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Nitrous Contaminant Warnings
by Erowid
First Published: Sep 2000. Last Updated Oct 10, 2009.

For those who use Nitrous recreationally, it may be important to pay attention to the quality and purity of the gas used. For kitchen use in making whipcream, small amounts of residues are much less dangerous, but could affect the taste of the end product.

It appears that not all nitrous 'whippet' chargers are the same quality. Most or all whippet brands contain oily residues which are likely unhealthy to inhale. Some of industrial nitrous cylinders/tanks contain other residue gasses which are highly toxic to inhale (some contain a sulfurous gas which is toxic and unpleasant).

  • ISI isi package
    • ISI Brand whippets are considered the best quality nitrous for both making whipcream and for recreational use. Many consider them the only acceptable brand for inhaling. ISI chargers leave an oily black residue on crackers, balloons, and whip-cream canisters which is noticeable after a dozen or so. This image depicts the contaminant left after we ran 12 cartridges through a whip-cream maker and then dragged a finger along the inner surface of the cylinder.

  • EZ-Whip EZ-Whip package
    • EZ-Whip brand whippets are reported to contain oily resides. Although they are generally cheaper than ISI, this report states "[do] NOT buy regardless of the purpose." Other users report that these chargers add a 'bad' taste and cause headaches. These chargers are metallic with some black printing on each.
    • Another Report about EZ-Whip brand: "Being a bargain hunter at heart, I switched from ISI brand to EZ Whips. After an evening during which three people consumed the contents of nearly fifty EZ Whip chargers, the cannister was placed back on the shelf, until three days ago, when I decided to make whipped cream again. I opened the cannister, and immediately noticed a greyish residue on the inside of the cannister and inside the lid. Wiping it off with my fingers, I determined it was a grey, oily substance, not unlike machine oil." - MC

  • Leland Gas Tech / "Ms. Cream Cream Whippers"
    • One user reports these are without oily residue, but we've received no other mentions of this brand of nitrous oxide charger.
  • Natur-Whip
    • One user reported that Natur-Whip cartridges leave oily black residue and the gas has a metallic taste. (Y Dec 2000)
  • Pure Whip Pure Whip package
    • Erowid testing shows that Pure Whip, like all other brands we've tested, leaves an oily black residue, black chips of an unknown substance, and tiny metal shards in the gas that comes out of the chargers.