My second night at Burning Man 99 L and I took 2CB together. It was her first time trying this particular compound. She took 15 mg and I took 20 mg. The 2CB was in the form of tiny white pills with a circular indent around the edge. After we took the bees we wandered around, exploring Burning Man.

After approximately twenty five minutes (subjective time, I didn't have a watch) I began feeling my first alert. It manifested as a sense of anticipation, excitement and a very mildly altered awareness. I asked L if she was feeling anything yet. She said she wasn't sure, but possibly.

We continued to walk around and explore as the effects ramped up. We were headed in the general direction of our camp, but in no particular hurry. We stopped at Camp Atari to play a few 2600 games. Pitfall provided several minutes of fun! My reflexes were surprisingly good considering I was tripping pretty well by this time. L was also feeling the effects pretty strongly by then.

We left Camp Atari and headed home. It took us a few minutes to find our RV, as we became a bit disoriented in the process. The RV served as a sanctuary and a trip check. L decided on a little boost, so we split the last 5 mg pill. She bit it in half and I took what she didn't, bringing my total dose to approximately 22 mg.

We sat in the RV grooving on pretty 2CB visuals and the warm, contented feeling it engenders. We were just talking, sharing space and having a wonderful time together. I mentioned that sex was supposed to be excellent on 2CB and we decided to try it.

In the top bunk we began kissing, fondling and fooling around. Our sex was very nice, electric and intense. Although I was in no way disappointed, it did not live up to my expectations. 5-MeO-DIPT was far superior for sex. Afterwards we laid together, grooving on each other and the lovely buzz of the bees.

My roommate M showed up after a while. He was tripping LSD that night. I checked in to see how he was doing and started a CD for him before L and I took off into the night.

We walked through our camp, talking to friends as we encountered them. I felt extremely good. I was having mild visual effects similar to my first 20 mg 2CB experience, at Burning Man the previous year. I felt very social and mellow. After a while we returned to the RV for one reason or another. M was still there so we asked him to join us in our wanderings. He accepted and off we went.

We stopped in at the big public dome in our camp, where all sorts of madness was occurring. There were lots of trippy lights flashing, a DJ was spinning some weird, weird ambient stuff and several people were chilling out, obviously tripping. I talked for a few minutes to a friend from last year that was hanging around, then we headed out deeper into the night.

We all felt like dancing so we sought out the nearest source of beats (jungle in this case) and proceeded to get down. As usual 2CB was excellent for dancing. I felt smooth and coordinated. There were only about three people dancing in the dome we were in so we didn't stay too long before moving on again to find more beats.

As we walked through the streets we stopped whenever we came to a rave camp. There were many of them. At each area we would dance for a while, depending on how good the music was, before wandering on to the next. While dancing or walking L and I would stop from time to time to share a joke, a kiss or sip water. It was a fun way to spend the remainder of our trip.

We explored a fair bit of the area between our camp (which was on one of the outside edges) and center camp in our travels. It all looked fascinating and enticingly strange. Being with L made it all a little nicer. By the time we'd migrated out onto the playa to dance under several interlocking arches of lights it was getting late, the bees were waning and we were getting tired. We danced for another hour or so before heading home to go to bed.

The whole night was magical, enchanted and perfect. I can't think of anything that would have made the evening better in any way. One of my nicest trips ever.

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