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2C-T-7 Side & After Effects Survey: Preliminary Results
by Murple and Erowid
Oct 22, 2000
These are preliminary results from an ongoing survey into the side effects and long and short term after-effects of the drug 2C-T-7. It must be pointed out that this survey is still on-going, and that the results have not been put through a detailed, in depth analysis yet. However, I have chosen to release these initial findings based on the surveys received so far in the interest of harm reduction. Of 259 surveys received, 246 were used in the generation of these statistics. The remaining 13 surveys were either duplicate submissions or contained invalid responses.

The surveys contain quite a few questions which are not summarized in this preliminary write-up. A much more in-depth analysis of the survey results is going to be released in the near future as part of a much bigger paper on the history and effects of both 2C-T-7 and the related drug 2C-T-2, which was once very popular in the Netherlands. If you wish to take part in these surveys, they are online at:

This preliminary write-up should not be considered the definitive summary of these survey results, and this document should be considered obsolete once the forthcoming paper has been published. However, these initial statistics should be beneficial to those studying 2C-T-7.

The age range for respondants was 15 to 61 years old, with the average being 24. Four respondants did not give their age. Respondants' weights ranged from 100 to 300 pounds (45 to 150 kilograms) with the average being 167 pounds (76 kilograms). Three respondants did not give their weight. The overwhelming majority of respondants, 220 (89.43%), were male, with only 25 (10.16%) being female. One respondant (0.4%) did not list their sex.

Respondants have taken 2C-T-7 anywhere between 1 and 50 times, with 4.6 being the average number of times. They reported their typical dosages ranged from 0.5 mg up to 125 mg, with the average being 25.56 mg. Ten respondants did not list their typical dose. 90 (36.59%) of the respondants said they were very certain their doses were accurately measured, 103 (41.87%) were pretty certain, 36 (14.63%) were not very certain, and 17 (6.91%) were uncertain. Note that these numbers do not take into account differences in dosage due to differing routes of administration.

Regarding the various routes, the majority of users, 207 (84.15%) have tried it orally, and 183 (74.39%) reported oral consumption as their usual route. 114 respondants (46.34%) have tried insufflation, and 56 (22.76%) report this as their usual route of administration. 12 respondants (4.88%) have tried smoking it, and 2 (0.81%) report this as their usual way of dosing. 5 people (2.03%) report trying it rectally, and 4 (1.63%) report this is their preferred route. 4 people (1.63%) have tried intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, and 2 people (0.81%) have tried intravenous injections. No respondants reported injection as their preferred route. Only 1 respondant (0.4%) did not list a usual route of administration.

In response to the question on frequency of use, "Yearly Or Less," "Monthly" and "2-3 Times Per Month" each were checked by 50 people (20.33%). 25 respondants (10.16%) use it every 2 months. Both "Twice Per Year" and "Weekly" were indicated by 19 people (7.72%). 9 people (3.66%) indicated they had used it more than weekly. No respondants checked "Every 3-4 Months." 15 people (6.10%) did not respond to this question.

When asked if they would choose to repeat the experience, 120 people (48.78%) said they would be willing to take it again at the same dose, 69 (28.05%) would take it at a higher dose, while 16 (6.5%) would take it at a lower dose. Only 14 people (5.69%) would not be willing to take it again, and 20 (8.13%) were undecided. 7 people (2.85%) did not respond to this question.

When asked if the quality of the experience has changed with repeated use, 68 (27.64%) indicated the quality varies from trip to trip. 63 people (25.61%) report that quality is consistent between trips. 26 people (10.57%) felt that the quality of the experience has increased over time, while 9 (3.66%) felt it has decreased. 80 people (32.52%) did not give a response to this question, either because they had not done 2C-T-7 multiple times or because they simply chose not to answer it.

68 (27.64%) of the respondants reported that side effects were short in duration and mild in intensity. 52 (21.14%) reported side effects as being short but distracting. 39 (15.85%) reported the side effects were barely noticable. 34 (13.82%) indicated that the side effects were mild, but long lasting. 21 people (8.54%) had short but severe side effects. 18 (7.32%) reported long lasting and distracting side effects. 7 people (2.85%) reported severe long lasting side effects. 7 (2.85%) of the respondants did not answer this question.

The most common side effect was nausea, being reported by 152 (61.79%) of the respondants. Muscle tension was the next most common, being indicated by 113 (45.93%) of the respondants. 78 (31.71%) of the respondants said that they vomitted. 75 people (30.49%) got a headache. 56 people (22.76%) reported tachycardia. Dehydration was indicated by 41 (16.66%) of the respondants. 17 people (6.91%) reported hypertension. 16 (6.5%) got diarrhea. Other miscellaneous side effects were reported by 19 people (7.72%).

When asked if the level of side effects has changed with repeated use, 80 (32.52%) of the respondants indicated no change. 39 people (15.85%) indicated the level of side effects varies from trip to trip. 31 people (12.6%) said they felt that the level of side effects has decreased with repeated use. Only 4 people (1.63%) felt the side effects had increased. 92 people (37.40%) did not answer this question, either because they chose not to, or because they haven't used 2C-T-7 multiple times.

Asked about short term after-effects (lasting up to a week), 86 (34.96%) indicated they experience no hangover. 46 people (18.70%) indicated they felt after-effects which were neutral innature. 43 people (17.48%) felt somewhat positive after-effects. 34 people (13.82%) got a mild hangover. After-effects described as "very positive" were felt by 21 (8.54%) of the respondants. 11 people (4.47%) reported getting a bad hangover. 5 people (2.03%) did not respond to this question.

When asked if the level of after-effects has changed with repeated use, 105 (42.68%) of the respondants indicated no change. 33 people (13.41%) indicated the level of after-effects varies from trip to trip. 7 people (2.85%) said they felt that the level of after-effects has decreased with repeated use, and another 7 people (2.85%) felt the after-effects had increased. 94 people (38.21%) did not answer this question, either because they chose not to, or because they haven't used 2C-T-7 multiple times.

79 (32.11%) of the respondants felt that they have received psychological or spiritual benefit from their experiences. 6 people (2.44%) felt they had been psychologically or spiritually harmed, and 4 people (1.63%) felt they had been damaged in some physical, organic manner. 77 (31.3%) of the respondants reported no noticable long term effects. 80 people (32.52%) did not respond to the question on long term effects.

Overall, the results of the surveys have been positive. Most people who have tried this material have found it a positive experience. Even the people who have expressed no interest in taking it again often state that they are glad they had the experience. While side effects such as nausea are common, people are not bothered by this fact. This appears to be a drug which is fairly safe and has definate potential for therapeutic and spiritual applications, and it deserves more research.

Several respondants had accidentally or intentionally taken massive doses, including two people who accidentally took 125 mg orally, and aside from severe nausea, came back fine - one of them even reporting it had been a worthwhile (though difficult) experience. While this would seem to indicate that this drug is fairly safe, there have been some negative results as well. Some people have used the drug recklessly, in high doses and/or without proper preparation or care about settings. This has resulted in a few freak-out situations as well as physically uncomfortable experiences characterized by severe nausea, etc. A very definate trend is also apparant in the surveys - people who take this drug by snorting it seem to be much more likely to suffer extreme psychological stress or physical side effects.

There also has been a death in association with this drug. Due to the facts that the autopsy has not been completed, and that the police are still investigating this incident, it's too early to say whether 2C-T-7 was the cause of the death or merely incidental to it. A young man with no known health problems and who was taking no other drugs insufflated a massive dose (35 mg - recommended doses by this route are in the range of 3-6 mg) and began bleeding profusely from the nose, vomitting, and convulsing. He then went into cardiac arrest and died. I am following this situation and staying in correspondence with friends of the deceased, and when we know what happened, this information will be made available. While the death could be caused by any number of things such as an unknown heart problem pushed over the edge by a severe panic reaction, toxic impurities in the drug, other drugs he had taken unknown to his friends, allergic reaction to the drug, or alien death rays from space, we can't yet rule out the possibility that it was a simple overdose. Until the autopsy results are back and we know what happened, it would be advisable to avoid taking extraordinarily high doses of this drug. No drug is safe, and even water can kill you in high enough doses. 2C-T-7 is no exception to this rule.

People have combined 2C-T-7 with a range of other drugs with no apparant bad reactions. While these combinations will be discussed in more detail in my forthcoming paper, I feel it wise to mention some of the things people have mixed 2C-T-7 with:

  • Alcohol
  • Allegra-D
  • Amanita muscaria
  • Benzodiazepines (Valium, Klonopin)
  • Birth control pills
  • Bupropion
  • Caffeine
  • Citalopram
  • Cocaine
  • DXM
  • Elavil
  • GHB, GBL, and 1,4-butanediol
  • Ketamine
  • Lipitor
  • LSD
  • Marijuana
  • MDMA
  • Mescaline
  • Methamphetamine
  • Minocycline
  • Nitrous oxide
  • Opiates (opium, Vicodin)
  • Piracetam
  • Prozac
  • Psilocybin
  • Remeron
  • Salvia divinorum
  • Trazodone
  • Tryptamines (5-MeO-DIPT, 5-MeO-DMT, DPT)
  • Wellbutrin
  • Zoloft
This list merely shows some of the things people have mixed with 2C-T-7. It doesn't mean the mix is safe for all people at all doses, nor does it mean the mix was pleasant. It merely means that someone has tried it and lived to write about it.

Some people also indicated various medical conditions they have. Some of the answers include asthma, clinical depression, endometriosis, seizure risk, HTN, heart murmur, autozymal tremors, migraines, C.F., Crohn's disease, stomach ulcers, diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension (and my favorite, though a joke - "Cannabinoid Deficit Syndrome").

As mentioned at the beginning, these are only the results of a preliminary analysis of an ongoing survey. These are not the final results of this project, and should not be taken as canonical.