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Vomiting My Eyes Out
Tramadol & Yohimbine
Citation:   Akvan. "Vomiting My Eyes Out: An Experience with Tramadol & Yohimbine (exp105072)". Jan 2, 2025.

T+ 0:00
600 mg oral O-Desmethyltramadol  
  T+ 0:10 5.4 mg oral Yohimbine (pill / tablet)
I'm a pharmacy student who's an avid and very experienced long-term Tramadol user. I take Tramadol as my own method for treatment of my Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

Also in its praise, I would like to inform that I've found Tramadol to have an anti-catabolic effect. Because its appetite suppression and thermogenesis, I've been able to keep most of my weight and muscles (I work out) when I'm ON, despite little food intake.

Weight height report:
I'm 180cm tall, in summers I'm around 88-90kg
Rest of the year I'm a lean muscular 82-84kg
Not bad for a 'drug junkie' right?

I've been on Tramadol for 4 years now, in this fashion:
9 months On Tram (School months)
3 months OFF Tram (Summer)

Typically once summer starts and there's no more school, I taper down Tram in a week, and cease taking it completely for the rest of summer. I'm very cautious and worried of my long-term health, And hope this gives my body, especially liver and kidneys, time to repair any potential damages. I also drink exactly 8 liters of water (28 cups) daily, with adequate table salt and multivitamin pills, to make sure my kidneys and liver are always being flushed and safe.

I'm very tolerant to Tramadol and I've gone up to 1000mg as a single dose (rare and occasion, done for fun, not safe to do regularly) and my record for total dosage in a day was 2300mg (resulted in vomiting).

I've never had any nausea or vomiting, except my first times. Yesterday I woke up and like usual, popped 600mg Tram as my typical 'breakfast' on an empty stomach (I eat very little food, most times dinner is the only thing I eat, most of my day is spend on studying). About 10 mins later I decided to 'experience' a new idea, to increase the stimulation of the Tram high, and popped a 5.4mg pill of Yohimbine HCl.

The result was horrible, About an hour later, I became jittery and began to have chills, I felt hot, yet covered with cold sweat, I also felt very very anxious and nauseous. I ate 2 fresh cucumbers and an orange to reduce the nausea, It worked for an hour, and after that the nausea was back ever stronger. Finally after 5 hours, I felt I'm going to vomit, and sprinted to restroom. There, I had my WORST vomiting of my life. I felt like my eyes was popping out, and vomit came after vomit so fast that I had problems breathing. Finally it stopped and I looked at myself into the mirror, my typical rosy skin was turned red like an Apache, and there was these massive puffy skin bags under my eyes, and my face was covered in tears, and due to the pressure caused by the severe powerful vomiting, my eyes was so red with thick visible arteriols, like I had smoked a massive dose of weed.

I've had enough of this hell, and would NEVER EVER touch Yohimbine in my life.

I will continue to take Tramadol until my doctorate graduation, although I will try to keep the dose as low as possible, and if I find an alternative medicine with fewer side-effects and same/more efficacy I will switch to it and cease taking Tramadol.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105072
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jan 2, 2025Views: 28
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Pharms - Tramadol (149), Yohimbine (787) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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