Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Citation:   SmilexGwG. "Incredible: An Experience with Cloves (exp115573)". Sep 5, 2023.

5 g oral Cloves (seeds)
So the other day when browsing youtube I'd seen a certain channel post a video on a trip report about taking cloves. Being a person who loves Nutmeg and other natural "drugs" I was intrigued. There were several interesting reports regarding cloves so I decided to ingest 5 grams near night time.

Eating the whole cloves was difficult, they burned my mouth terribly but after a few minutes the numbing effect made them easier to tolerate. I washed them down with an off brand soda (0 caffeine) and sat back to feel for the effects.

Within 15 minutes there was a slight alcohol/ benzo like buzz taking over my body. I couldn't believe it! These cloves are psychoactive after all.
I couldn't believe it! These cloves are psychoactive after all.
The effects steadily increased until they reached what I think was their peak at 45 minutes in.

The peak was amazing. There was a drunkenness that felt like 2-3 shots of hard alcohol or even 1.5mgs of more euphoric Xanax. I loved it!

At 1 hour in I knew this was no dirty high, this was a full on drug. I felt high, drunk, and very euphoric. The sedation was so comfortable and my body felt very warm in a opiate fashion. I laid back and messaged some friends.

Within 2:30 hours I noticed a steady decline in effects and at 3 hours in I returned to baseline. There was no nausea or bad effects felt. I'd pick this drug over any legal intoxicant available currently where I live.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115573
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 5, 2023Views: 293
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Cloves (412) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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