Erowid References Database
Shirahashi K.
“Electroencephalographic study of mental disturbances experimentally-induced by LSD-25”.
Folia Psychiat. Neurol. jap.. 1960;14:140-155.
Six male adults (psychiatrists who had already experienced LSD-induced mental disturbances) were given 50 mcg. LSD orally. Their pretest EEG had shown regular alpha rhythm. After drug administration the EEG was recorded for 4-5 hours (at the interval of 15-30 minutes) and after 24 hours. . The mental symptoms and clinical course following LSD intoxication was divided into three stages. The symptoms were not different from those reported previously by other authors. . Distinct EEG changes were recognized only in the second stage where the visual phenomena, especially visual hallucinations, induced by LSD could be observed by change of the EEG (suppression and recovery of alpha rhythm in all leads showed the appearance and disappearance of visual hallucinations). . LSD had no marked influence on the frequency of the EEG. Only a partial increase in the alpha band (1-2 cps.) was shown in some cases. Low voltage and fast activity was found partially and fragmentally at the end of the first and the second stage. There was a correlation between the average amplitude of alpha rhythm (two topped type, valley type, their subtypes) and the clinical picture or reaction type (manic depressive, schizophrenic, intermedian reaction type). Twenty-four hours after LSD administration the mental disorders had disappeared and the EEG showed no difference to the changes of the previous stage. .
PURPOSE: Marrazzi emphasizes that after LSD administration little change of frequency and regularity are found, while visual changes generally produce suppression of alpha rhythm. Wlater: the EEG changes at the time of visual hallucinations under closed eyes did not show a remarkable difference between those found under open eyes. The characteristic finding of EEGs after LSD administration is the correlation between the emplitude of alpha rhythm and the reaction type.
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