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Dark Clouds Gathering
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   Orlando1988. "Dark Clouds Gathering: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp115119)". Jul 12, 2023.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (powder / crystals)
Summer 2006, Belgium
I decided to take a trip to Breda in The Netherlands. They have grow shops and smart shops which sell all kinds of fun things like shrooms, baby woodrose and.. Salvia. Since I live in Belgium I became a regular costumer. After all, it was only a 2-hour train ride away.

Back then I was a heavy user of weed. Another psychedelic I was fairly accustomed to was psilocybin in the form of shrooms and truffles. Because of my scientific approach to these phenomena, besides the overwhelming feeling of ego loss I always experienced such strong substances as pleasant and very humorous. Also at that time I always took the recommended dose especially when trying out new things. So few factors made for an unpleasant trip.

Exploring the internet and in search of a new but suited (I figured because I was still young I should wait with LSD and mescaline) mind expanding experience,  I then stumbled upon Salvia Divinorum. Though very potent, the effects would be short lived. I put a very small amount, just a pinky tip of 'Salvia extract 20X' in a pipe, inhale and kept it in for approximately 45 seconds. 10 seconds later the effects start. A tingling feeling comes rushing from behind my shoulders.  A terrifying sensation of darkness and evil is pressing down on my back as a heavy blanket.
A tingling feeling comes rushing from behind my shoulders.  A terrifying sensation of darkness and evil is pressing down on my back as a heavy blanket.

The only thing I can do is accept it all and go with it.  There is no way for me to control what is coming. This all is happening fast! We're only just 10 seconds in. Though my mind is still quite awake (no high, only heavily confused) I start hallucinating. Lights are dim. Normally this room I'm in has overall brownish colours. Now everything is red, yellow, green and white.  I barely see because everything is covered by crooked coloured lines.  One minute later I am suddenly unable to sit down. I felt hands pushing into my back, nothing painful but they managed to keep me from sitting down. I swear I could see and feel my body's swing point and legs at a position in which it should be impossible to stand upright. 

Now 5 minutes in after I stopped trying to sit down, my legs were violently shaking at 100mph!  I could see them blurring because of the speed. (After the trip I asked my friends if what I saw was true but none of it happened they said. I just stood up and got back down.)

After 10 to 15 minutes the trip faded away as I was looking at a giant pillar of light shining through the ceiling towards the sky and stared at that for a while in awe.

It wasn't an enlightening experience. Rather something I had to hold out. I tried it a few times after that.  Always, literally, a sensatory feeling of dark clouds gathering from behind me.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115119
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 12, 2023Views: 312
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Unknown Context (20), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), General (1)

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