I have frequently found 5-MeO-DMT to be useful for cutting through mental noise and confusion when dealing with stressful and emotional issues. Additionally it also generally provides at least a temporary reprieve from the stress and discomfort associated with such situations. Because of these reasons I have come to use 5-MeO-DMT when I find myself in these types of situations. In particular I have used it several times since L and I broke up in an attempt to understand the reasons we split and reconcile myself to our separation. It hasn't always provided me with useful insights but every time I have used it it has acted as a psychic lightning rod, discharging a huge amount of tension and head noise in a five minute burst of light and union with the godhead.

One Saturday afternoon I found myself in need of such a release and retired to my room to find it. While I was preparing my material I noticed that the pipe I had used to smoke some DMT (NN-DMT as opposed to 5-MeO) still had a fair amount of residue in it. A thought occurred to me…would DMT be as effective as 5-MeO for blowing out the psychic cobwebs and relaxing my tension? I knew only one way to find out so I set aside the MeO and picked up the second pipe.

I heated the residue for a minute, chasing it with the lighter until most of it had collected where I could smoke it in one hit. I took a few deep breaths and did exactly that.

The scent of mothballs suffused my being as the thick white vapor was pulled into my lungs. Almost immediately I started feeling it. The room began to hum and buzz and I set the pipe down and got horizontal.

The ceiling imploded into a riot of color and I felt like I was flying through space. Everything was in motion, writhing and squirming and folding into itself. Unlike 5-MeO-DMT it was quite colorful. While the pretty light show played itself out inside my head I could literally feel my tension drain out of me. In addition my awareness seemed to be turned up several notches as I became aware of a variety of sounds smells and textures that had escaped my awareness only seconds before. I felt charged, alive, powerful.

As I returned to normal consciousness I definitely felt much better. As I had hoped I had found some release. Unfortunately there was no insight, but the simple fact that I felt better, comfortable and not sick with confusion was enough.

It was raining and windy outside and suddenly I felt a desire to feel the elements on my face. I put on a hoody and stepped out to commune with nature. It was beautiful and I felt the energy of the storm all around me. It was also damn cold, so I didn't last long before returning inside.

I sat in the living room contemplating my short experience and listening to the Verve very loudly as the last effects of the DMT drained away. I was literally amazed at how powerful the tiny amount I had smoked had been. This is strong medicine, for sure.

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