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van Lennep JE. 
“Performance on some projective tests under LSD-25”. 
Advanc. Psychosom. Med.. 1960;1:219.
Projective tests have made some contribution to the prediction of the degree of disturbance after taking LSD. The author used the Three Tree Test (drawing of a fruit-, fantasy- and dreamtree) and the Four Picture Test (FPT, combination of 4 different pictures into one story). Significant pathological signs in the tree drawings are: trees without roots, bizarre shape, leaning of the trunk to the right etc. In the LSD state these signs cannot be expected in the same gross form and quantity. But minor forms indicate that the subjects are less stable and more vulnerable than others and therefore more easily disturbed by LSD. . Several of the 21 subjects showed one or more pathological signs if tested in normal state. They were evaluated by a point system. Eight of the 12 subjects who were clinically severely disturbed scored 3 or more points and one questionable 2-3 points. Seven of the remaining 9 subjects were awarded one or no point. A distinction between mildly disturbed and borderline case was not possible. . Subjects who show a certain amount of character in the FPT are more able to tackle life's problems and adversities and become less severely disturbed by LSD (Group A). Those who run away from their problems or are too much involved are liable to get severely disturbed by the drug (Group B). . Nine of the 12 subjects who, according to the psychiatrist, were severely disturbed, but none of the slightly affected subjects were placed in Group B. However, this test also did not succeed in distinguishing between subjects who were moderately affected and those who were mildly affected by the drug.
Notes # : (Symposium of the 4th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research, Hamburg, April 1959)
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