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E-Juice Trippy Relaxation
Synthetic Cannabinoid (liquid, AB-FUBINACA?)
Citation:   11333377. "E-Juice Trippy Relaxation: An Experience with Synthetic Cannabinoid (liquid, AB-FUBINACA?) (exp108416)". May 2, 2016.

1 hit vaporized Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists (liquid)
I searched high and low for something I can put in my normal vape that would get me feeling very relaxed with no avail. Then one day I heard about [ ] ejuice, but also heard it some very bad reviews with the product so decided against buying it. Then finally one day I did some more research and found [ ] ejuice or [ ]. I read some reviews on their site but didn't get much information so I decided to try it for myself. I've been vaping it for about 2 weeks now with no problems. It's a very nice feeling, not too edgy like some people say. I just took 1 puff and am already feeling very relaxed.

Very fast onset, really feel it in your head.

Eyes start feeling heavy and suddenly very hungry.

Started listening to Zeds Dead and it's very enjoyable.

Feel very spacy and a heavy body high onset has come over me like I just smoked a very strong sativa strain.

It feels almost like a super light dxm trip is going on in the back of my mind, at the same time I feel very stoned.

Decided to get some Icecream and it is so good! It taste like heaven.

Watching a trippy video and spaced out as if I was in the video. There's definetly something trippy in this.

Spaced out for a while but coming down slowly. Still feel a glow as if I'm still stoned but nothing strong.

Feel sober, feel like I didn't even vape anything definetly came down.

In conclusion this definetly mimicks something we all love and know. And supposedly doesn't show up on any tests.

[Reported by submitter to be AB-FUBINACA]

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108416
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 2, 2016Views: 5,876
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472), AB-FUBINACA (628), Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists (484) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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