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Bonding With Friends
DXM with CPM
Citation:   Rodeo. "Bonding With Friends: An Experience with DXM with CPM (exp37544)". Sep 29, 2010.

16 tablets oral DXM (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Most Coricidin contains CPM (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) which can be dangerous in high doses. See DXM Brand Warnings for more info.]

Alright. The day of my trip was a stressful one. I had been at work for about 10 hours washing dishes. I came home and my grandparents sat me down and gave me a talk about how I was spending my own money and not saving it up for college. They really put me on a guilt trip and told me that I should stay home and not go out with my friends, as was my usual agenda after work. I told them that I had to and they finally let me go. In previous days my friends and I had decided we were going to do either mushrooms or Coricidin. We weren't able to get our hands on any mushrooms, so we went to the store and picked up a couple boxes of coricidin. We were really excited about this, but I still had my mind on the talk I had gotten earlier.

Now this is where it all started to assemble. We went and picked up A, B, and C. C was an on the whim friend who had become available to us. We had to get more, but apparently this is a popular experience, and we weren't able to find any more boxes of cough and cold. C had picked up a box of Chest Congestion, which I had heard causes side effects, so we made it a point to find another box of cough and cold. After that we figured that it would be a good idea to go up into the nearby foothills and trip there, so we went and got some camping gear. We loaded up our vehicles and started up the foothills.

At this time it was about 11 PM. We stopped at an overlook, and swallowed our pills. I took 16. My friends took 16 each and then A and B took 2 more each. This was about halfway to the place we were intending to go. At this point, I had started to forget about my previous family problems and decided that I wasn't going to let it get to me. I am an open person and I keep myself on the happy side almost constantly. I was excited along with my friends to be together and trip up in the foothills. B and I had been up here before, and thought it would be a great place to do psychedelic drugs. We continued up the hills (now turning into mountains) and finally reached the spot we were searching for at about 11:30 PM.

We set up our mini camp, which included folding chairs, blankets on the bare ground, and the blanketed open back of an Isuzu Rodeo. The view of the city miles below was an amazing sight in itself. I was really looking forward to seeing it later on.

At around 11:45 PM we were all growing impatient, because we weren't feeling anything. A, B, and C decided to take two each of the chest congestion pills to try to make it kick in faster for some reason. I didn’t take any. Then at 12 PM, we all started noticing the effects. We had heard that there is a test to see whether you are feeling it or not that involves jumping, and we were all surely feeling it because the reaction after hitting the ground felt as if I didn't actually fully hit the ground all the way.

As we were climbing the ladder to peaking, we all started to develop heavy breathing patterns. Our bodies were feeling the effects. After about 10 minutes of heavy breathing, we all started to get massive amounts of energy spikes running through our bodies. A and I started running and jumping around, and that is when we all discovered our robo-walks. A's walk was a kind of shuffle, as though he didn't have the leg room to fully extend his legs. I discovered that mine wasn’t about my legs, it was my whole body. My shoulders bunched up, and I hunched down with my arms looking like that of a raptor or some other bipedal dinosaur. B's walk was the strangest one. In his mind, he saw the ground as being higher up than it actually was, so when he stepped, he expected his foot to hit earlier than it did, so he had a kind of stagger going. C's walk was a simple squatting walk. It was kind of creepy.

After this, time disintegrated completely. We were lost in a state of time that didn't actually exist, and we were happy to not have to worry about the pressures of time at all. We discovered teleporting. A and I would run as fast as we could with no sense of our feet hitting the ground or the distance we traveled. We would stop, look around, and notice that we were a long way from where we started, and it felt like the journey was almost instantaneous.

After we calmed down a little (still frying intensely), we decided to put on some music. As we were listening to the music, we all just sat there listening. We didn't talk, we just sat and enjoyed our trips, knowing that each of the others was on the same drug and experiencing similar feelings. It was like we were almost liked to each other, sensing everyone's breathing, knowing when the others had felt something poke through the normal blanket of joy.

As we were sitting there listening to music (it was psytrance, the best to listen to while on psychedelics IMHO), B started describing the closed eye visions he was seeing. He started describing an almost out of body experience, visiting other places that he had been, watching over people that he knew and cared about. It made him very happy to see them and it compounded the effects of the drug. He vividly described the places he had been, down to minute details. We were all overjoyed to hear this because it just gave us things to think about while frying.

The music died due to lack of batteries. Then I noticed the lights of the city. It's interesting to see all the lights and think about why all those lights are still on at 2 AM (which I am making an educated guess about). I started thinking about the people still up in those places; what they were doing; if anyone was feeling the joy I was feeling at that moment. I couldn't concentrate on the moon, which was very full that night. My vision would shift constantly if I tried to concentrate on one thing.

After sitting for a long time enjoying the fry some more, C and I started to come down; slowly, but we could feel it. We broke out some glow sticks and started playing with those. The tracers were beautiful. They created shapes that looked like neon signs, and as I thought about that I thought that since they looked like signs, they were trying to tell me something. I got lost in these thoughts, thinking that I could never figure out the mystery of the signs.

Time was still distorted. It was slowly coming back, and I was fine with that. I was happy the whole trip. I had forgotten completely about my problems, and enjoyed every minute it. DMX gave me a very energetic trip, but it was an optional thing. I could be energetic if I wanted to, but at the same time, I could just sit there and not do anything; let my mind wander and learn from itself. This trip was one of the best trips I've had, but I think it belongs in its own category. It was a different trip than mushrooms, but it was very fun. I was glad that I did it because it gave me a good outlook on my problems with my family. It gave me something to remember when I was in hard times after that.

At around 6 AM, we all decided to try to get some sleep since we were all very tired from the trip. All of us were still frying to some degree. I don’t quite know if I was actually asleep. I dreamed, but it could have just been closed eye visuals. The others said the same thing. No one knew if they had slept at all.

Now I had a great time with this drug, and I came down and was fine the next day. A and B weren’t so lucky. They told me that their trip lasted about a week total. It slowly decreased until they felt normal again, but they kept getting waves. It seemed like that was how it felt the whole time I was frying, but I didn’t get any after effects. Their movements were still a little jolty, and they had a few other barely noticeably symptoms like twitching and a small body high. We believe these were the lasting effects of the chest congestion pills they took right before the initial fry. They said that it wasn’t that they didn’t like it, but they just were worried that it wasn’t going to end. They were getting tired of the symptoms, and wanted to know that they would return to normal eventually.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 29, 2010Views: 36,785
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DXM (22) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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