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Everything Was Over Just Like That
Citation:   Rent-A-Rapist. "Everything Was Over Just Like That: An Experience with 2C-E (exp97139)". May 1, 2019.

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20 mg   2C-E
I have wanted to try 2C-X for awhile, but never had an opportunity to.

I had a show coming up and since acid is almost impossible to find I was able to get a hold of some 2C-E. Took the drug, and the onset hit me great, just like a normal trip. More and more quickly though I began to lose touch of reality, sitting in a blur of nothing with my feelings sitting right in the middle of being okay and asking for help.

Next thing I know it's 4 hours later, and I'm in the hospital
Next thing I know it's 4 hours later, and I'm in the hospital
with doctors and the like all standing around me. Apparently I had a seizure, and it took 6 firemen to hold me down to get me onto the stretcher - I'm severely bruised all over my body including my chest where CPR was performed.

I do not remember anything of the experience at all, and I have never had a bad drug experience, so I'm horrified something like this had happened.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97139
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: May 1, 2019Views: 61
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2C-E (137) : Unknown Context (20), Health Problems (27), First Times (2)

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