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OK but No Dexedrine
Citation:   DBPEPL. "OK but No Dexedrine: An Experience with 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (exp116155)". Mar 26, 2022.

15 mg oral 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (pill / tablet)
    repeated insufflated 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
    rectal 4-Fluoromethylphenidate  
Subjective effects:

Started with a 15 mg pellet and a~20-25 mg bump before work as I occasionally do when I really need to focus or engage in extreme multitasking. It helps quite a bit but nothing compared to dexxies or addies. I would say somewhere between the little lift and clarity one might experience with ~25mg ephedrine (who knows, maybe the powder I got IS ephedrine) washed down with a few espressos and the absolute LASER focus and boundless energy that come with reasonable doses of amphetamines. Larger doses up to a point make me a little more loquacious, but not obnoxious.

In general, a 15mg pellet and sometimes an approximately equal bump and it gets me through 5 or so hours before I really start coming down.

Tonight though I was hitting it like a coke fiend; maybe because it's Friday or maybe cause I was doing bumps (in addition to boofing at least 30 50 mg dissolved about 2 ml water, didn't notice any significant differences from insufflation). Despite the significant dose, the plateau falls well short of amphetamines or coke. One plus is a little bit of a coke-like rush when one bumps a decent amount, but it's even shorter than coke and makes one (at least this one) want to boost despite the plateau and diminishing returns as far as long-term effects. Bumped well over 25mg an hour ago and I'm actually kinda sleepy now.

mg of clam [clonazolam] or another BZD. 2-4 of clam works. I like norflurazapam (20-30 mg) for its 100+ hour half life and long duration of action (no waking up after 2 hours). I've also never had any kind of withdrawals with it either even after extended use of excessive quantities.

Physiological effects:

No noticeable effect on heart rate
Minor anorectic effect (nothing like coke, where thought of food makes me nauseous)
Good decongestant regardless of route of administration.
Basically similar to methylphenidate


Increased alertness
Short lived antidepressant and anxiolytic effects for me
Increased focus, confidence, motivation, and productivity
Improved memory at reasonable doses
Increased sociability
Probably won't kill me as fast as coke, meth or booze

Cons (mostly at high doses)

Compulsive muscle clenching/teeth grinding
Impaired judgment, focus and memory
Verbal diarrhea belligerence, typical coke-head behavior while intoxicated
Just about as pricy as coke at least from U.S. sellers.
Short-lived initial euphoria sometimes leads me to re-dose compulsively.
Main stimulant effect seems to plateau around 30mg. At worst this might lead one to ingest toxic amounts.
Chasing a higher high: At best redosing excessively just seems to be a waste of money.

Altogether pretty good as a study/work aid and just ok for recreational purposes, but better than nothing.

15 mg Pellets were purchased from a U.S. shipper
Powder was purchased from a European shop

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116155
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 51
Published: Mar 26, 2022Views: 1,525
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4-Fluoromethylphenidate (728) : General (1), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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