Erowid References Database
Tupper KW.
“Entheogens and Existential Intelligence: The Use of Plant Teachers as Cognitive Tools”.
Canadian Journal of Education. 2002;27(4):499-516.
In light of recent specific liberalizations in drug laws in some
countries, I have investigated the potential of entheogens (i.e.,
psychoactive plants used as spiritual sacraments) as tools to
facilitate existential intelligence. Plant teachers from the
Americas such as ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, and peyote, and the
Indo-Aryan soma of Eurasia, are examples of entheogens that have been
used used in both the past and present. These have all been revered as
spiritual or cognitive tools to provide a richer cosmological
understanding of the world for both individuals and cultures. I used
Gardner's (1999a) revised multiple intelligence theory and his
postulation of an existential intelligence as a theoretical lens
through which to account for the cognitive possibilities of entheogens
and explore potential ramifications for education.
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