06/20/94 59 FR 31639 [Docket No. 94N-0173] International Drug Scheduling; Convention on Psychotropic Substances; Certain Stimulant/Hallucinogenic Drugs and Certain Nonbarbiturate Sedative Drugs AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is requesting interested persons to submit data or comments concerning abuse potential, actual abuse, medical usefulness, and trafficking of eight drug substances. This information will be considered in preparing a response from the United States to the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding abuse liability, actual abuse, and trafficking of these drugs. WHO will use this information to consider whether to recommend that certain international restrictions be placed on these drugs. This notice requesting information is required by the Controlled Substances Act (the CSA). DATES: Comments by July 20, 1994. ADDRESSES: Written comments to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1-23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nicholas P. Reuter, Office of Health Affairs (HFY-20), Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, 301-443-1382. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The United States is a party to the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances (the Convention). Article 2 of the Convention provides that if a party to that Convention or WHO has information about a substance which in its opinion may require international control or change in such control, it shall so notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations (the Secretary-General) and provide the Secretary-General with information in support of its opinion. The CSA (21 U.S.C. 811 et seq.-title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970) provides that when the United Nations notifies the United States under Article 2 of the Convention that it has information that may justify adding a drug or other substance to one of the schedules of that Convention, transferring a drug or substance from one schedule to another, or deleting it from the schedules, the Secretary of State must transmit the notice to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Secretary of HHS must then publish the notice in the Federal Register and provide opportunity for interested persons to submit comments to assist HHS in preparing scientific and medical evaluations about the drug or substance. The Secretary of HHS received the following notices from WHO on behalf of the Secretary-General: I. WHO Notifications A. Notification on Methcathinone Reference: NAR/CL.1/1994 CU 94/65 TIL-CND-101/94 UNDCP 421/12(1) 1971 CPS WHO/ECDD The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the Secretary of State of the United States of America and has the honour to inform the Government that pursuant to article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971, the Government of the United States of America has informed him that it is of the opinion that 2-(methylamino)- 1-phenylpropan-1-one (hereinafter referred to as methcathinone), should be included in Schedule I of that Convention. In accordance with the provisions of article 2, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Secretary-General hereby transmits the notification in question as annex I to the present note. The information submitted by the Government of the United States of America in support of that notification is reproduced as annex II. The present notification has also been transmitted to the World Health Organization pursuant to article 2, paragraph 2, of the Convention, for consideration by the 29th WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence which is expected to examine this proposal in September 1994. The WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence is responsible for making scheduling recommendations to the Director-General of WHO. In accordance with article 2, paragraph 5, of the Convention, any recommendation made by the World Health Organization will be brought to the attention of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Any action or decision taken by the Commission with respect to this notification will be notified to States Parties in due course. Article 2, paragraph 5, reads as follows: "5. The Commission, taking into account the communication from the World Health Organization, whose assessments shall be determinative as to medical and scientific matters, and bearing in mind the economic, social, legal, administrative and other factors it may consider relevant, may add the substance to Schedule I, II, III or IV. The Commission may seek further information from the World Health Organization or from other appropriate sources.'' The Secretary-General would appreciate if the Government would submit data on methcathinone following the outline contained in the questionnaire attached to the present note as annex III. Data provided by Governments will be used by WHO in the preparation of a document to assist the Expert Committee in the examination of this proposal. It would therefore be very much appreciated if any comments which the Government may wish to make with respect to this proposal could be sent to the Secretary-General by 15 June 1994 at the latest. Replies should be addressed to the Executive Director of the United Nations International Drug Control Programme, c/o Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 500, A-1400 Vienna, Austria, fax 239397. 10 March 1994 ANNEX I 10 January 1994 Notification Under Article 2, Paragraph 1, of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances Subject: Addition of a substance to one of the Schedules annexed to the Convention The Government of the United States of America, being a Party to the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, has information relating to the following substance which is not yet under international control, but which, in the Government's opinion, may require its addition to one of the Schedules of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances. The substance is known by the names of N-methylcathinone, methcathinone, ephedrone and monomethylpropion. Its chemical name is 2-(methylamino)-1-phenylpropan-1-one and its chemical formula is C10H13NO. In the Government's opinion, the above substance should be added to Schedule I of that Convention. The Government of the United States of America transmits this notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 2 of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, in order to initiate the procedure provided for under that article. The relevant information in support of this notification is annexed hereto. ANNEX II METHCATHINONE Clandestine production, abuse and trafficking data Over the past three years a new drug, called methcathinone, has appeared in the illicit drug market in the United States. Results of animals studies indicate that this drug is a central nervous system stimulant with a significant potential of abuse. This is supported by the anecdotal information that has been collected on its pattern of abuse, by the effects produced and by the documented spread of abuse of the drug in the United States. On 1 May 1993, methcathinone was placed in Schedule I of the United States Controlled Substances Act (the CSA). The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is now aware that methcathinone is a drug of abuse in a number of other countries, particularly the Russian Federation and some of the newly independent States of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Methcathinone is not currently scheduled at an International level. Considering that methcathinone abuse has been documented in a number of countries, this drug should be examined for possible international control under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971{1}. | {1} United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1019, No. |14956 Methcathinone is a structural analogue of cathinone and methamphetamine. The similarity in chemical structure between methcathinone and the other two compounds is shown in the figure below. Methcathinone differs from cathinone in having a methyl group in place of hydrogen attached to the terminal nitrogen atom of the isopropylamine side chain. Methcathinone differs from methamphetamine in having a ketone group instead of a methylene group at the beta carbon position of the phenylalkylamine molecule. All forms of methamphetamine have been controlled in Schedule II of CSA since 1971. Cathinone was placed in Schedule I of the CSA on 14 January 1993. Cathinone and methamphetamine are currently in Schedules I and II, respectively, of the 1971 Convention. >>>> See the accompanying hardcopy volume for non-machine-readable data that appears at this point. >>>> Various names for methcathinone include 2-(methylamino)-propiophenone, ALPHA-(methylamino)-propiophenone, ALPHA-N-methylaminopropiophenone, 2-(methylamino)-1-phenylpropan-1-one, monomethylpropion, N-methylcathinone, N-monomethylcathinone, methylcathinone, AL-464 (1 isomer), AL- 422 (racemate), AL-463 (d-isomer), UR1431 and UR(W)1431. In Europe, methcathinone is primarily known as ephedrone. Methcathinone has a single asymmetric carbon atom, thus yielding enantiomeric + and - forms. Chemical Abstract Services registry numbers for the racemic base and hydrochloride forms are 5650-44-2 and 49656- 78-2, respectively. The Chemical Abstract Services registry numbers for the base and hydrochloride forms of the S absolute stereochemical configuration are 112117-24-5 and 66514-93-0, respectively. The molecular formula for methcathinone is C10H13NO. The molecular weight of methcathinone hydrochloride is 199.67. In preclinical studies, methcathinone hydrochloride produces pharmacological effects and appears to have an abuse potential similar to that of the amphetamines. Methcathinone hydrochloride increases spontaneous rodent locomotor activity, potentiates the release of radio-labelled dopamine from dopaminergic nerve terminals in the brain, and causes appetite suppression. In drug discrimination studies, methcathinone hydrochloride evokes responses similar to those induced by both (+)-amphetamine sulphate and cocaine hydrochloride. When examined in particular pharmacological assays for psychomotor stimulant-like activity, both the d and l enantiomeric forms of methcathinone hydrochloride have been found to be pharmacologically active. In these assays, the l- form of methcathinone is more active than either d-methcathinone or (+)-amphetamine. Racemic methcathinone hydrochloride is intravenously self-administered by baboons, thus indicating that methcathinone produces reinforcing effects in this laboratory animal, and suggesting that the drug has a potential for abuse in the human population. A survey of the scientific and medical literature has not revealed any studies examining the pharmacological effects of methcathinone in humans. Parke Davis, who initially did preclinical studies of methcathinone in the United States in the early and mid-1950s, subsequently elected to abandon the drug prior to performing any clinical studies. Methcathinone has never been approved for legitimate medical use in the United States. Currently, DEA is not aware of any legitimate medical uses for methcathinone in other countries. The limited knowledge of the pharmacology of methcathinone in humans comes from anecdotal evidence of methcathinone abuse and from several papers published in journals in the Russian Federation and documenting methcathinone (ephedrone) abuse in that country. This information indicates that in humans methcathinone produces stimulant effects on the central nervous system similar to those produce by amphetamines and cocaine. To date, the abuse of methcathinone has been documented in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. This abuse is believed to have originated at Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1989. Since then, methcathinone abuse in Michigan has increased substantially, almost exclusively in the Upper Peninsula of that state. Methcathinone abuse spread from Michigan into Wisconsin sometime in late 1992. A number of drug abuse treatment centres in Michigan, as well as several drug and psychiatric treatment centres in Wisconsin, have reported encounters with methcathinone abusers. In addition, there have been a number of documented emergency-room cases involving the purported abuse of methcathinone. Data from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies indicate methcathinone abuse in Michigan and Wisconsin, which subsequently spread to Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. Individuals abusing methcathinone have been primarily whites with limited educational backgrounds and financial means. In addition, they tend to be polysubstance abusers, having abuse experience with alcohol, marijuana, stimulants (that is, methamphetamine and cocaine) and/or other drugs. The principal form of methcathinone distributed and abused is the hydrochloride salt of the l-enantiomer, which exists as a chunky powdered material, white to off-white in colour. It is usually sold as itself under such street names as "Cat'' and "Goob''. Less often it is passed off as methamphetamine under such names as "Crank'', "Speed'', "Slick Superspeed'', "Bathtub speed'' and "Cadillac Express''. It is usually sold in quantities of one fourth of a gram, 1 gram, 3.5 grams ("8- ball'') or an ounce (28.35 grams). The powdered material comes packaged in paper packets (called bindles), vials and plastic bags. Street prices are in the vicinity of 20.00 United States dollars (US$) to US$ 25.00 for one fourth of a gram, US$ 100.00 for 1 gram, and US$ 200 to US$ 250.00 for an "8-ball''. Anecdotal reports have provided some information on patterns of methcathinone abuse. The most common route of administration is via nasal insufflation (snorting). Other routes of administration include oral ingestion, intravenous injection and smoking. Methcathinone is abused in binges lasting two to six days. During binges experienced users will administer methcathinone at doses ranging from one sixteenth to one fourth or a gram. The interval between dosing varies between approximately 20 minutes and two hours. With such a dosing regimen, during a binge methcathinone may be administered in daily amounts exceeding 1 or 2 grams. The principal determinant defining the length of the binge is the amount of drug available; that is, the binge ends only when the available supply of drug runs out. The methcathinone binge resembles amphetamine binges in that the abuser does not sleep or eat, and takes in little in the way of liquids. The methcathinone binge is followed by a "crash'' characterized by long periods of sleep, excess eating and, in some cases, depression with or without thoughts of suicide. Methcathinone is abused for its psychomotor stimulant effects. It is reported by abusers to produce such desirable effects as a "burst of energy'', "head rush'', "body rush'', a "speeding of the mind'', and "increased feeling of self-confidence'' and "euphoria''. Methcathinone abusers with experience in the abuse of other stimulants have reported that the effects produced by methcathinone are qualitatively similar to those produced by methamphetamine and/or cocaine. The head rush and body rush are much more intense following intravenous administration than snorting. The onset of action has been reported to occur around one to two minutes following intravenous injection and 5 to 15 minutes following snorting. Duration of action may vary from 30 minutes to about two hours. Methcathinone abuse is associated with the production of adverse effects. Abusers have anecdotally reported that methcathinone produces unpleasant effects such as paranoia, hallucinations, anxiety, tremor, insomnia, malnutrition, weight loss, dehydration, sweating, stomach pains, nose-bleeding and body aches. At least four emergency-room encounters with presumed methcathinone abusers have been documented in Michigan. In three of these cases, intravenous administration was the route of administration. In the other case, the drug was smoked. Adverse effects observed in one or more of the four cases included agitation, excitement, hallucinations, elevated temperature, chills, elevated blood temperature, increased heart rate, tremor, back and/or abdominal pain and hypotension. All effects subsided within 24 to 48 hours. Complete recovery occurred in all four cases. In these cases, methcathinone use was presumed to be based upon the descriptions of drug use given by the patients. In the absence of an established analytical procedure to measure methcathinone levels in biological fluids, analysis of methcathinone in fluid samples from the cases was not attempted. In two of the cases ephedrine and phenylpropanolamine, known metabolites of methcathinone, were detected in urine. Methcathinone hydrochloride is produced for street distribution in clandestine laboratories. Between June 1991 and August 1993, 27 active or inactive clandestine methcathinone laboratories were seized by federal, state and local law enforcement officials in Michigan. Since January 1993, at least five clandestine methcathinone laboratories have been encountered in Wisconsin. In August 1992 a clandestine methcathinone laboratory was seized in Seattle, Washington. In June 1993 a clandestine methcathinone laboratory was seized in Illinois. In September 1993 four clandestine methcathinone laboratories were seized in Indiana. In the United States, methcathinone is synthesized via the oxidation of l-ephedrine using sodium dichromate and sulphuric acid. Once this reaction is completed (in about four hours), the solution is made basic using a suitable base such as lye. The methcathinone is then extracted from the basic solution using toluene which has previously been dried using Epsom salt. In the next step, hydrogen chloride gas is bubbled through the organic solution to precipitate out the l-methcathinone hydrochloride salt. Following removal of the solvents, the l-methcathinone hydrochloride exists as a chunky powder, white to off-white in colour. Recently, some clandestine laboratory operators, as a final step, have started washing the methcathinone hydrochloride powder with acetone in order to further remove impurities to make the powder more white in colour. As the hydrochloride salt form, l-methcathinone is very stable and readily water-soluble. To date almost all of the ephedrine used in clandestine laboratories has come from the 25-milligram l-ephedrine tablets purchased from pharmaceutical warehouses. Sodium dichromate is readily obtained from most chemical supply stores. The sulphuric acid is primarily obtained as battery acid from automotive stores. Lye, toluene, acetone and muriatic acid (a solution of hydrochloric acid) are obtained form hardware stores. The synthesis of l- methcathinone hydrochloride does not require any special reaction conditions or laboratory equipment. Laboratory equipment typically consists of mason jars, funnels, coffee filters, tubing and a stirring apparatus. Methcathinone has been encountered by law enforcement officials in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Washington and Wisconsin. Michigan State Police obtained the first street sample of methcathinone in February 1991. Since that time, there have been over 75 encounters of methcathinone by federal, state and local law enforcement officials in Michigan. Methcathinone was first encountered in Wisconsin in March 1992. Since October 1992, there have been more than 30 federal, state or local law enforcement encounters of methcathinone in Wisconsin. A number of encounters have occurred in Indiana and Missouri. Isolated encouters have been documented in Washington, North Carolina and Illinois. The abuse and illicit trafficking of methcathinone has also been reported in several other countries. In the Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1992{2}, some States of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are mentioned as locations of methcathinone production from ephedrine principally extracted from pharmaceutical preparations. The report also noted that in some central Asian States such as Kyrgyzstan, ephedrine for making methcathinone is extracted from the wild- growing Ephedra species. In a 1992 report of the United Nations International Drug Control Programme on a fact-finding mission to some of the CIS States, methcathinone abuse was reported in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation. In the report, it was noted that in Kyrgyzstan the abuse of methcathinone was spreading, and that 21 illicit laboratories for the conversion of ephedrine into methcathinone had been detected. Ephedrine derived from Ephedra was mentioned as being used to make methcathinone in Kazakhstan. In a report on a separate mission to the Baltic States in 1992, methcathinone was specifically mentioned as a drug of abuse in Latvia. In addition, "ephedrine-based'' drugs (believed to be methcathinone) were identified as an abuse problem in Estonia and Lithuania. | {2} United Nations publication, Sales No. E. 93.XI.1. Some information is available on the production and abuse of methcathinone, known as ephedrone, in the Russian Federation. According to a report of the Ministry of the Interior All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the former USSR, ephedrone surfaced for the first time at Leningrad in 1982. Subsequently, ephedrone abuse increased substantially among drug addicts who referred to ephedrone under such street names as "Jeff'', "Joe Cocktail'', "Mul'ka'', "Cosmos'', "Effendi'' and "Pomimutka''. In the Russian Federation, ephedrone is usually made by the oxidation of ephedrine obtained primarily from medicinal preparations and, less often, form the Ephedra plant. Ephedrine is oxidized by potassium permanganate (not sodium dichromate) in the presence of acetic acid (vinegar) and at temperatures of 50 to 60 degrees centigrade. No attempt is made to isolate the ephedrone in pure form. Instead, the entire solution, containing ephedrine, potassium permanganate and acetic acid, is intravenously injected. In the Russia Federation, ephedrone abuse is mostly found among young people having a history of stimulant or opiate abuse. Intravenous injection is the primary route of administration. As in the United States, the principal pattern of abuse is the binge lasting two to seven days. During a binge, ephedrone is repeatedly injected starting out at doses of 2 to 3 millilitres and escalating to 5 or 10 millilitres at a time. The interval between injections are in the range of 30 minutes to 2 hours. During the binge, daily cumulative doses may reach 100 to 150 millilitres of injectable ephedrone solution. The binge is further characterized by lack of food intake and ultimately by physical and mental exhaustion. The binge is followed by a withdrawal period characterized by prolonged periods of sleep, irritability, hot-tempered fits, weakness, general psychic discomfort, suppression of mood and depression. Ephedrone injection results in a "high'' lasting 15 to 20 minutes followed by euphoria and a "craving for activity'', feelings of lightness, cheerfulness, fresh surges of energy, "clearness of the head'' and improved mood. Somatic symtoms observed following injection include accelerated heart rate, increased arterial pressure, dilated pupils, nystagmus and pain of the supraorbital points. Prolonged use of ephedrone is associated with the appearance of psychotic states. Paranoia is commonly observed. Both auditory and visual hallucinations may also be experienced. Examination of ephedrone drug addicts in the Russian Federation have revealed the following characteristics: drastic weight loss; acne vulgaris in the face, back, chest, shoulders, forearms and feet; "paths'' of pigmentation with sclerosal veins; acrocyanosis; swelling of the hands; a waxen complexion; red tongue; and enlarged liver. Often addicts have potassium manganate burns on their fingers. Addicts tend not to pay attention to their appearance, thus looking ragged with dirty hands and hair. Neurological examination of ephedrone addicts reveal lateral nystagmus, increased tendon periosteal reflexes, staggering in Romberg's posture and a fine tremor of the fingers of extended hands. ANNEX III Questionnaire for data collection for use by the World Health Organization and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Economic and Social Council Substance reported on: METHCATHINONE 1. Availability of the substance (registered, marketed, dispensed, etc.). 2. Extent of abuse of the substance. 3. Degree of seriousness of the public health and social problems */ associated with abuse of the substance. 4. Number of seizures of the substance in the illicit traffic during the previous three years and the quantities involved. 5. Identification of the seized substance as of local or foreign manufacture and indication of any commercial markings. 6. Existence of clandestine laboratories manufacturing the substance. */ Examples of public health and social problems are acute intoxication, accidents, work absenteeism, mortality, behaviour problems, criminality, etc. B. WHO Questionnaire on Substances Under Review Who Questionnaire for Collection of Information for Review of Dependence-Producing Psychoactive Substances The Director-General of the World Health Organization presents his compliments and has the pleasure of informing Member States that the Twenty-ninth Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) will meet on 26-29 September 1994 to review the following substances: 1. Aminorex 2. Brotizolam 3. Etryptamine (ALPHA-ethyltryptamine) 4. Flunitrazepam 5. Mesocarb (sydnocarb)* 6. Methcathinone (ephedrone) 7. Triazolam* 8. Zipeprol * Tentatively included in accordance with the recommendations of the 28th ECDD (28 September-2 October 1992). According to the "Revised Guidelines for the WHO Review of Dependence-Producing Psychoactive Substances for International Control'', as approved by the eighty-fifth session of the Executive Board (1990) and amended by the ninety-third session of the Executive Board (1994), one of the essential elements of this process is for WHO to collect and review information, and subsequently to prepare a Critical Review document for submission to the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. The Director-General invites Member States to collaborate as in the past in this process by providing all pertinent information available. In particular he would appreciate receiving any such information under the six headings mentioned in the attached questionnaire.{1} A separate questionnaire form should be filled in for each individual substance. | {1} For Ministries of Health only. Further clarification on any of the above items can be obtained from the Programme on Substance Abuse (PSA-WHO/HQ), Geneva, to which replies should be sent not later than 15 June 1994. GENEVA, 10 March 1994 II. Background Aminorex and methcathinone are stimulants that are controlled domestically in Schedule I of the CSA. Neither substance has been approved for use in the treatment of any medical condition in this country and neither substance is controlled internationally. Etryptamine is currently controlled in Schedule I domestically, under the temporary scheduling provisions of the CSA. Etryptamine has not been approved for medical use in the United States. Triazolam and flunitrazepam are controlled domestically and internationally in Schedule IV of the CSA and the Convention. Triazolam is approved for medical use in the United States, flunitrazepam is not. Brotizolam, mesocarb, and zipeprol are not controlled domestically or internationally, nor approved for use in the United States. III. Opportunity to Submit Domestic Information As required by section 201(d)(2)(A) of the CSA (21 U.S.C. 811(d)(2)(A)), FDA on behalf of HHS invites interested persons to submit data or comments regarding the eight named drugs. Data and information received in response to this notice will be used to prepare scientific and medical information on these drugs, with a particular focus on each drug's abuse liability. HHS will forward that information to WHO, through the Secretary of State, for WHO's consideration in deciding whether to recommend international control of any of these drugs. Such control could limit, among other things, the manufacture and distribution (import/export) of these drugs, and could impose certain recordkeeping requirements on them. At this time, HHS will not make any recommendations to WHO regarding whether any of these drugs should be subjected to international controls. Instead, HHS will defer such consideration until WHO has made official recommendations to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, which are expected to be made in late 1994 or early 1995. Any HHS position regarding international control of these drugs will be preceded by another Federal Register notice soliciting public comment as required by section 201(d)(2)(B) of the CSA. Interested persons may, on or before July 20, 1994, submit to the Docket Management Branch (address above) written comments regarding this notice. Two copies of any comments are to be submitted, except that individuals may submit one copy. Comments should be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. Received comments may be seen in the office above between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m, Monday through Friday. This abbreviated acceptance period is necessary to allow sufficient time to prepare and submit the domestic information package by the deadline imposed by WHO. Although WHO has requested comments and information by June 15, 1994, WHO will accept and consider material transmitted after June 15, 1994. Respondents should submit material in the format set forth by the WHO Questionnaire. This notice contains information collection requirements that were submitted for review and approval to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as required by section 3504(h) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980. The requirements were approved and assigned OMB control number 0910- 0226. Dated: June 15, 1994. William K. Hubbard, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Policy. [FR Doc. 94-14962 Filed 6-15-94; 3:28 pm] BILLING CODE 4160-01-F ------------------------------------------------------ The Contents entry for this article reads as follows: International drug scheduling; Psychotropic Substances Convention; stimulant/hallucinogenic and nonbarbiturate sedative drugs; data and comment request, 31639
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