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Psychedelia Mountain
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   CerebrumStorm. "Psychedelia Mountain: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp114011)". Dec 23, 2023.

1.25 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  Few hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I was not taking any other drug at the time of this story. The tabs were clean white paper squares, no taste. My whole plan was to go on a “magical” adventure and get lost in the mountain/ forest with a close friend, Bryan. I wanted to have that crazy, psychedelic, eye opening experience. Well it worked.

Time: 0:00
It started in our friends car, the “Weed Queen”, where we smoked a few hits from her bong on a college campus. It was some very strong cannabis too. After smoking we walked to my car, which was parked near, to take the tabs. Our tabs were uneven and in pieces since we wanted to split them up even. We tried our best to split them up 50/50, about 1.25 tabs each, then we ingested then.

Honestly, I never thought that smoking would make my trip as crazy as it was. My psychedelic experience was more than I expected. Well, while I drove to the mountain I was already super baked, a bit nervous, but excited about what’s to come, not expecting anything too crazy. Disclaimer, don’t drive on psychedelics, it’s irresponsible no matter how close you are to your destination.

Time: 0:20
We arrive, park, and start heading up the road/ mountain. We decided to take a picture of Bryan looking like a hero with his climbing stick on a rock. Afterward we talk a little and look around, we walked up the road. We act as if we know what we are expecting.

Time: 0:45
As we take our long walk up the concrete road/hill into the mountain, I see this beautiful tall redwood tree. The red color was vibrant, felt significant. This is where I saw very noticeable affects. The tree started zooming in and out of my vision as if my eyes were a camera. Even though the tree was clearly 15+ feet from me but I saw it moving back and forth. When it did zoom in, the tree looked HD. I was in awe and was very glad I was starting to trip.

Time: 1:00
After the red tree I was tripping too much to even think about the specific times. The come up was quite intense especially since I was already stoned and didn’t know my environment. Bryan and I were laughing and enjoying the perception of the world around us. We looked around in awe and at each other knowing that we both started to trip. We decided to individually listen to music. I plug my headphones in and enjoy my favorite 2012 electro and house music mix. As I closed my eyes to enjoy my favorite part of the mix I felt no other feeling, sensory sensation from my body, not my clothes on my body, or a smell, or the taste of my mouth nothing except the music. Not even the vibration of the sound. All I felt was pure music. I felt like my mind was drifting into space, enjoying the music. I felt pure bliss like never before, with no physical sensation to distract me or any other emotion or senses. The best feeling I have ever had in my entire life.
All I felt was pure music. I felt like my mind was drifting into space, enjoying the music. I felt pure bliss like never before, with no physical sensation to distract me or any other emotion or senses. The best feeling I have ever had in my entire life.

Time: 1:30 ish I was lost in psychedelic space. After a little more I decided to turn off my music and explore my surroundings. I jumped on top of a table, a generic metal picnic table. I couldn’t handle the feeling I had. I was focusing on keeping control because I was technically in public and never want to make a fool of myself. During this my memories are foggy. I remember I started to freak out a bit. I don’t remember or know where I was or how to deal with the intense psychedelia happening to me, especially since it was a new environment. My mind was in full psychedelia and my body was stimulated yet numb.

Time: lost after 1:45 ish
Bryan, in an attempt to calm me down, told me to breath in and out, so I did. We somehow ended up in this small field covered with trees all around us. I remember thinking that the acid was throwing me head first into something I wasn’t ready for. I didn’t feel anything, I didn’t feel my body and started to panic. I saw people walking by, or I think there were but didn’t pay attention to that. They could have been hallucinations for all I know. As I breathed in and out I had flatulence coming out and burps. I was embarrassed but it helped. Bryan was nice enough to help me out no matter what. After calming down I decided to put my head on him. I didn’t think too much of it all I wanted was comfort and he let me. At this point my mother texted me asking if I was fine, and where I was. General questions a mother usually asks. It was hard to understand what she texted me and even harder to write back something that didn’t feel suspicious as if whatever I wrote would portray me being on a drug.

Time: Lost
At some point we walked further ahead and we ended up in a playground which made me feel like a child again but Bryan warned me to act normal because there might be kids around and we wouldn’t want them to witness two college kids on drugs. Next to the playground was a house, I tried to act normal but it only led me to lay on the ground. I remember feeling the warmth. The playground didn’t seem intriguing to me at the slightest. I have zero memory of what I was thinking from how messed up I was.

All I remember was the beauty of nature around me as we walk further into the mountain. The acid made it so that my whole vision was a kaleidoscope, patterns of nature covered my vision. Bryan gave me his walking stick so that I can guide myself up the mountain. I couldn’t really walk up the hills or guide myself around, I had no coordination especially since I didn’t know the place or couldn’t really see. Also, I was annoyed by the flies and gnats. Half of which were pure hallucinations and somehow I knew this. I would swat at them and they were very obviously fake, oddly bigger than normal flies. At some point I had to pee. I walked to the middle of nowhere near all the trees but it was hard to pee. I heard people around us but I’m sure they were real people out in the distance and not hallucinations. After, we went up to the peak of the mountain.

We reached the peak of the mountain where we laid down/ sat down. I don’t think there was a reason other than to just rest and enjoy the area. I sort of felt bugs, also the ground on my legs but my body was too stimulated to even notice or care. I came home after all this with some bug bites, marks on my legs and dirt/grass inside my shoes and socks, but at that moment I didn’t feel it. There were actual people at the top. So I guess I didn’t hallucinate those people. But we were calm and collected at this point. At some point I hear an airplane, its sounds echoed out.

As we walked down towards other sections of the mountain we arrived at a little shack with a bench, a parking lot and a small river. There were three guys that looked like were laughing maliciously. I didn’t think much of it honestly. They place someone inside their trunk. Bryan pulled out his pocket knife saying “these sons of bitches”. I didn’t want the situation to get ugly so I just kept calm until the guys drove away.

We started walking down the hill to go back home and we had stopped by a railing. On the other side I could see the town next to us, it looked like a mural. I was trying hard to not see it as a mural but I couldn’t. The sky looked like the wall from toy story and the houses all looked 2D. At this point I had serious cotton mouth. Bryan had starbursts and water with him. Usually I hate eating on psychedelics but starburst tasted extra fruity. He also had a bismuth metal with him which was beautiful and trippy on its own. But I was more interested in my phone's wallpaper. My wallpaper was a stunning picture of the cosmos inside a 2D cube. On acid the cube looked 3D, as if I could interact with it, I was amazed.

As we walked back down the mountain trail, back to my car having no idea how we got around the mountain. I was in full psychedelia mode. I had no sense of direction or way of mapping out the mountain, or trails. But Bryan knew the way and guided us. A porcupine stumbled across us, just walked past us, scared, we stopped dead in our tracks. Staring at it as it walked away. Wow, what a coincidence. We looked at each other, terrified, but the porcupine just ignored us.

We arrived to my car, yet I was too messed up to drive so Bryan drove us. It was still daytime out and nowhere near sunset. On the radio I heard the Beatles. Funny enough, it was “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”. I said to Bryan “Wow this song is beautiful” it felt oddly significant, like a movie. Then he says “yeah this is the Beatles, they are known for making these kinds of songs.” What an amazing memory, driving back from psychedelia mountain with the Beatles. This is probably 3+ hours into the trip for all I know. He drove us back to the campus where we chilled for awhile and waited for me to come down more.

Exploring the campus, we try and find snacks from a vending machine. We had “Grandmas cookies” in a bag which were nasty on LSD. Ice cream seemed better. By this time it was still light out. I had come down a lot and was able to drive back home. Still feeling the stimulation affects of acid, I pondered on how I’m still alive. Still, I arrive home like nothing happened. My fan sounded like an airplane.

In conclusion, I’m glad Bryan was such a good friend and helped me through the trip. I enjoyed the environment a lot. Tripping in nature is truly an amazing experience.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 114011
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 23, 2023Views: 17
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