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Harder Faster Than Expected
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Hemiteb. "Harder Faster Than Expected: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp116964)". Erowid.org. Jan 29, 2023. erowid.org/exp/116964

2 in oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (fresh)
So this was interesting. I had a fresh B+. I wanted to go to a museum and take it for an "enhanced" experience. I took it a little before leaving, expecting it to be like other times, giving plenty of time. But.

T+10 and I was on the way, I noticed some cars looked slightly off. Like their fronts were similar to as if they had faces. Not like they were literal human faces. But as I could see the similarity to as if they were a living thing. I thought to myself that I was just hyping myself up and being under a placebo like effect. But as soon as I pulled in,

T+20 I was talking to myself rather enthusiastically. Saying "all has led to this point, this is my favorite place" and "the happenstances that seem to be synchronistic events, or related to something else going on in life, even names written on something that you take notice of are what were bound to happen".

T+30 I could tell there was a significant change in my state by this point. I had checked 5 minutes earlier on my pupils and they weren't changed, but now, they were dilated af. I saw some kind of shifting. I thought "well now I have to wait to go in I'm not initiating this with people when I am looking like this". Tactile sensations had that distinct distant and almost numb but tingliness. Looking at my hands they seemed pale but my lips were not. I presumed at that point colors were altered as I saw slight green shift at anything black or white. There was vague shifting in my hands and around me in the car (I am parked at this point). The pine needles outside the car were VIVID orange and had some type of texture I can't describe. Tree bark was drifting. At one point, I stared into the distance at the bottom of the limbs and all of the limbs of all the trees sort of blurred together, then formed symmetrical circular structure that was melting downward continually. Throughout the experience the trees seemed to be ever-falling.

T+45-60 At this point it seemed to have peaked already. The tactile sensations were quite apparent I closed my eyes listening to music. The music was causing a synchronicity with close-eyed visuals. There was what appeared to be roots materializing and branching out, the one form never disappearing, but another somehow taking its place. Constantly forming new branches. There seemed to be a copper like color and texture at times. After the branches/roots, the visual seemed to solidify more, seeming almost physical, odd shape bright white/yellow texture emerging out of a more vague background in a certain region of the minds eye. The shapes took similar forms to the root visual, but emerged interlocking and closer to all at once on a more 2d plane, turning 3d. It seemed to be composed of tiny particles all very fine but distinguishable. I eventually opened my eyes and I could tell with the trees the drifting and melding was fading and the bark seemed not the be doing anything, though colors were quite dramatic. I could pick out everything orange in my vision all at once without thinking about it. The needles on the ground were very vivid. A section in front if me with no dead needles in the trees and only trunks, cars, and pavement looked almost all the same type of shade of grey. Looking into tree tops again and I could pick out all of the completely dead grey needles simultaneously without trying. They were just what the mind saw as what it wanted to see.

T+80? The visuals had stopped though my pupils were still dilated, and the museum was going to close in a couple hours so I decided to walk in. I had a strange headspace still which I enjoyed to be altered, but was self conscious about them noticing. After this point, the head space gradually declined though I still felt a bodily oddness.

Though I was fine to drive, never assume how long it takes for it to come on. I had a very small quantity from what I expected to be ok, and it came on almost IMMEDIATELY. If it had been any longer of a drive I would have been tripping on the highway which is in no way even remotely safe. Be safe and do this in a secure and stable area you don't have to worry about anything besides what is happening in your head.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 116964
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 29, 2023Views: 253
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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