my table.

In the 20 years that I have been using drugs, I have never come out of a bad trip regretting that I went through it because even on a bad trip, you tend to learn something. The trip induced by snorting the amount of 2C-B I did combined with all the meth in my system taught me nothing and left me worse off than if I had not taken it.
The trip induced by snorting the amount of 2C-B I did combined with all the meth in my system taught me nothing and left me worse off than if I had not taken it.
This was a total sensory assault that even hours after the trip was over left me completely shaken. I have slept, and it's been well over 24 hours since the trip ended, but when I think back on the level of negativity it forced me to endure, I start to feel sick. I am still concerned the psychotic break I had is going to have longer-lasting effects on me. My anxiety level is currently much higher than normal. I guess time will tell. Hopefully, after a few days, this will all subside.

EDIT: A few days have passed and I believe I have recovered completely. However, this was an absolutely horrifying drug experience that nothing I have ever endured can compare to. I would say if you are ever feeling as though you are full of confidence because of the effects of methamphetamine do NOT think that it will help you during a 2C-B trip and avoid this combination at all costs.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117226
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Jan 14, 2025Views: 16
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Methamphetamine (37), 2C-B (52), Sleep Deprivation (140) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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