THE MERCK INDEX on CD-ROM / Version 12:3 / 1999 =============================================== Monograph number: 6932. Title: Oil of Pepper. Literature references: Volatile oil from unripe fruit of the black pepper . Constit. Chiefly l- phellandrene, sesqui terpenes (caryophyllene). Properties: Colorless or yellowish liquid. d(15;15) 0.890-0.900 . alpha D about -3° to -5° . n(D;20) 1.4935-1.4977 . Insol in water; sol in about 15 vols 90% alcohol. Density: d(15;15) 0.890-0.900 Refraction index: n(D;20) 1.4935-1.4977 Rotation: -3° to -5° USE: As condiment.