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Makes Music Sound Good and Animals Cuter
Citation:   Spaceranger. "Makes Music Sound Good and Animals Cuter: An Experience with AMT (exp98986)". Sep 11, 2018.

T+ 0:00
125 mg oral AMT (liquid)
  T+ 2:30 125 mg oral AMT (liquid)
BODY WEIGHT: 17.5 st
AMT Trip Report Large Dose


I seem to have a very high tolerance for chemicals of all types from Aspirin upwards. I found this powerful but overall very good and a different experience from other RC's. This is based on memory as I couldn’t type to save my life after 3+ hours.


I had experimented (recently) with a number of substances, including Coke, but mainly RC's like APB (a decent staple), Synthacaine (nothing like the real), and recently AMT. Have tried some other RC's before finding a GOOD provider in the UK and previously, experiences tended to be mild and, more than occasionally, not worth the effort.

I usually do this when I don't have to work for a couple of days.

Previous taking of anything: Nothing at all for 1 week prior, then smallish doses of APB5 tabs (max three-four pills over the whole previous week). Nothing the 2 weeks prior after serious APB session so I’m pretty clean by most standards.

Environment – at home, alone, familiar surroundings. NOTE – I would not do this amount if I was alone and away from home. This is a 24-48 hour experience including comedown.


T - 0:00. Mixed approx 250 mg with a litre of water, having marked the bottle to show 250ml increments (dosage control not that accurate as AMT did not seem to dissolve too well in water but a healthy shake just before consuming seems to work). High dose was due to previous nice, but not THAT intense experienced on doses between 100mg and 150 mg.

Side note - Now, having had small doses of the is in the past from a 1gram packet (dipping in finger and sucking – tastes pretty disgusting but not as bad as APB powder) I had noted little effect, I estimate that, from the number of dabs, each was probably no more than 40-50 mg. I base this on emptying the packet when it arrived and carefully chopping it into about 20 equal lines which was a really painstaking but worthwhile experience as an overdose of any new RC is to be avoided. My initial test dose was just half of one line (which resulted in fuck all). However, I tested larger doses and found to get any real effect, 2-2.5 lines were needed.

Anyway from the bottle of water/AMT I consumed about half. This would constitute more or less my regular dose, 125-150 mg.

T:+ 30 – some feeling of change. No sickness, nothing unpleasant just that “hey I’m coming up” experience. This was consistent with a similar does taken some-time previously.

T + 1:00 I’m feeling pretty good at this point. A bit horny. I’m at home alone so I migrate to the PC and log on to [porn site] Now while the old man is rather sensitive and it feels really good, it becomes obvious that there will be no ‘end result’ so I kind of just sit there for a bit until I get bored and decide to walk about a bit. BTW, everything looks 3D on the screen, which is kind of disconcerting as I had to dodge out of the way of someone’s breasts more than once. Porno music is unusually interesting. I play my guitar a bit. It sounds really mellow and cool. Kind of like the way I imagine I can play. I should have recorded it to see if being smashed can make me play like Hendrix, I guess. I somehow doubt it does though.

T + 1:45 My fingers stop doing exactly what I tell them and the guitar playing comes to a discordant end. At this point, possibly stimulated by walking around, I feel quite a big come-up. This is the only point where I felt a little queasy but really, only a little. I’m too busy feeling the nice waves of pleasure that at this point is similar too, but in my opinion, better than APB.

T +2:30 Have an urge to go an check on my cat and dog. I’m starting to get some mild visuals including trails and blurring. The cat suddenly has a double and I think that’s because there is a glitch in the Matrix and this idea makes me laugh. I give the animals a cuddle then after about 20 minutes, I decide that lying down would be a good idea as would taking the remaining AMT cocktail, so I’m now up to 250 mg.

T+ 3:00 The effect is more immediate and is pretty strong after just 30 minutes and steadily builds up to what I can only describe as a MASSIVE high. I’m not agitated, apart from mildly, a few times, when I think it might keep getting more but it doesn’t so I quickly go back to being some chilled out lump.

T4:30-5:00 Peak, This lasts a LONG time. At least 3-4 hours or maybe by them I’m used to it - it could be as long as twice this. Visuals intensify to the point everything is effected including patterns when I press gently on my eyes (while shut). Massive feeling of whole-body euphoria. I lie pretty much still for all this time just savouring the incredible feeling of everything. I cuddle the pillow for a bit, imagining it is a version of my wife that wouldn’t freak the hell out at the idea of my taking drugs.
I cuddle the pillow for a bit, imagining it is a version of my wife that wouldn’t freak the hell out at the idea of my taking drugs.
The sensation is wonderful and at times, I imagine it really is her.

T+ 6:00. Decide I have promised to cook a Curry for tea for Wifey and so should perform that duty. Walking is amusing. There is somewhat of a slope where there was a flat floor. The walls look a bit curved. The dog looks fluffier and even more cute than before so he gets an extra hug. Watching the tail wag is awesome. I need to hold on to stuff to get downstairs but manage to cook the curry without cutting my hand off with the knife or burn the house down with the gas cooker. I am proud of this achievement as it shows that if I concentrate I can function, albeit at around 20%. I write some amusing notes for my wife (which made her laugh when she comes in) and send her a text saying eat without me as I have had a ‘migraine’ and need to lie down and may be in bed when she comes home. This is accepted without question so I feel relaxed enough to go and lie down again, but first I let the dog out and feed the animals. The cat’s meows sound like he is actually speaking to me so I chat to him for a bit. I KNOW he isn’t really, but the act of doing so feels funny. I go back upstairs and then remember I left the dog in the garden, so come back and fetch him in then go upstairs again. At this point I decide to write a cook book for chem.-heads and think of a “really funny” section that says 'if on LSD you need to choose food that you know you can trust as anything else could jump up and try and assimilate your face'. Basically, I feel a lot more creative. Everything is wobbling. I fall over on the way back to bed and think this is really amusing but crawl the rest of the way to be sure.

T+ 7:30 I am now utterly monged/out of my basket/tree/crossing dimensions to where the pixies live. All of that stuff. Feels pretty good. Really good. Wife comes home. I hear her laughing at my notes which explain about some dodgy looking jam my neighbour has made and left for us. Her laughing is like music. (The jam was nice actually in the end.) She comes to ask me how I am and I reply I’m very tired and need to sleep so she leaves me be and goes downstairs to eat. I can communicate although I wouldn’t be able to have a proper conversation with anyone and would, if I were not feigning illness, probably look completely spaced out due to the fact both pupils are like saucers and have been for some hours and the inability to speak or walk properly. Cognitive functions do not seem affected although there is slight impediment to fine motor control i.e. texting/typing is uncommonly hard and guitar playing impossible. I try doing some sums in my head to test this theory. Seems possible, though really boring thing to do when stoned and it turns out I cannot hold numbers in my head too well so I give up.

Much later – say about 9:30 pm.

I’m still monged. Wife comes to bed with me and strokes my back and arm to make me feel 'better'. This feels like angels wings are touching me, truly wonderful. I now need to pee. Which, it turns out, is what I am now going to be doing about every hour for the next 12 hours. I alternate between being in a daze of drug induced euphoria and needing to do a giant pee.
I alternate between being in a daze of drug induced euphoria and needing to do a giant pee.
I take regular sips from the 2ltr bottle of water by my bed to not get dehydrated but this is all gone by about 2:00 am so I need to refill it. My pee is pretty clear and not too smelly. Each pee goes on for ages and the sense of relief is intense, so I guess I’m not noticing I need to pee until my bladder is totally full.

I don’t really sleep, I just doze. I feel relaxed but I can’t stay still for long and keep subtly adjusting my position in the bed but I manage to not disturb the light-sleeper next to me. This may partly be why I am so tired the next day.

The next day – Wifey has to go to work so I stay in bed nearly all day. By 12: pm (T + 24) hours I’m pretty sure I’m down now mostly but I am incredible tired so off and on I doze all day. When she comes home, the Mrs says I look like I’ve had the flu. I feel pretty weak and not up to much. I eat no lunch because I’m too lazy but eat well at tea time at around T+30 (6pm). I go to bed early again T+33 hrs (around 9pm) and have the most incredible sleep ever, like being on a floaty cloud. I don’t dream and hardly move all night. Wife says I don’t snore, which I sometimes do.

T + 42.5 hours. Feel pretty much back to normal which is good because I have agreed to drive wife to work at some ungodly hour. Delivered her and drove home and felt normal, relaxed and so drive smoothly like normal. Ordered some more AMT when I got home. However, will wait at least 2 weeks before trying again so my body can recharge and also so any longer-term side effects can show up. (I’ve experienced dizziness and nausea 3-4 days after taking large doses of APB in the past which lasts about 12 hours but during which time I am usually throwing up all my food and feeling shite).


Bang for Buck – Excellent – long-time massive euphoria and added visuals if you like that sort of thing which it turns out I do. Much more intense than APB. Will surely try again. Sure would be brilliant if tried with like-minded female. Makes music sound good/animals cuter.

I needed a larger dose to get the effect others have described, but this could be different for individuals so I would not push it and this represents a max dose for me. Possible longer term side effects from come-down (none noted yet). Lasted in my system a long time (at least 24 hours) and this has been the same even at lower doses – I would only use as a party drug at much lower doses and however brilliant an idea I think it is I wouldn't fucking drive my car (I didn’t as I couldn’t get downstairs without falling over), My balance was really affected a lot but in a “Cool I can’t stand lol”, way, not an “Oh shite I am really badly seasick way. Other people would know I was fucked up.

Notes to self – Wait at least 2 hours before redosing and each subsequent redose. Allow 48 hours for back to baseline AT LEAST. Wait at least 96 hours after peak effects subside. A shorter peak could be achieved by dosing in smaller increments up to max, but experimentation would be needed to see how this effects the experience.


Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Sep 11, 2018Views: 1,074
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