I am in my mid-twenties, and male. I live in a smallish college town in the USA. I work in the computer industry. I am self educated for the most part. I finished high school, but chose not to go on to college. I have a passion for reading and knowledge.

I have one child, from a previous marriage. I am single and heterosexual.

The main focus of my life is my spiritual practice, the use of entheogens to explore the Mystery.

My past was filled with a lot of negativity and turmoil. When I was younger, I was fairly unhappy and extremely angry. I managed to destroy most of what was good in my life through my anger and denial. After a particularly nightmarish period of my life, I discovered spirituality and was able to turn things around for myself. Through my usage of these substances (and a lot of hard work) I have been able to pull my life together and become a happy and fulfilled person.

This very brief description gives you a little background on who I am and where I am coming from. My reports expand considerably on many of these points, as well as others.