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Unexpected, Wonderful
Cannabidiol (extract)
Citation:   Martin . "Unexpected, Wonderful: An Experience with Cannabidiol (extract) (exp116535)". Jul 27, 2022.

300 mg smoked Cannabis - High CBD (extract)
An Unexpected Wonderful Experience

I am a 68 years old male from the Netherlands and an almost lifetime sufferer from a whole array of anxiety disorders. In the past I used regular weed a couple of times but it didn’t sit well with me, resulting in passing out on 3 occasions so I never touched it again for 20 years. But the recent developments on CBD caught my interest; both CBD dominant weed and pure CBD hash.

This experience is about the hash which comes here in a smokable jelly form, containing 22% CBD. so I loaded my newly purchased bong with approximately 0,3 grams and lit up. First observations: it doesn’t burn very easy and it caused a nasty cough. Since it’s quite sticky it’s pretty hard to crumble up. I had about 5 hits and oh boy… it hit like a truck! I wasn’t expecting this. I felt a warmth go through my body, starting at my face and slowly descending to my torso. It came in a sort of tingly waves and it had me couch locked for half an hour. I did note a slight nausea but that went away quickly and wasn’t alarming.

After the initial rush I fell into a profound state of relaxation and well being. All my negative thoughts and anxiety were gone. This is better than Xanax or Valium. Now, 3 hours later I still feel the full benefits. Did I finally find something that could counter my anxiety? Time will tell…

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116535
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 68
Published: Jul 27, 2022Views: 1,442
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Cannabidiol (596) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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