A week after my last Salvia trip, I decided to journey into that space again. I was alone in the house on a quiet Saturday afternoon. I went into my room and loaded two or three crushed leaves. I smoked the material in two large inhalations, lying back as I held the second hit. As it came on I heard a humming tone, similar to but much quieter than the tone I heard on N,N-DMT, although much less intense. This led me to compare the two experiences as my vision began to strobe and faint patterns became visible behind my eyelids. At that time I exhaled and was then firmly under the influence of Salvia.

I suddenly wasn't sure where I was. I didn't appear to be in my room any more. I appeared to be in my living room, or in a room like it. There seemed to be three or four presences around me, one of them distinctly feminine. I even felt like I myself might be female, or at least infused with female energies. These presences seemed to be trying to get a message of some sort across to me, but I don't think I could comprehend what they were trying to communicate.

I felt a definite sensation pulling me towards my closet, where my Salvia plant is located. At one point, I even saw lines or ridges of energy radiating across the room toward the closet. These were very distinct, sort of reality ridges.

As usual, as I came out of the trip, the feelings and details of the experience slipped away, leaving me with only vague impressions. I sat up and noticed I still had a hit left in the bong, so I smoked it and lie back down. Again I entered the trance, although not as deeply. With closed eyes I had moderately solid hypnagogic visuals of streams of energy curving into my closet. I also had the distinct idea that my Salvia plant somehow contained my consciousness or soul, as well as that of my daughter, and that its survival was important, even vital, to our well being.

After I came down from that, I decided to smoke some 5-MeO-DMT to see how the remnants of the Salvia would "flavor" that experience. I loaded a small amount into the new pipe I had purchased for DMT. Carefully and slowly I melted it, seeing a very small amount of vapor come through the pipe. I held this, but felt almost nothing. "Damn" I thought, "underdose!". I decided to see if there was possibly some left in the screen, and lowered the flame again to the pipe. This time, a huge amount of thick, white vapor flowed down the stem and into my lungs. I knew immediately I was in for a ride.

The world began shimmering and sort of peeling itself like an onion. I perceived multiple layers of reality as it moved from a solid phase to layers of filmy energy. I saw shapes, energy currents, folding themselves through both space and the material things in my room.

It was a little different from previous 5-MeO trips. The left over Salvia seemed to color the experience in a not unpleasant way. It felt infused with plant energy, a warmer and more complex tone than the primal power and brightness of 5-MeO. It was almost like the Salvia had created channels in my mind to filter the 5-MeO through.

I had an intuition into the Salvia experience. I feel it is less of a drug experience and more of a meeting with something else. Although it is subtle, it is very powerful, and I still feel more practice will lead to further discoveries.

On the other hand, the 5-MeO had blown my perceptions out to the edge of the universe. I felt as if I was observing thousands or even millions of discrete events simultaneously. It felt like I was experiencing a highly tuned state of being. I felt the desire to open up the closet door and admire my Salvia plant, which I did. It was beautiful and vibrant.

By this time I was mostly down, left with a mild residual high. I decided to see if I had left anything in my pipe, and casually hit it again. Once more, a hit of thick white vapor rolled out and into my lungs, launching me again into deep hyperspace. As I held the hit, a powerful shudder passed through me as my body recognized the material.

Again I felt like I was "spawning" multiple layers of perception, similar to how a browser will "spawn" windows on some sites. My perception was suddenly multilayered, all over the place, seeing multiple things simultaneously. It seemed like I was observing the vibrational period of the objects around me, seeing them on a "cosmic" level. All through this I had little or no ego awareness, but I maintained an excellent observer consciousness and sense of calm.

I felt in touch with the sense of awe our ancestors must have felt upon ingesting these chemicals and plants and awakening such spirits, knowing even less than we do about their nature. This perception led to a feeling of being possessed by a spirit or spirits that were moving through me, moving my body and trying to speak through me. I moved around quite a bit, my movements similar to the movements I make on mushroom trips, especially those done in conjunction with harmala alkaloids. At this point, my ego awareness was there, but not precisely in control. This wasn't frightening in any way. To the contrary, I found the whole episode very interesting.

I began moving my hands about in front of me, dancing while laying down, moving my upper body through many of the forms I do while dancing. I felt very fluid and smooth, and it felt good to move my body.

The whole trip was very cosmic, very far out but also very personal and meaningful. It felt like it recharged my psychic battery and cleansed me in a way. I am curious about further experiments with 5-MeO and Salvia mixtures. It seems like a promising avenue of exploration.

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