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After Hours
Citation:   Makpak. "After Hours: An Experience with MDMA & 5-HTP (exp10000)". Feb 14, 2004.

T+ 0:00
160 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
  T+ 2:00 100 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
  T+ 4:10 50 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
Preparation: I have heard some conflicting opinions on 5-htp (i.e. if loading for a few days before an MDMA trip helps build serotonin and makes for a more powerful trip or not, and if it helps reduce the slight depression one gets after rolling or not). So wanting to see for myself, I decided to go to my local health store and pick up a bottle of the stuff. The directions on the bottle were to take 1x50mgs daily. I decided to take 3x50mgs daily for 4 days before the trip. I also decided to prepare myself mentally for the following few days (i.e. staying in a positive mood) in hopes of being in the best mind set for my first E trip in an after-hours club.

Mind set: It had been a good evening when the time came to leave for the party. We had a heavy turkey supper for thanksgiving/brother’s birthday accompanied with much wine and beer so that had me slightly worried for fear of puking. And I was still slightly sad because I had lost my new blue hat in a bar the night before and the cops had taken some weed from me. But otherwise I was in a great mood, definitely ready for some hard-core rollin’. I headed to the party with about 20 people and to my disappointment nobody was rolling that night except me.

The Experience: We get into the after-hours club at about 11:45pm, I walk around the place for about 20 minutes in order to get comfortable, find the bath rooms and locate the essential water bottle refill areas. At about 12:10am I pop my first dose of about ~150-170 mgs of high grade MDMA in a gel-cap. Being somewhat experienced with E, this time I decided to notice exactly how the drug comes on.

T+00:30, just sitting on a couch chilling, I feel pretty nervous, like a tightness in my chest, hands are clammy and I am restless.

T+00:45, I start to feel the effects of the somewhat high dose, it’s like as if my hearing was drowned out for half a second and I felt/heard a “WHOOOSH” as the MDMA must’ve been entering my synapses, followed by a sudden wave of dizziness. I head downstairs to refill my water bottle for I feel this is gonna be an intense trip! By the time I finish filling the bottle, and now I am fully launched into the roll, all in the span of five minutes. I start to notice how beautiful the flashing lights are and the techno sounds GREAT all while bobbing my head unconsciously to it. There are girls everywhere, I spot one with a sexy thong sticking out of her pants and realize that life is amazing, everything is as it should be, raving is the best thing ever and I wonder why I have never gone to one before. All my senses are being stimulated in the best possible ways, I am enjoying hugging the girls I am with and talking to my friends. All while wanting to scream from the top of my lungs: “THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!”. But I don’t want to attract to. much attention so I must restrain myself from doing so.

I’m not much of a dancer so I’m spending most of the time chilling on couches and sitting on the huge club speakers, letting the bass flow through my entire body, this is the best feeling ever. This is a very strong roll so as usual I surprise myself by clenching my teeth with surprising strength: “I thought we’d been over this before!.” So not wanting to grind my molars down to useless stumps, I walk over to my friend M and ask her for some gum. I take 3 pieces! My jaw muscles work away happily at the gum, somewhat reducing the tension in them.

Then comes the moment of truth, its time to take a piss. As is usual on MDMA, I’m never able to exorcise my pee demons, so I doodle around with weasel for about 20 minutes in a bathroom stall and realize that all my forcing and struggling is in vain, I leave the bathroom and continue rollin’.

T+2:00, I’m still very high but I fear that eventually I might just come down, that’s the problem with E; I always want more. So I decide to pop a “booster” dose of ~100mgs. I have noticed at this point, as is usual with E, smoking cigarettes is GREAT! (if you’re into that sort of thing). I’m smoking a butt every 15 minutes! But you have to be careful all you first-time rollers, if you smoke too much you’ll wake up with the most disgusting sore throat the next morning.

Girls are massaging me and I’m having the most amazing and meaningful conversations of my life, or so it seems. All while listening to the extremely loud bass oriented techno music and watching the crazy life show.

T+2:30, here we go, the booster dose kicks in. It’s not as noticeable as the onset of the first pill, but I can definitely tell that the roll has just been taking up by quite a notch! I go downstairs to fill up my water again (something I have done many times already tonight). I buy an apple and an orange at the refreshment stand (bad idea as you will see in a bit) I eat them both and they taste great as is everything else when you’re rollin’.

T+2:45, I finally find a girl I can sit down with and get/give massages to. She’s a cool chick who’s moved here from Russia a month ago and she’s with some other Russian guy who’s tripping on a few hits of acid. Massages on E are a source of pure elation for me, as is any other form of touching. We make out for a little while, but I notice that there is nothing sexual about this encounter. It is purely Sensual. “Sensual”, in my opinion, is a word that captures with highest accuracy, the essence of an MDMA trip. It’s all about stimulating your senses and those of others around you. I draw unspeakable pleasure from simple stimuli that would not normally warrant any further considerations when not rolling.

High fives, telling someone you care about that they are cool, hugs & kisses, holding hands, smelling a girl’s hair, gentle massages and chewing gum all seem so luxurious. I think that when you’re doing E, the experience is so much more pleasurable, interesting and rewarding when you have someone of the opposite sex that you trust and feel comfortable with whom you can visit periodically for affection, massages and talking. This can also make your experience safer because you can check up on each other’s health, “have you had your water lately?”

T+4:00, I’m starting to doubt my own intensity! Damn, I hate this part, because when I start to feel the faint possibility that I may be coming down just a bit, that I start to doubt the fact that stupid simple things bring me pleasure, then I know that the jig is up. At this point I must be right over the peak of the high and am quickly tumbling back down to the dreary and dull reality that is life. For me, the MDMA crash is the most horrible feeling. I’m sure it is not unlike when a child is ripped from his mother’s warm & comforting womb at his birth.

T+4.05, My good friend Action comes to proposition me at this point to head over to the bathrooms and snort a line of MDMA. Wanting keep my buzz up a little longer I am easily coaxed into this.

T+4:10. Action and me are in the b-room stall. While he prepares the nose-candy, I miraculously manage to pee. So having not peed once during the night I am very happy. I snort the line and am happy to notice that it does not burn too much.

T+4:20, I am feeling extremely nauseous as the acrid chemical leaks down my throat. I have decided never to snort the shit again for it is too nauseating. I think I’m gonna puke eventually. Luckily my turkey supper is pretty far down the trap at this point. The insufflated MDMA has definitely not made my buzz better. I am no longer intense and have no desire to talk to people…totally introspective. I feel very stoned, similarly to an acid trip and am seeing some pretty intense tracers. I’m leaning my head on my friend ER’s shoulder to comfort me in this nauseous state. The music is too loud & I wanna go home.

T+5:00, The rest of the people I am with decide it’s time to leave. There is major confusion at the coat check area because I have lost my little ticket. I can’t understand what the lady at the coatcheck is saying, too stoned. I finally get my coat back, at the cost of 5$ and am finally in the car on the way home

T+5:30 Visuals: I didn’t see much talk in the other MDMA trip reports about OEV’s. I have noticed that after re-dosing a few timed in the night, at the end of the buzz I start to get some major OEV action. But not the normal visuals like you get on shrooms, like patterns and auras. But crazy realistic hallucinations usually involving people that aren’t really there. I dislike this kind of hallucination because they catch me off-guard. I’ll be staring at somebody and wondering why they are not moving, as I approach to check it out I realize the person turns out to be a tree or a garbage can.

I am now riding in Action’s car to go back to my place. I close my tired eyes for a second and reopen them and am shocked to see that my brother is driving the car instead of Action. I don’t say anything for fear of appearing stupid, I’m pretty freaked out. So I rub my eyes and am surprised to see Action is back in the driver’s seat.

T+5:35 Action stops the car and I find myself vomiting everything I had in my stomach. The puke has tracers! I had many more fucked up visuals, too many to describe. Action notes that I’m talking like a retard, I’m not able to finish my sentences because I forget what I’m trying to say in the middle of them. MDMA destroys my short-term memory temporarily for a few hours after a trip.

T+6:15 I get home finally, I feel like a zombie. I head to the bathroom and start to wretch violently once again. Luckily my mom doesn’t hear me. (NOTE: wash your teeth if you puke on E, because stomach acids and tooth grinding are a bad combo). The most unsettling thing happens after I flush the puke. The water sound coming from the toilet is actually loud techno music (the sound has no bass though), I could hear it very clearly…I pray for it to stop and it does. I still can’t piss because my pee muscles are too tense, so I go to bed with a full bladder. Sleep.

The Aftermath: After having woken up a million time to go pee during the night (100% full bladders each time), I wake up at 3 pm. My jaw hurts like a bitch, My mouth is full of little cuts and I still feel pretty nauseous. My nose is irritated/clogged from the snorting. I try to eat some yogurt but almost gag. I’ll stick to coffee. Oddly enough I’m not in the “I hate the world, everything sucks and I want to kill everybody with a sledgehammer” kinda’ mood that I usually am after a night of hardcore rolling.

5-HTP Conclusion: I attribute my somewhat good mood to the 5-htp which I had loaded up on all week (NOTE: I took 100mgs of the stuff before going to bed). However, I did not notice any significant increase in intensity during the trip, which 5-HTP is rumored to do when loaded up on for a few days before an E trip. I’ve taken similar doses of MDMA on many occasions so I have a point of comparison. I have concluded that loading on 5-htp doesn’t do much, although I’ll repeat the experiment again to confirm my hypothesis. On the other hand, I noted that in the following week, I did not suffer any mild depression like I normally do after such a trip. I attribute this to the 5-htp. So for those who have small bouts of depression after rolling I’d suggest taking some 5-htp to possibly speed mental recovery.

P.s. E, as I have discovered in this experience is a great after-hours drug for me, I definitely would not have had as much fun at the party without it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10000
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2004Views: 51,835
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MDMA (3), Tryptophan - 5-HTP (196) : General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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