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I Needed to Get Some Studying Done
Citation:   Nuxifyz. "I Needed to Get Some Studying Done: An Experience with 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (exp115494)". Jun 10, 2021.

12 mg oral 4-Fluoromethylphenidate
4F-MPH, a First Experience

I have been looking for that little something to spruce up my day every now and again when I need some stimulation to do work/study. At first I have tried using 2-FMA and I liked it a lot, but it felt quite physically stimulating and I was looking for something with a bit more of a mood boost than I experienced with (low doses (~15mg) of) 2-FMA.

My first experience with 4f-mph was during a weekend where I needed to get some studying done. The day prior to this experience I had taken about 7mg orally to test the effects at a low dose, but that resulted in no perceptible effects. This day, I took 12mg of the compound by means of a little rolling paper bomb on an empty stomach in the morning (T+0min). After ingestion, I had light breakfast and went on with my day.

At around T+30min I started feeling a tiny bit of effects, though this could also be placebo. It appeared that I was a bit more awake and I could feel a slight tightness in my body, but only slight.

At around T+50min I felt the effects quite well. They were subtle, yes, but I could feel myself being more confident, a bit more chatty and more focused. I was helping my parents in the garden with something and working together went as well as possible, I was quite on top of things. I barely felt any physical stimulation.

At around T+2hours I had some lunch and found that I could eat very easily, no problems at all. I was also more efficient while making lunch, normally I get quite distracted but not this time.

At around T+3hours I started doing some studying, which went well. I feel that this compound mostly helps motivate and focus, instead of stimulate (at least at this dosage). I felt that I could sit quite still (though I felt a distinct twitch in my jaw every now and again, however I get that quite easily on stimulants).

T+6hours, I ate some dinner. I was quite hungry and ate without problem. After dinner I cleaned up like a damn machine, I was really fast and focused. I was quite surprised really, because I hadn't seen such results yet from this compound.

T+8hours, I noticed that I was still quite awake, I showed no signs of tiring, but the focus and motivation was mostly gone. I could still feel it but it's faint.

T+11hours, I was getting ready to go to bed. I felt that the effects have almost completely worn off, but I found myself surprised by some residual effects lingering far in the background. I don't think this will prevent me from sleeping, as I feel tired from the (quite productive and active) day, but I hadn't expected to still feel the compound 11 hours after administration. Luckily it's only the faintest of hints that this compound is still active in some way (or maybe I am imagining things? Who knows...).

I found my journey with this compound up to this point very positive. I had almost no negative side effects (all I noticed was a general "tightness" in my body, for lack of a better word) and subtle positive effects, much more subtle than 2FMA. I am planning on continuing research on this compound in the near future, but at higher doses and with a re-dose during the day. I'm curious if the effects will manifest more strongly because, while I don't mind the compound being more on the background than the foreground, I also like to be reminded that I am actually under the influence, which I barely had this particular time.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115494
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 10, 2021Views: 3,091
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4-Fluoromethylphenidate (728) : General (1), Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Not Applicable (38)

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