On Friday, February 13 I finally had the opportunity to smoke some 5-MeO-DMT. An acquaintance and fellow psychonaut had been kind enough to donate a small amount to me for research purposes a few days previous.

Before I start into the report proper, I'd like to note a few interesting things. First, I have had, in the past 6 months or so, around a dozen dreams about or concerning 5-MeO. This indicated to me that I should work with this substance. Second, while doing my daily meditation that Friday something strange occurred. I set my alarm clock to ring 1/2 hour after I start, to let me know when I am finished. On this night, the alarm was set for 5:44. I was planning to smoke the 5-MeO shortly after my meditation. While I was meditating, the alarm went off. I picked up the clock to see if I had set it wrong (I could tell no where near a half hour had past). The time was 5:23. The alarm was set correctly, for 5:44. My alarm has never gone off at the wrong time before. I'm sure many of you recognize the significance of the numerals 5 and 23, and those numbers have always played a special part in my life (ever since I read Illuminatus and the Principia Discordia). I took this as a good omen and went back to meditation.

After finishing meditation I prepared my things. I got the glass pipe I had purchased for this purpose and placed a small amount of ash on the screen. On top of this I placed a small amount of oregano, and on that an estimated 4-6 mg of 5-MeO-DMT. The dose fit along the edge of a knife, a small line. After a short invocation and a few seconds of deep breathing to calm myself I began melting the 5-MeO onto the oregano. When I thought it was all melted, I burned the oregano and inhaled all the vapor.

I set down the pipe and sat back holding my breath. After a few seconds, I began to detect a rising, subaudible vibration. It increased in intensity until it was a deep hum pulsing through me. About this time I exhaled.

I felt a tremendous amount of energy flowing through my body. Everything took on a sort of psychedelic gleam visually. My breathing pattern changed and I felt really different than normal. I wasn't sure whether it was good or bad. I resisted trying to evaluate it and concentrated on merely observing. I was definitely quite high. I considered trying to get up but decided against it.

I sat still and concentrated on breathing. I started to sweat a bit, somewhat like I do on salvia. I felt tremendous energy flowing through me, my body felt like it was on the verge of singing out with all the energy that was going through it. Breathing felt really great and helped me to channel the energy. This was a very powerful, intense feeling. It threatened to overwhelm me, but never did.

During all of this, I was really clear. I was never unaware of my surroundings or body. In fact, I felt quite in touch with my body and the powerful, subtle energies that were flowing through it. It felt like the energies were realigning things. I felt a desire to cry out, to "whoop" as it were, but I din't want to startle my roommate, who was sitting for me. I didn't move or do anything. In fact it seemed to accomplish quite well what I strive for in meditation. My thoughts seemed to cease and quiet themselves and I was able to just BE for a few minutes.

This had a sort of magical, enchanted feeling to it. It felt very at home in my brain and body, much like DMT did. It was a very positive energy and it put me into a hyperaware, very sensitive state.

After about 10 minutes it faded away. I felt after effects for close to an hour, but these were very subtle and quite nice. The descriptions I had read gave me a good idea what to expect, although as always they don't really prepare you for the actual experience...From what I have read I know my experience was definitely on the low end of the scale, and I will definitely be exploring this again at higher levels. However, from this one encounter I can tell that this is a tremendously powerful chemical, to be handled with utmost care. I will be very cautious in further explorations of higher doses.

My first encounter with this ally was very positive. I intend to explore this realm in much greater detail. I have an intuition that smoking 5-MeO while on another psychedelic will be quite powerful in particular. Once I get to know this ally better, I will certainly find out.

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