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van Ree F. 
“Prediction of syndromes under LSD-25”. 
Advanc. Psychosom. Med.. 1960;1:209.
An extensive battery of tests, 2 weeks before and during the experimental psychosis elicited by LSD was used to test the supposition that the form of psychoses someone acquires depends on the relation of introversion to extroversion in the sense of Jung. . Eighteen male subjects were given 150 mcg. LSD and 3 female subjects 100 mcg. LSD orally. Their ages were 25-50 years. . All 21 subjects showed disturbances but only 12 became really psychotic. The various disturbances were classified as to the intensity and the time period during which the disturbance existed. . All subjects had certain symptoms in common ("basic LSD symptoms"): autonomic symptoms, concentration difficulties, visual disturbances, changes in time perception and derealization phenomena and besides these also "specific or individual symptoms". . Based on the specific phenomena 4 groups were made: 1. schizophreniform, 2. degenerative, 3. hysteriform and 4. maniform psychoses. . Scores on the introversion-extroversion scale were measured by the Maudsley-medical- -questionnaire by one of the co-workers before the test. (The scorings on this scale vary from 0, the most introvert, to 36, the most extrovert result). The results became known to the other co-workers after the group diagnosis were made. The average score for each group was as follows: schizophreniform 10, degenerative 15, hysteriform 20 and maniform 28.
Notes # : (Symposium of the 4th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research, Hamburg, April 1959)
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