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Neck Injury and Hospital
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Glime. "Neck Injury and Hospital: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp100190)". Oct 30, 2024.

2 hits oral LSD
Neck Injury and Hospital on LSD

The LSD was certainly present. After a game of late night frisbee, I wandered into the house where the remaining few of the party still hung around staring at the ceiling with wide, curious eyes. The Swiss exercise ball in the middle of the room called my name. I approached it, got into a squat on top and slowly stood up into a balanced stance atop the green ball. Facing away from the group I found a quiet, calm balance with my mind and body. The meditative state combined with the relaxed body high allowed for my not-so-aligned back to work itself into an equilibrium. After ten minutes of this balancing act, I hopped off and sat down on the ball working on neck stretches.

I rolled right to left, then left to right, being sure not to roll with my head back, as this can lead to neck injury. I stretched my neck deep to the right, and upon moving over to the left I heard and felt and audible crack.

“Shit, that didn't feel right.” I thought, or perhaps spoke out loud. With no pain, I disregarded the sound, but decided to end the stretching for the night. Laying down on the couch, watching the patterns of the stucco on the ceiling work, I couldn't seem to find a comfortable position for my head. Don't think too hard on this, drugs have a way of magnifying the details. But as my hands massaged the back of the neck, I began to realize something was amiss. The aura of the room darkened intensely and panic set in. Something is wrong... fuck. A vague image of my cervical spine came into my minds eye view
The aura of the room darkened intensely and panic set in. Something is wrong... fuck. A vague image of my cervical spine came into my minds eye view
, two vertebrae were locked together and disjointed from the rest of the spine. Fuck. The once-pleasant ceiling twisted into dark, menacing fractals. The friends in the room carried on their conversations. I watched them, trying to convince myself this was just in my head, but meanwhile my mind was feeling further and further from my body. Without a word I stood up and walked to the kitchen where a friend engaged me in conversation.

“There was this one time, man, holy shit it was crazy, we were all out at the...” I don't give a fuck, my head is falling off. The blood drained from my head and the room began to blur. I turned away and wandered out the front doors and into the dark street. Is this it? Is this how my life ends? Am I seconds away from collapsing on this street? There is no pain... so I must be dying... I must be seconds from dissipating from this physical world. I can't die yet, not yet.

The panic slowed after walking the street, so I decided to return to the house. I wasn't dead. The living room floor called my name. I lay down and breathed deep, keeping my head straight.

“Are you okay, man?” The one remaining soul in the room asked, clearly concerned.

Fuck no. “Umm, I don't think so dude, I may have hurt my neck”. My head isn't fucking attached. My hands made their way to the back of my neck once again. I slowly massaged the area. It was shocking to find the looseness of the muscles and tendons. The entire backside of my neck had the structural consistency of a breast. With my eyes closed, my fingers became tools for vision. They approached C1 of the cervical spine. It was loose. As was C2 and each individual vertebrae downwards. Fuck! The entire cervical spine was malleable. Fuck, Fuck! I slid C1 to what I thought was “in place”. There was a tidal wave effect down the entire column. Each vertebrae followed suit, the wave traveled down to the collar bone, through the shoulder girdle and rib cage, shifting every bone along the way. It travelled through the lumbar and into the sacrum, displacing the hips, femur, knees, shins and feet. Jesus. Shit, fuck. Fuck!

The Health Line was on the other end of the phone.
“Is there any pain?”
“Is there any blood”
“Can you turn your head? Can you walk?”
“Yes, yes.”
“We'll this is quite an anomaly, you should probably see a professional.”
No fucking shit I should see a professional! That's why the fuck I called you in the first place you ignorant fucking fuck!
“Certainly, thank you very much for your help!”

Strapped onto board with a neck brace clamped to my neck, I stared at the hospital ceiling. The florescent lights glared at me... not helping with the inevitable hallucinations.
“Did you consume any alcohol?”
“I had one beer at midnight.”
“How about drugs?”
Two hits of Acid and multiple bong rips.

Two nurses pushed the bed through the hallways at what seems like 60km/hour. Lights, exit signs, and speakers whipped by overhead. The passing patients could be heard screaming, vomiting and pleading. Smells of sterile antiseptics wafted through the air as images of shattered bones, ripped tendons, shit and blood consumed my imagination as I desperately tried to sleep.

“We'll there has been no break.” Thank fuck. “It seems you have done some self chiropractic alignment. Sometimes the neck will click or kink putting things out of place, but lying in the neck brace on that board seemed to link everything nicely back together. You're free to go, enjoy the day.”

The Doctor left the room. Bewildered and still somewhat high, I stood up, put on my shirt and walked out the doors of the hospital into the pleasant Sunday morning air.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100190
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Oct 30, 2024Views: 28
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