After several experiments with 5-MeO-DIPT I decided it would be an interesting substance to try at a rave. I also thought it might be interesting to try pushing the dosage up a bit. Although TIKHAL and the majority of the reports I had read listed dosages in the 6-12 mg range, several acquaintances had reported not liking it at those dosages, but liking it quite a bit at higher dosages in the 15-30 mg range. I decided to try 15 mg to see how that affected me.

L and I arrived at the rave and went inside. It was a smallish party, less than three hundred people would be my guess. We were both planning on taking the same dosage of 5-MeO-DIPT. L took hers almost immediately after we arrived. I debated whether or not I wanted to take it after all, since my stomach was a little funny. Fifteen minutes after L took her dose I decided I felt well enough to chance it and took my capsule.

L mentioned feeling something about twenty minutes after I took my capsule. I did a quick check and agreed that I might also be feeling something. Ten minutes later there was no question that something was happening. The initial feeling was euphoric and stimulating. As the effects were setting in we were sitting down, near the back of the venue. L suggested we move up near the speakers and it sounded like a good idea.

Up near the speakers we found a nice spot and began dancing. The stimulating feeling from the foxy was conductive to dancing. Like many other psychedelics it facilitated a fluidity that is otherwise hard to achieve. That said, we both had trouble finding our groove and after ten or fifteen minutes we returned to our spot and sat down to rest.

A friend of L's I had just met came and sat with us. I was feeling quite chatty and friendly, so I talked to him for quite a while. I found I felt a little like I was on MDMA. I had the same impulses to talk and express my inner feelings. Throughout the night I found myself approaching strangers to tell them I liked the way they danced, or something they were wearing, etc. Also like MDMA I found my tactile sense enhanced. I gave and received backrubs from a few acquaintances and found both experiences very pleasant.

There was very little or no visual element to the experience. As before, I found everything to have a slight gleam to it and got a few trails off of moving objects. A few times when I closed my eyes I would have a fleeting glimpse of color or movement, but it never developed. All in all I would say that my lower dose 5-MeO-DIPT trips were actually more visual.

As a new DJ came on L and I returned to dancing. After a while we were able to find our groove. I definitely found 5-MeO-DIPT to help my fluidity. On the other hand, it didn't increase my spontaneity or help me achieve a trance like LSD often does.

Throughout the evening we alternated dancing and sitting around talking. L and I both felt very "sappy" and cuddly. I felt compelled to talk to people for the first half of the night, but later the effect wore off and I became more introspective.

We left four or five hours after we dropped the foxy. We were both still feeling it, but not strongly enough to seriously impair us in any real way. When we arrived home we ate and then went to bed. We had sex that was thoroughly satisfying but not as erotically explosive as previous foxy trips. Afterwards we were both able to sleep without too much trouble. The next day we both felt fine, with no discernible after effects.

I have to say this compound is quite interesting. I liked 15 mg even more than my earlier trips and I feel I could do even more. I will probably try 18 or 20 the next time I try it. It was well suited to the rave environment, falling in between the effects of MDMA and LSD. I also felt it had some similarities to 2CB at a similar level. I do wish it was slightly more visual, but all things considered it is quite nice and shows a lot of promise. I will try it again at raves as well as in other environments.

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