Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Slow and Steady Warm and Fuzzy
Citation:   FxShire. "Slow and Steady Warm and Fuzzy: An Experience with Tramadol (exp109888)". Apr 7, 2017.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:15 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:30 100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 6:30 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:30 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
This was my first time experiencing with opiates, or, actually, any downer drugs. I have been around narcotics for a few years, but my experience was limited to the amphetamine family, cocaine and 25i-nBOME. I am a regular cannabis user and have smoked almost daily for the past year, and I am also a regular cigarette smoker. I have never had any medication prescribed to me.

I have always been eager to experiment with new substances, and Tramadol has been on my mind for a few months now, however I couldn’t find a dealer and didn’t really bother searching either. Through a chain of events, I eventually got 10x50 mg pills on my table one Friday afternoon, and since I didn’t have any plans, I thought I might give it a go. In retrospect, I don’t really know what I expected from the trip, but after giving the drug enough time to work its magic, I was pleasantly surprised. I was initiating my experience in a very good and excited mood.

I started by taking 2x50 mg tramadol orally 1hr after having a large meal, as I heard opiates can make you nauseous and I figured it might be wise to have some food in the stomach.

Not feeling anything at all, watching some online videos to pass time and waiting for the pills to kick in.

Starting to feel a little tired, maybe just placebo.

Since I don’t feel anything still, I decided to redose, taking 2x50 mg again. I read on some forum that taking a second dose an hour after the initial will cause more interesting effects, as tramadol’s effects will be mixed with O-desmethyltramadol, tramadol’s main metabolite. At this point, I was playing an online MOBA-game, and I started to have an optical floaty sensation, as if things in front of me were getting closer and further away in cycles. My sense of distance seemed slightly affected. However, if I concentrated my brain power on doing something, I could still do it without much trouble.

Eyes start to feel warm, still the same slightly floaty feeling, no escalation yet.
At this point, I’m still playing my game (League of Legends), but I have trouble concentrating my eyes on one single object, as it seems to escape my vision. Kind of the feeling you have after a couple of beers. As the match ended, I realized I was playing really bad, although it didn’t bother me the least. I was feeling happy in general, not the laughing kind of happy, but instead a general sense of everything being alright.

The skin on my chest and armpits starts to feel warm, eyelids are getting heavy.

I have just finished my second game of League of Legends and I played quite alright, didn't have much desire to play it though. I feel kind of lost in my desires, I don’t know what I want to do but I am pleased with everything around me nonetheless. Feeling tired but not sleepy, as if I had just smoked some good indica, but with greatly reduced sedative effects.

Tramadol seems at this point to be a bad painkiller, my muscles were sore because of training a couple of days ago and the pain isn't gone at all, maybe slightly numbed. I decide that I should go for a walk, and before I leave the house I decide to redose, taking 1x50mg. It takes me about 10 minutes to get dressed, as I keep getting distracted by some kind of physical high. Scratching my head feels really good, as well as taking off and putting on clothes. I have some trouble regarding balance, close to being slightly drunk, maybe 3-4 beers.

I get a thought that a massage on Tramadol would be incredibly sick. The body high seems to be close to the one I get from MDMA. Feeling way less energy compared to MDMA though, and yet I am not particularly sleepy or tired, but I would never be able to do serious work right now. Thoughts are slowed.

I finally left the house, with headphones on. Balance feels a little off. The air smells unusual, it doesn't smell good but it feels good to smell it. Music sounds the same but feels a little different, more alive, closer to me. I feel kind of sober but overall slower. My legs don't move as fast. Smoked a cigarette on my way from home, felt pretty good, probably better than usual. The world seems like a nice place in general.

The fresh air probably sobered me a up a little, the temperature was a chilly -2 C. Tramadol seems like pretty weak stuff at this point, I'm definitely feeling it, but it's not much more than after local anesthesia at the dentist.

Got scared by a passing bike. I feel generally slowed, both mentally and physically. Walking feels good but I want to walk even slower than I am walking now, which was already too slow for my usual self. I have a feeling that time doesn’t matter, I just want to enjoy myself during this walk. I walked in the wrong direction a couple of times, and yet my sense of direction doesn’t seem to be severely impacted.

Came home from my walk. Starting to get a belief that everything I have felt up until this point was just placebo. My sensory nerve endings are numbed, everywhere in my body. Motor skills seem slightly off, as I had some trouble filling a bottle with water. I decide to redose again, taking 2x50mg. I think I'm going to stop here with the redosing. Over 400mg is known to cause seizures, and the effects don't seem to be as strong as I expected, so it kind of feels like a disappointment at this point.

Watched a 7 minute YouTube video, yet it didn’t feel like 7 minutes. It felt either longer or shorter, I am starting to lose the sense of time. I have no idea how long a minute is at this point. The floaty feeling I had earlier has returned, the one where everything seems to be dynamic. I'm lying down in my bed and feeling slightly sleepy, not really tired, but my eyes definitely want to close. Concentrating my eyes on a single point is getting hard, as they want to just roll around.

Getting itchy on my face and feet. Starting to watch the movie “Lord of War” starring Nicolas Cage, still lying down on my bed. Lying down feels really good in general, my body seems to fit the bed perfectly, as if I’m lying on a cloud next to Jesus. Been scrolling through different entertainment websites on my phone until now, yet I didn’t laugh a single time, not even smiled. Instead, I feel happy and content with everything around me.

Great mellow feeling. I'm drowsy, every part of my body feels good, my brain feels good, a little itchy here and there. Everything is so warm and nice. “I've really hit the spot” is a quote I wrote down at this time, it would be hard to explain the feeling, but everything in the universe seems great and I wouldn’t want to change a thing. My eyes are tired but they feel good too. I think I'm going to prolong this, taking a few more pills in a couple of hours or so. It's really hard to put down in words, but I have 0 worries, very relaxed and everything is awesome. For some reason I’m getting jaw clenching since maybe 30 mins back. This feels awesome too.

My landlord (I’m renting a room in an apartment) knocked on my door, asking to help her with her phone. I got a little nervous since I couldn’t really think well at this point, but if I really tried I could get some clear thoughts. It took me what seemed a longer time than usual to get out of bed and come out to help her, but I didn’t really have a good sense of time so I can’t really tell. Her problem really confused me for a moment, but luckily I just had to translate a message she received from her service provider. I hope I translated it correctly, in retrospect, I am not really sure. I remember that I had trouble standing straight and kept swaying while standing next to her. My voice seemed darker, and it felt like I was talking really loud, no matter how I tried to speak. The general feeling of content was still present, and helping my landlord out felt relaxing as well. I was really happy when I could finally return to my room.

I have trouble walking and standing straight. Overall calm and awesome feeling. Everything is feels warm and awesome, not the kind of warm that gets you all sweaty, no, instead a feeling of warmth that makes you feel safe, and loved. It seemed that my bed was the place in the universe where I most wanted to be. Urinated for the first time since administration, was a little troublesome but it worked out. Redosed with 1x50 mg.

The jaw clenching is approaching the level I get from MDMA, yet it feels really good to have it. Everything feels awesome, the air, the covers, the walls of my room, even the lamp shining right into my eyes. I myself feel very relaxed and pleased with myself. After this I stopped taking notes about my experience, I kind of lost the motivation and the desire to do so, since I was really pleased with everything just the way it was.

I got a call from my friend, asking if I was up for a game in League of Legends. I said sure, why not, and redosed with another 1x50mg on my way to the computer. I didn’t want to leave my bed, as it seemed warm and soft and I would really just like to lie down and fade away into I don’t even know what. I didn’t really care about what happened during the game and didn’t speak much (he has Aspergers so he doesn’t speak much either). The game felt really good, sitting was a little less pleasant than lying down, but I didn’t really mind it. There was nothing in the world that could make me worried or give me any negative feeling, it seemed.

I returned to my bed, deciding to watch another movie, “The Hangover Part 2”. There were no new experiences here, as I am still very pleased with everything around me, feeling warm and comfy. I didn’t laugh or even smile at any of the jokes in the film, I was in my own state of mind. I didn’t care much for what happened in the movie either, but it felt good to have something to focus my attention on. Sitting and lying down was great in all positions. I feel kind of itchy on different spots on my body, mostly concentrated in the places where the skin naturally folds, such as armpits, folds of the knees and the inner fold of the elbow.

As the movie is coming to an end, I really feel like closing my eyes. My eyelids have been heavy for a while now, yet I forced myself to the end of the film. As it ended, I closed my eyes and thought that it might be a good time to go to sleep.

From this point onward, I have little memory of what happened. I didn’t fall asleep until 4am, but it was the most pleasant sleepless night I have ever had. Lying down with closed eyes, feeling warm and wonderful, I have never felt so good while being completely calm and at peace. MDMA makes me feel way better, but I do get restless, Tramadol, however, gave me peace, love, and a ton of positive feelings, mostly about the environment around me and the situation I was in, but also about myself. I remember having next to no thoughts during these 4 hours, and I thought that I fell asleep multiple times. Checking my watch, however, proved that I was completely conscious all this time, as time progressed much, much slower than it would have if I had been asleep for parts of my late night experience. So I just lay with closed eyes, thinking nothing and feeling great… seems like a worthless way to spend time. I am not a good enough writer to transfer my feelings on Tramadol to the reader.

I woke up around 10am, yet remained in bed until about 3pm, partly sleeping and partly just lying with my eyes closed. When I finally got up, I was feeling quite refreshed, my head felt a little heavy but no signs of a hangover of any kind.

What still bothers me is that I haven’t expelled any urine except for that one time I wrote about earlier, even though I drank considerable amounts of water. I have still not been able to verify the effects of constipation many users associate with Tramadol, but my gastrointestinal tract hasn’t given me anything to worry about yet. I didn’t eat anything during my experience, and didn’t really want to either. I never felt the painful hunger I usually do after not eating for a long time during an amphetamine binge. It seems that I have had no side effects whatsoever.

In conclusion, the experience was truly one of a kind. I felt great, calm and at rest when Tramadol started working its magic, and it’s definitely something I plan on doing again in the future. The only downside I have experienced is the very slow onset of the drug, but it was definitely worth the wait.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109888
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 7, 2017Views: 2,627
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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