A few days after my last trip (LSD plus Ketamine) I went to a rave with some friends. This was the first party I had been to in almost a month, and the first outdoor party of the year. I was excited to get out again, especially since a new friend from work would be going who had never gone to a party before.

Immediately after arriving I took four hits of acid. This is the most I had taken a party before, but since I had tripped three days earlier on three hits, I figured there might be some tolerance. The acid began working quickly. It came on very strong as well. Within forty minutes I was getting some pretty intense visuals with eyes closed and seeing patterning and trails with eyes opened.

While the acid was coming on I was wandering around with my girlfriend L. We ran into several people we know and stopped to talk to them. I was feeling pretty high, but I also had a little stomach trouble. Whether this was from the acid or something I ate or a combination of both I am not sure. It wasn't too bad, but it was distracting.

As I was nearing the peak of the trip I ran into my friend from work. He was having a good time, but was interested in tripping. Since I knew one of the people I had come up with had an extra hit I told him I would try and find him and hook him up. He thanked me and I walked away to find my friend with the acid.

I wandered around looking for my friend with the acid, but did not see him. I did run into several other friends and stopped to talk to each of them. While I was outside talking to one friend I felt inspired and had to start dancing. It felt really good, but after a few minutes I remembered I was on a mission and continued to search out my objective.

I went into the main room as one of the headlining acts was coming on (DJ ESP, with a live drummer). As they started up I got really into the music. The presence of the drummer added something. The music was relentless and huge. I had to dance but it was so crowded it was difficult to find room. I fought with the crowd for space to dance for almost twenty minutes before deciding to move outside (it was an indoor/outdoor venue) to try and find more room.

Outside was a little better. I could still hear the music, but there was enough room to dance. My girlfriend and a friend of hers were sitting on the ground watching me and talking. For some reason I kept being distracted by them. I think I was experiencing a bit of paranoia, thinking they were talking about me for some silly reason. My mind was definitely not focused, in any case. After a while I remembered that I still hadn't found what I was looking for and continued my search.

While I as looking for the guy with the acid I saw someone else. The person I saw was a dealer named D who had sold me a bunk hit of E almost a year ago. Seeing him was really weird and it instantly put another rather large distraction in my head. Should I confront him or not?

So now my mind was on several things, none of them the party I was at. It was already three or more hours into my trip, and I had barely danced at all, barely relaxed at all. I was busy looking for something for one friend and now distracted by the desire to confront this shady dealer. I discussed the dealer with several of my friends who encouraged me to talk to him to get it off my chest.

While I dithered about that I finally found my friend. I dragged him over to where the other guy was sitting and introduced them. My friend with the acid gave the other guy the hit and then that was finally off my mind. I was still preoccupied with the dealer, however.

I ran into my girlfriend and we talked a little. She seemed a bit irritated that I was so preoccupied all night. I apologized, but my mind was really not on the party at all. I had already spent nearly half the trip on other things and the mood seemed to be set.

We walked around and went back inside the main room to catch the end of another DJ's set. As we walked in I saw the dealer again and decided to talk to him. I wasn't looking to start any trouble, I just wanted to tell him I knew he'd ripped me off to get it off my chest. Unsurprisingly he denied selling me a bunk pill. After I talked to him I felt a little better, but my mind was still dwelling on it.

I spent the rest of the night trying to have a good time and not having much luck at it. It was a great party and everyone I was with was having a good time, but I was somewhere else. I found more and more to be irritated about. I was cold, there was no water, the gate security were assholes. Usually I am the one who is exhorting everyone to forget the inconsequentials and have a good time, but that night I just couldn't let go.

I did manage to dance a little and had a great time talking to my girlfriend as the sun came up. I was actually starting to have a decent time as it morning dawned, but by that time the party was winding down, I was almost down and I was very, very tired.

We finally left a little before seven. Once we arrived home we smoked a little pot and then went to bed. L (my girlfriend) was still irritated that I had managed to have such a lousy time at such a good party. I apologized for not spending time with her and for being such a downer. Afterwards we slept and had a fine day together the next day.

This seems to be sort of a wasted trip. I think that tripping twice in such a short period of time had something to do with it. Also, I shouldn't have worried so much about trying to hook my friend up. There was plenty of acid around and he could easily have found some on his own if he really wanted it. I just got it in my head that I needed to help him get it from my friend. It is easy to fixate on things like that while tripping and this time I just got caught. I shouldn't have let any of the things that bothered me bother me, but I did. In the future I will not be doing trips so close together and I will definitely make a point of not being distracted by things when I am supposed to be tripping and celebrating my ecstatic existence. On the other hand, I did see one of the best rave acts I have ever seen (ESP), ended up having a decent time over all and hopefully I learned something and avoided some future mistakes.

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