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I Escaped From Higher Realm to Earth to Sleep
Citation:   Oblivionrealm. "I Escaped From Higher Realm to Earth to Sleep: An Experience with Changa (exp114147)". Mar 11, 2020.

200 mg smoked Changa
I was unnerved and scared to try it again. My mindset was mixed with fear and intense curiosity, being restless but determined to do it.

I've had about 1 gram of changa 50/50, and had put 0.2 in my pipe. I've read Mckenna's book "True Hallucinations". After awhile I was ready.

My 3rd DMT trip was unquestionably the strangest one. After I took insanely huge hit of changa from the pipe, I was instantly consumed by unworldly light which had indescribable features. My first thought was that I’ve made some kind of regretable mistake and started to panic. My second thought was that I was witnessing heavenly kingdom (I am not a christian, nor I was religious). Then the mistery started to boost rapidly. I saw some kind of spiraling chessboard which started to woosh. A female type of jester entity with some kind of braids or dreadlock jumped out this strange board with a grin or smile that I will never forget. I instantly lost my mind and started babbling like a newborn baby. This entity was somewhat known to me in unexplainable fashion. I was watching this scene behind my eyelids. The entity opened and widened it's hands like it was going to hug me and lean forward, but then threw some kind of cards/little stars? In my face while it was leaning (later I was reading that legend of sandman had similar qualities). This move was critical because after that I was pulled out of my body and found myself in some kind of new space or object where I was communicated with some kind of entities (maybe 3 of them) and that communication disturbed me entirely. It seemed as my soul? Was saying "No, no, please, I came to earth just to sleep and rest, I escaped from you guys, let me go", but these entities were "mercilessly" saying "No, no, you took that (DMT) and now watch!"
these entities were "mercilessly" saying "No, no, you took that (DMT) and now watch!"
. One entity or being said to me "Oh my, you are afraid for your mother, but look at this" and showed me something which I can't describe properly nor it was visible or observable in a way that could be conceptualized by no other means than some kind of epiphany.

I was mind blowed beyond any limit. It showed me something that I've forgot but somehow knew. It was like witnessing the truth of endless stream of lives we lead beyond physical reality. The other entity said to me "you think that you have control but we just do this" and it made some "move" with "fingers" and continued with "..and everything happens". I was so scared and uncomformed by this contact and tried to escape in great panic.

Then something happened; like I was touched by some kind of force and it gave me some new? verbal feature where I started to rapidly communicate in strange tongue I somehow understood perfectly. So called glossolalia. It sounded like some ancient language which after that, I couldn't detect. It sounded like I was a baby which wanted to say something but babbled, and it surely had sense as I was feeling natural articulation of unimaginably simple and simultaneously unfathomably complex thoughts. Only in moments I was aware that I have a body. I opened my eyes and saw a wall in my room which was yellow (wall was white) and some kind of bolt or presence entered my body, and I was sure that some kind of strange but joyous presence possess me. This possession was one of the strangest thing that happened during my experience. It felt like me and somebody else were present in my body. I exclaimed maniacally "cicopodada" or "cishopodada" or "chichopodada" and started to dance in my room watching myself in a mirror where I saw maniacal and completely insane grin on my face, and sight of a madman. I was so much exillareted and happy and joyous it never ever happened on that level. I was new born and repeatedly expressing the same words "cicopodada" with "sh" after "c".

Events that happened months after that experience were unexplainably magical. I was having inhuman intuition, and consistent creative stream of ideas. My dreams were so vivid and lucid, that I was writing them down and started to collect all this strange synchronicities and all kind of abnormalities in my life. In my dreams and projections I've met dozen entities both benevolent and malevolent which were giving me strange and super bizzare messages and insights I will never forget. I felt like some mysterious cosmic force was observing my life and periodically reviewed my choices and then sending me some new visions.
I felt like some mysterious cosmic force was observing my life and periodically reviewed my choices and then sending me some new visions.
I was having precognitive dreams and ideas, which were statistically improbable. I passed whole spectrum of mental and emotional states and it changed my whole life.

One of the craziest things about this experience is that after maybe year and half I was telling this experince to my friend. After I told him about expression I was yelling in joy, he suggested that I should check mesoamerican languages as mayan or aztec. That night I was looking to see if any of languages known can support my expression. What I found totaly baffled me.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 114147
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Mar 11, 2020Views: 1,413
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Changa (816) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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