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by Erowid
Caution :   Reactions and experiences may vary dramatically from person to person. [see below]
Methiopropamine Duration
( very tentative )
Total Duration
2 - 4 hrs
5 - 10 mins
Coming Up
5 - 10 mins
30 - 60 mins
Coming Down
30 - 120 mins
After Effects
8 - 18 hrs
Hangover / Day After
- - -
Methiopropamine Duration
( very tentative )
Total Duration
?? hrs
?? mins
Coming Up
?? mins
60 - 120 mins
Coming Down
30 - 120 mins
After Effects
?? - ?? hrs
Hangover / Day After
- - -
  • Mild euphoria
  • Increased alertness, energy
  • Sexual arousal
  • Increased heart rate
  • Loss of appetite
    (likelihood of negative side effects increases with higher doses)
  • Risk of psychological dependency
  • Vasoconstriction, cold extremities
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Labored breathing, pain with deep breaths.
  • Racing heart (somewhat common with higher doses and/or redosing)
  • Chest tightness, pains (somewhat common with higher doses and/or redosing)
  • Significant hangover after extended use (nausea, headache, dizziness, lack of energy)
  • Bad smelling sweat, burps, and gas (only reported by a few users)
General Effects Notes
The effects of methiopropamine are usually compared to methamphetamine, but there are too few experience reports with reliably sourced material to say much else with confidence. Described by some as a fairly clean stimulant effect at lower dosages. Negative side effects and difficult come-down period are significantly worse with higher doses and/or redosing multiple times.

Addiction and Compulsive Use
It is not yet known how addictive or likely methiopropamine is to cause long-term compulsive use. Many reports describe it as "more-ish", indicating it induces compulsive re-dosing in some users, but not as badly as MDPV or mephedrone. Because its use is so new and uncommon, no definitive statements about it can be made.

[insufflated] "[...] it's ceiling is a bit low and minimal euphoria so the effects probably aren't worth the risk and downside of taking it." -- by Dax, thread 544266, Dec 31, 2010
[insufflated] "[...] I liked it. Good bits of speed without the stupidly long duration and resulting insomnia." -- by Rickolasnice, thread 544266, Jan 18, 2011
[60 mg insufflated] "[...] insufflated said dose at around 2pm, felt really nice for a good 2.5 hours - had to fight off the urge to redose (which was very strong, akin to mephedrone)" -- by Midinoz, thread 544266, Jan 5, 2011
[200 mg insufflated over 8 hrs] "[...] after it started to wear off we were all violently sick. We all then felt extremely ill, symptoms i'd say were common to an amphetamine overdose. Fastest heartbeat i've ever felt, chest pains. I was terrified to tell you the truth. [...] Should also add, none of us could piss." -- by Blobbymahn, thread 544266, Jan 1, 2011
[300 mg insufflated over 8 hrs] "Me and a friend stayed up all night on friday sharing 500mg of this and getting extremely drunk. i reckon i had a bit more than him totalling about 300mg. i would say the effect is like crap speed. its sunday afternoon now and im feeling really sick and tired still. i reckon it was a pretty stupid thing to do now. " -- by Lazyscience, thread 544266, Jan 14, 2011
[repeated] "[...] I measured out several lines of 20 mg each. I snorted one and sat down to wait. The drip was not unpleasant and I soon felt very stimulated. However, I had this inkling that perhaps a bit of euphoria was coming my way, so I had another line. The second line gave me a good kick so I had another...Pretty soon I was measuring out another batch of lines, 30 mg this time. [...]" -- Exp 89821
[45-50 mg rectal] "[...] As straight stims go, tis a decent one. Those folks searching for a meph replacement should probably skip this one cos it most certainly isn't one." -- by Shambles, thread 544266, Jan 8, 2011
[50 mg rectal] "[...] feel floaty and a nice buzz. Nothing spectacular but nice." -- by Pb109, thread 544266, May 4, 2011
Erowid's effects information is a summary of data gathered from users, research, and other resources. This information is intended to describe the range of effects people report experiencing. Effects may vary dramatically from one person to another or one experience to another based on a variety of factors such as body chemistry, age, gender, physical health, dose, form of material, etc.