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Horácková E, Mosinger B, Vojtechovsky M. 
“Císelny ctverec pri sledování koncentrace pozornosti v experimentální psychose vyvolané diethylamidem kyseliny lysergové (LSD-25). (Das "numerische Quadrat als Test der Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit bei der experimentaellen LSD-Psychose).”. 
Csl.psychiatr.. 1958;54:236-243.
The number square was used to determine the effects of LSD (100 mcg orally) and placebo on powers of concentration in 7 normal subjects. In the number square test a series of 25 numbers have to be put in their correct arithmetical sequence. The test was performed at hourly intervals for 6-8 hours. The time required to complete the test was used to determine powers of concentration. . In the placebo studies the average time required to perform the test was 35.5 seconds. During the study it subsequently became somewhat shorter owing to the practice factor. Under LSD the time required was 43 seconds (average) after 3-4 hours. This difference is not statistically significant. Under LSD the subjects showed a clearly antagonistic attitude to the number square test. . The number square test is not suitable to indicate the effects of LSD, as LSD primarily influences affect without influencing powers of concentration.
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